Sometimes roleplaying goes along with cosplaying, which is also fun! Roleplaying is pretty much typing, speaking, or acting as a character.
There are a lot of stages of roleplaying, which I respect them all but some people don't.
There are "crack roleplayers". These roleplayers play as their characters in an out of character way, OR they play their characters in a way that's out of the world's character.
Let's say... I'm "Rocko" or whatever. Rocko is known for being very quiet, shy, and extremely well-mannered. He also speaks French. :U An in character way to roleplay Rocko would be:
"H-Hello, it is nice to meet you...I am Rocko, e-et toi?"
An incorrect way:
"Heeeeeey! >:D I'm Rocko! =3= -smashes a vase against the wall- (>A<)/ I CAN'T BELIEVE SPAIN WON! >:C WHAT THE HECK?! DDDD:< FRANCE ALL THE WAAAAAAAAAAAAY! COMO ESTAS?!?!?!?! >:U"
Pfft! Even I lol'd. Well, that's a good example of a crack roleplay/roleplayer I suppose. With text roleplay, this doesn't apply to all of them, but most of them will use smileys loosely, which is fine with me! In summary, they're all about fun. <3
Next there are "Casual roleplayers". I fit into this category for the most part. Casual roleplayers are in between "crack" and "serious" roleplayers, which means that we play seriously for the most part but sometimes we trail off into something more of a jungle. Our characters are usually in character but sometimes we have them doing something out of character just for fun. Our actual roleplays very well may be serious, but at times they're just plain odd. For text roleplay, we use smileys from time to time but we won't bombard our text with them. In summary, we're just...boring old regulars. XD
Lastly there are "serious roleplayers". You can pretty much call them fun-suckers that suck the fun out of fun-sucking. XD I'm kidding. Some serious roleplayers really are like that though. Serious roleplayers want their roleplays to be absolutely nonsense free-- unless the nonsense is plausible. They aren't often tolerant of those who play characters out of character or plots that are really out of the way. Consequently, those who are not serious roleplayers may not enjoy being in the company of them, because they don't want to receive a railing or any disdain.
Now, there are several ways to roleplay, as in how it is demonstrated.
For real life roleplaying, it's pretty straight-forward; speak, action, or both based.
For text roleplay, there's a couple of ways:
Paragraph. Typing a huge paragraph (or maybe not so huge) about what is happening and adding some dialogue here and there.
Free text/script. How do I explain this? Like this:
Turkey: Yah, so I'm guessin' that it was youse. -peaks under the table- Yep, it's youse. What're ya doin' here exactly?
Haga: Um... I really don't know. I guess I'm in the wrong anime. I'll leave now. -comes out from under the table- Sorry for bothering you...strange human form of a country. -waves to him before he leaves-
Turkey: Hey! I'm notta weird human form of a countr-- get outta here! -shoves him out and locks the door- I love tourists but when they get cocky then they gotta go!
Like that. :U