~A Little Anime Starshine~ - Fan art

Fan art
Note: Everything on this page is drawn by me, just because I don't want to go around asking for permission.
Ah yes, many things you see are fan art, whether it be from an anime or not.
There are wonderful moments in the world of fan art. There are also bad moments, but we'll disregard that.

I myself am a fan artist. Par Example~

Many fans put a lot of time into their fan art! Some don't but eh.

Not from an anime but it's fan art, and a lot of anime fans enjoy the Legend of Zelda series.

Just some fluffy AmeriCana fanart I drew a long time ago.
You can see a lot of fan art can err...
...You know, there's not much to say about fan art.


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~A Little Anime Starshine~ - Fan art (Art)    -    Author : Chanelle - USA

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last update : 2014-03-06

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