~A Little Anime Starshine~ - Conventions


(Hetalia gathering at Anime Expo)

I could go on and on about what I've done and how much fun I've had at conventions, but I'll spare you all that rubbish.

Anime conventions are pretty much gatherings of anime fans and displeased parents that lament over having to watch over their kids during these crazy events. For most on these conventions you usually have to pay for a membership/ticket. "The higher the price, the larger the con" is somewhat of a note to go by.

During an anime convention, you will most likely see cosplayers cosplaying from various series, mostly from whatever is popular. Some may be cosplaying retro things or unknown things. At larger cons, the scene when first waltzing in the doors may seem like chaos to someone attending for their first time. Heck, it may seem like chaos to everyone, but after a while, you get used to the overwhelming atmosphere and so on.

Most anime conventions have Exhibit Halls, the friend and enemy of a con-goer. There are various vendors selling their overpriced things here, and many are selling the same things in some cases. The trick is to find what you want and look for whoever has the cheapest price and what condition the item you're trying to purchase is in. But make sure you hurry before someone else buys it!
In the the exhibit hall, they'll sell a lot of merchandise such as manga, anime, cosplays, posters, wall scrolls, figurines, 18+ stuff, doujinshi (fan comics), art tools, hats, shirts, lolita dresses, and so on. It's a dream come true...if you have the money for it. Usually, the last day has discounts but don't count on it! All the good stuff may be gone by then!

Artist Alleys are like Exhibit Halls except they mostly sell art. You may be surprised to see that some of the artist's are young and draw quite well. Artist Alleys allow mostly any person of any age and any skill level to sell their art. They just need to be granted a seller's permit and buy a table. Though some cons only allow "professionals" to buy a table sadly. If you always wanted a picture of your favorite character, this is the place to go. If they don't have that character hanging up on their display then it may be likely that they're accepting commissions, and that way you can ask them to draw something. It's also a nice way to meet your favorite internet artist if they're there and have an account somewhere on the interwebs.

Panels...vary... I'm not sure how to explain this one. Panels are pretty much little meetings-- no no, they're more like demonstrations-- no that's not it. I'll stick with mini-meetings that vary on the subject. The panel can be about voice acting, writing fan fictions, talking about the latest games from a certain company, or even teaching a dance.
There are often many to choose from so you can do a lot of things. Just hope that there are no two panels that you want to go to at the same time. Some cons will allow you to start your very own panel, though to tell you the truth, I'm not sure how to go about doing so. I heard from the founder of Anime Los Angeles that all you have to do is ask and they'll work with you. So if you want to try to start a panel, just ask them I suppose.

Cosplay gatherings are pretty much a gathering of cosplayers from a series, or a gathering of cosplayers from the many series of an artist. (I think of the CLAMP gatherings as I say this.) For the most part, you just take pictures and hang out with your favorite characters of a series. Some gatherings may have games and food. It depends. They're usually fun if you go alone but, try to bring a friend, because that's what everyone else has in mind; "bring a friend so I won't be twiddling my thumbs and acting shy". It's also a nice way to meet people and a nice way to see your online friends (if you have any) that happen to be at the gathering as well.

Anime Music Video Contests
! Yeah! There's nothing more awesome than submitting something illegal to be voted on to earn bragging rights or whatever it is that AMV contestants win. A growing problem in the anime world is that people make AMVs, anime music videos, using clips from an anime (or several anime) without receiving permission from the respective companies to use the clips.
Personally, I think it's fine to use the clips as long as they don't claim it as their own but the companies beg to differ. A similar problem has been brought up recently but with manga scanalation sites. Therefore, many of the sites are shutting down so they won't get sued. (The companies were talking about taking legal action.) Any way, back on topic. For AMV contests, there are usually different categories and you will have to vote on which AMV you believe is the best. Of course this often becomes a popularity contest sadly. And no, I haven't submitted anything to an AMV contest before, but I'd like to.

Masquerade. This is pretty much just cosplayers showing off their hard work with a skit or a couple of poses. It's nice at times... but it really can go on for a really long time. Same goes with AMV contests for that matter.

Other events such as karaoke and video gaming rooms are often at cons. It really is nice if you decide to go to one. It's a great way to meet people that share similar interests with you and a wonderful way to catch up in the anime world. Not to mention it's a lovely way to get merchandise and be able to be yourself without the authorities watching you in your cosplay questionably.

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