The biggest student network to make friends all over the world - language exchanges
This site is kid-friendly (monitored everyday), but open to EVERYONE, free and safe. No need to register your email address nor any personal information.
Two separate penpal areas: Kids & students aged 0 to 24 or Fans of world cultures aged 19 to 99.
For everyone's safety :
- This site is kid-friendly
- This site is strongly moderated everyday
- Your private information is highly protected
- no need to connect/disconnect
- no functional cookies
You must NOT :
- register your family name
- register your birthday (just year of birth)
- register your address or phone number
- publish unappropried pictures (we are VERY strict)
- try to contact kids if you are over 15
You do NOT have to :
- register/use any email address
- give any personal information
Ergonomy / design :
- This site is easy to use
- Just a few information and a few clicks
- just small amounts of advertising
See also:

(c) Etudiants du Monde / Students of the World - studentsoftheworld.info