~A Little Anime Starshine~ - Fanfictions



Fanfictions are simply fictional stories on/about a series. They are NOT officially part of the actual story/series.
In fact, I was writing one before I came here. XD Talk about distractions. Any way, they can be about anything to the super weird, the super depressing, to maybe something sweet.
As for me, I usually fics... which means-- wait...

Crack fics, everything is insane or out of whack. Pretty much, the characters are in character but the world isn't, or it's the other way around.

AU fics, Alternate Universe fics, they have the characters but the setting is different than the actual series' setting.

PWP fics, plot what plot fics, are usually...rated M...usually... yeah.

Ah, I can't keep on listing these.

Anyway, you'll find a lot of fanfictions on and so on.


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