Keyin, the gargoyle, sat stone cold on top of the castle, watching the frozen ant-like people hurry buy in their patch work cloths. Keyin silently waited for evil, and watching the sun slowly move through the gray cold sky.
“I feel sorry for you.” A 13 year old girl with fiery red hair, and carrying green eyes, said to Keyin. “You must be frozen up there like that, our little proctor.” Meg through her slaw over his shoulders, Keyin felt the warmth from her body go through him. Meg was a servant at the castle. She always made Keyin’s heart skip a beat.
“Meg! Come back in child it is freezing! Where is your shawl?” asked Meg’s master, Gibbons.
“I am letting Keyin brow it. He must be really cold up there, and all alone.” She said.
“I don’t want my best servant getting a cold, come back in this instant!” Meg hurried in, and Keyin was left all alone again.
“Keyin… Keyin… KEYIN! Wake up!” A voice said in his ear. Vinnie, was the gargoyle sitting blow him, was right now beside him. “You got a girl, Keyin, I KNOW she likes you.” Vinnie was a brown color and had sharp teeth like a shark, while Keyin had teeth like a vampire.
“I know.” Keyin said. “Meg, she is something. Isn’t she?”
“Oh, yah, I would love a girl to come spill all her secrets to me too!” As the two talked on through the night they did not notice Meg had a bad dream, and wanted Keyin’s company.
“I…” Vinnie started than saw the frighten girl and froze. “Vinnie?” Keyin turned and saw her. “Meg?”
“K…K… Keyin?” Meg shuddered. “So… I was right you are real… and that means you heard me… right?” Her green filled with desire of knowledge.
“I did… do.” Keyin said a little uncomfortable.
“Keyin… what are you going to tell…” Vinnie was cut off by a growl.
“You idiots! What are you doing talking to a HUMAN?!” Max, the head honcho yelled furious.
“I am NOT a human!” Meg puffed up. “Master calls me an angel.” She squared her shoulders and stuck up her chin. “Master also said that I isn’t spots be afraid of nothing!”
“Is that not cute?” Max mocked.