Pairing Terms
You may be asking, "What does that all mean?"
Those are Pairing Names. When you see a random "x" in between names, it often means that the names/characters in the name is a pairing.
For example, YouxMe. It means that You (character 1) x(just a symbol that indicates a pairing) Me (character 2).
You can look as it as You x (love/loves) Me, but let me clarify this.
You (the dominant figure in the pairing) x Me (the passive figure in the pairing).
Some do not follow this, but a lot of people do. So just keep note of that the next time you see someone saying, "I LOVE SasuxNaru, but NaruxSasu is stupid." Unless said otherwise, the first name in a pairing name signifies that the character is the dominant out of the two...or three.
If it doesn't matter who is dominant to you, just say whichever sounds more catchy to you. Simple as that. Also, someone might say "PinxNate, in that order". That just means that the person is assuring you that they want the character Pin to be dominant over the character Nate. Of course, dominance is not always sexual in a pairing. It can simply mean that the more dominant character is more aggressive or it can just show who wears "the pants" in a relationship.
By the way, some people use You/Me or You+Me. You'll probably find out what it means in the context of what it's being used for, but it usually signifies dating (+) or romance (/), AND APPARENTLY sexual pairings are x.
Wave that off, keep with the x's. The only people that use the + and the / are people who wanted to create a system for fanfictions or something. No one cares. They'll understand that Little boyxLittle girl is simply a pairing, and unless you say otherwise, they'll just see that as another pairing.
If you do find one of the few people who are particular about the symbols, then if you have to, explain to them that you like the pairing as a friendship pairing and all that blah blah-- you really shouldn't have to explain to anyone in my opinion.
Not all pairing names will have an x in between them. The particular pairing FrancexUK is often referred to as "FrUK". SasukexNaruto is often just "SasuNaru". NejixTenten is often just "Nejiten" or "Tenji". KuroganexFai is often called "Kurofai". AdamxTommy is often called "Adommy".
Shipping is another word for the act of pairing things together.
A ship is the pairing.
A shipper is used for two things. Some people use the term for people that ship a pairing. Apparently, some people use the term for the characters IN the pairing.
Seme is a word that signifies that a character is dominant. It's the Japanese word for "attacker". RAWR. ;D Kay, let's not do that. In terms of sexual pairings, in which this term is mostly used for, it is the character that tops.
Uke is a word that signifies that a character is submissive. It's the Japanese word for "receiver". While Seme is top, Uke is bottom.
OTP- This is "your" favorite pairing in a fandom. Of course you can have more than one. I'm not too sure what OTP stands for anymore, but sometimes it's "One True Pairing", "One Top Pairing", "Official Top Pairing", "Official True Pairing". Yadda yadda, you get what they're trying to say; it's the pairing someone likes the most. |