my stories - Waiting
Hi Welcome
The Mythological Tri
Take to the Skies
?Danger's My Middle Name?
Another poem!

Waiting... just waiting for something to happen.

Still waiting for something to pop.

Waiting for danger to ever stop?

The truth is nothing is going to happen if I just


I woke up at the age of 103 and found it was to late for me.

I waited my life away just to see if anything would

happen to me.

I did not even notice an elephant passing by, or

World War 3 starting and ending.

Time is a waste on me.

It just flies by.

I beg God to spare me.

Give me back my time, rhyme, spirit, and let me hear


He gave it back to me, and what do I do?

I wait.

(Waiting can aslo be seen on a wed site called poetry.com my author name is Morgan Nicole Meneely)


| Hi Welcome | The Mythological Tri | Waiting | Take to the Skies | ?Danger's My Middle Name? | Another poem! | Eleanor | Keyin | Meg | Tysa |
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