A very fun, sometimes expensive, and often time-consuming hobby that comes out of anime-- regular American comic books also! It's not limited to anime at all! In fact, I've cosplayed a meme off of the internet! Any way, it's fun, though many people are annoyingly strict about it.
I myself cosplay for fun, some do it for awards...some for attention and so on.
I suppose I can show some of my own cosplays so I won't get sued for showing off another person's cosplay. I have a lot of cosplays but... I don't really like all of them so I'm only posting some. >.<;;
Akio Ohtori from Revolutionary Girl Utena
(Blah cosplay.)
Seychelles from Axis Powers Hetalia
Casual cosplay can describe three things:
1. Someone who is portraying a character but in casual clothes, whether the clothes are something that they actually wear in the series or not.
2. Someone who is cosplaying someone who doesn't really have any elaborate get up and wears every day clothes. Keitaro from Love Hina is a good example. Many people cosplay as him but to stand out they usually have something with them that makes it obvious that they're cosplaying Keitaro. These "somethings" are often a Naru counterpart (or any other character in the series) or something like his turtle, Tama.
3. Someone who's too lazy to get a cosplay together, puts on their every day clothes and says they're a certain character that's dressing casual.
Though I don't really mind them, a lot of people really don't show much respect for people that do this.
Making Cosplays, A lot of people make their costumes, sometimes even from scratch! This usually requires sewing. If you can't make a cosplay, you can always buy or commission one.
Buying Cosplays, You can find really nice cosplays online! They are often expensive, maybe over $100, but they usually look nice. A lot of people buy their cosplay wigs online as well.
Commissioning Cosplays, Some people are willing to make a costume for you, if you give them money.
Wigs, as I said, many buy them online. If you're talented, you can make them yourself! I've been attempting to make one actually. Can't be as hard as weaving hair on a head right? A lot of cosplayers look down on other cosplayers who use their own hair for cosplays. This is ridiculous, so if you want to use your own hair then use it. Wigs can be very expensive, especially if you want them to look nice. Sadly, people will look down on you if you have the incorrect wig color, style, and so on. It’s horrible, I know, but if you’re trying to get into cosplay, don’t let those elitists stop you.
Elitists, cosplayers who think everything about cosplay must be perfect. They believe their cosplays are the best and will look down on you if you have so much as one thing wrong with your cosplay. They wave their judgment off as “perfectionism” or “OCD” but do not fall for this. They are… well for lack of a better word, they are a**holes who criticize everything minor about your costumes. (It sounds like I’m writing this from experience but I’ve actually never been approached by an elitist. ^^; )
The best way to get an elitist’s goat is to criticize their costume, but don’t do that. It’s stooping down to their level. Just to let you know, not many like Elitists, and it’s more of a derogatory term for anal cosplayers. It’s not a term meant to single someone out. It’s sort of like…one day, you might find yourself labeled as an elitist when you say, “Your cosplay was not good because you painted one less line on your plaid shirt.” It’s sort of like calling someone an idiot or moron. It’s a temporary insult unless you do it all the time. |