~A Little Anime Starshine~ - Pairings


Oh gosh, this will probably be a long page so hold on, I need to get my facts together and make sure I can write without confusing opinion with fact on this.
Pairings are a really iffy subject unless everyone agrees...which is usually never the case because there's always that one jerk (me) that has to be different. ^^;
I'll update this page seriously when I have the time, because this won't just some ordinary page it seems.

Pairings are relationships between characters in a fandom whether it's love, friendship, or any other type of bond. The mistake people make with pairings is that they think that all pairings are sexual, are supposed to happen, or that everyone who likes a pairing thinks that the pairing is written in stone. No, no. One can like a pairing that consists of a certain person and like another pairing with that same person.

Pairings are very dangerous and can lead to "Pairing Wars". In Pairing Wars, those who like one pairing attack people who like another pairing that consists of someone from the pairing that they like. Pairings and Pairing Wars can easily make or break friendships, so be very careful when stating your opinions on pairings... unless you don't care if no one agrees with your pairings. Like me!~ :'D

Canon Pairings, contrary to popular belief, is not defined by the most plausible pairing from a series. A canon pairing is a pairing that is established by an author. For example, LinkxZelda is canon. However, that doesn't mean that all the other pairings in a fandom are horrible pairings, and it should not be a go ahead to insult someone who doesn't like LinkxZelda. (LinkxZelda shouldn't be insulted either.) Of course, someone can like LinkxMalon, LinkxRuto, and LinkxDarkLink and still like LinkxZelda. There is no limit to the amount of pairings that you're allowed to like. On a side note, if a pairing was established then unestablished (divorce/death of a partner), then it is still a canon pairing until someone in the pairing is established in another pairing, by the author.

Crack Pairings are any pairing, I repeat ANY pairing that is not or not yet canon. As soon as the author of a story establishes your pairing then hooray, it's not a crack pairing anymore. However, this does not mean that it tops all the other pairings that are associated with someone in that pairing. After all, it can always be...unestablished! GASP! If it isn't unestablished then it really isn't necessary for you to insult all the pairings that aren't established.

Hinted at or implied pairings vary. If it's implied or hinted at that two or more characters are in a relationship but it's not clear, then it's half canon and half crack until shown otherwise. By that I mean if you're thinking, "They MIGHT be going out but I don't know... I hope they are, it seems like it," then it's borderline. If it's pretty clear that it's established but it's never said that it's established then...why are you even considering it as both? It's canon.
Pairing Terms


You may be asking, "What does that all mean?"
Those are Pairing Names. When you see a random "x" in between names, it often means that the names/characters in the name is a pairing.

For example, YouxMe. It means that You (character 1) x(just a symbol that indicates a pairing) Me (character 2).
You can look as it as You x (love/loves) Me, but let me clarify this.
You (the dominant figure in the pairing) x Me (the passive figure in the pairing).
Some do not follow this, but a lot of people do. So just keep note of that the next time you see someone saying, "I LOVE SasuxNaru, but NaruxSasu is stupid." Unless said otherwise, the first name in a pairing name signifies that the character is the dominant out of the two...or three.

If it doesn't matter who is dominant to you, just say whichever sounds more catchy to you. Simple as that. Also, someone might say "PinxNate, in that order". That just means that the person is assuring you that they want the character Pin to be dominant over the character Nate. Of course, dominance is not always sexual in a pairing. It can simply mean that the more dominant character is more aggressive or it can just show who wears "the pants" in a relationship.

By the way, some people use You/Me or You+Me. You'll probably find out what it means in the context of what it's being used for, but it usually signifies dating (+) or romance (/), AND APPARENTLY sexual pairings are x.
Wave that off, keep with the x's. The only people that use the + and the / are people who wanted to create a system for fanfictions or something. No one cares. They'll understand that Little boyxLittle girl is simply a pairing, and unless you say otherwise, they'll just see that as another pairing.
If you do find one of the few people who are particular about the symbols, then if you have to, explain to them that you like the pairing as a friendship pairing and all that blah blah-- you really shouldn't have to explain to anyone in my opinion.

Not all pairing names will have an x in between them. The particular pairing FrancexUK is often referred to as "FrUK". SasukexNaruto is often just "SasuNaru". NejixTenten is often just "Nejiten" or "Tenji". KuroganexFai is often called "Kurofai". AdamxTommy is often called "Adommy".

Shipping is another word for the act of pairing things together.
A ship is the pairing.
A shipper is used for two things. Some people use the term for people that ship a pairing. Apparently, some people use the term for the characters IN the pairing.

Seme is a word that signifies that a character is dominant. It's the Japanese word for "attacker". RAWR. ;D Kay, let's not do that. In terms of sexual pairings, in which this term is mostly used for, it is the character that tops.

Uke is a word that signifies that a character is submissive. It's the Japanese word for "receiver". While Seme is top, Uke is bottom.

OTP- This is "your" favorite pairing in a fandom. Of course you can have more than one. I'm not too sure what OTP stands for anymore, but sometimes it's "One True Pairing", "One Top Pairing", "Official Top Pairing", "Official True Pairing". Yadda yadda, you get what they're trying to say; it's the pairing someone likes the most.
Liking a Pairing

There are many ways to feel about a pairing. I'm not going to tell you how to feel about them, but instead of simply saying, "I hate" or "I love", you can possibly follow something else instead.

INSANE OTP!!!!- This is everything below, with an added, "You harm anyone who doesn't like this pairing."

You absolutely really really super love this pairing! You can't stop thinking about it! You draw it! Write about it! Animate it! Read it! Dream about it! BREATH IT! TRY TO FORCE IT DOWN YOUR FRIENDS' THROATS, that is, if you have friends anymore at this point. (I'm kidding! I'm kidding!!) You wish it was canon! You squeal every time you see the characters in this pairing even near each other! Everything they do that has to do with each other is "totally proof that they're together!" YOU. FREAKING. LOVE. THIS. PAIRING! Thaaaaat's your OTP. <3 There's nothing wrong with having an OTP.

You love this pairing!- It's really cute/awesome and you do only some of the things that you do with your OTP. Yeah sure, you draw it and sometimes write fan fics about it. You squeal when the characters in the pairing are close. Alright. You watch your friend scream that it's their OTP forever and ever. Okay. It's a nice pairing.

You like the pairing.- It's okay. It's not the best pairing ever but it has it's moments or lack thereof. You can't help but "Awwwww~" when you see things with it. It's cute/alright. You draw it sometimes, wrote a fic on it even.

You're okay with the pairing.- You've thought of it, or maybe you just heard about it and you decide that it's not the best pairing but it's not the worst. You prefer another pairing, but hey, this is okay too. You'll draw or write about the other pairing first, but one day, you find yourself doing so for this pairing also. You stop and think, "That was different of me," but you never do so again. Okay, so you did so once or twice. The pair is alright.

You have no opinion on the pairing.- You haven't even heard of the pairing, haven't thought about it, or you just don't like it or dislike it. It's just there. Cool if anyone else likes it. You don't know why, or maybe you do, but the pairing just never clicked with you. You suppose you'll draw it if someone asks you to, but you might not have the patience to write a fic on it. Maybe for a good friend.

You dislike the pairing...
It makes no sense, or maybe it's not the fact that it makes no sense that you dislike it. I mean, your OTP doesn't even make sense and you like that, so that can't be it. You suppose that you just can't picture that pairing. Maybe you dislike it because you dislike a character in the pairing. ( What the heck? Is that a sparkling flying cat girl OC paired with my favorite character? No way. Maybe that's why I don't like the pairing.) You're sensible enough to come up with LOGICAL REASONS to why you don't like this pairing. It just doesn't suit your taste for certain reasons. Very understandable. You will not lower yourself and insult anyone who likes this pairing. That would be silly.

You insult and bash this pairing and whoever likes this pairing! You hate this pairing because 'character belongs to other character' always! This is the stupidest pairing *bleep* *bleep* *bleep*! You think that whoever likes this pairing has Autism and should die in a hole! (Oh my gosh! D: ) YOU THINK THIS PAIRING WILL NEVER HAPPEN BECAUSE YOU SAY SO! CharacterxCharacter all the way and this one is just terrible! You harm anyone that likes this pairing. You're going to start a pairing war!!!

This pairing is too popular/too cliche.-
(A branch off of disliking a pairing/reason for disliking/ may be on the borderline of disliking and hating.) You know that in the end of the story, this pairing will be canon, or implied canon and maybe you think it's too forced.


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