my stories - Another poem!
Hi Welcome
The Mythological Tri
Take to the Skies
?Danger's My Middle Name?
Another poem!

The day is done,
And now I know,
The world is mine...
To roam alone.

Evil's asleep.
Not a peep,
To come and see,
That has happened to me.

I stair at the sky,
And wonder how,
Any one can compete now.
In the contest I now stand.
Alone in the sinking sand.

The beauty all around me,
So silent and still.
A wonder how I have control,
Over my will.

My Will is not my own.
Out here on my own.
My story started out,
In formal glory.

Time and time again,
I started to win.
But, than you came,
And jumped right in.

You are in my story now.
No way I can compete,
How are you the one,
To come and see
What I have become?


| Hi Welcome | The Mythological Tri | Waiting | Take to the Skies | ?Danger's My Middle Name? | Another poem! | Eleanor | Keyin | Meg | Tysa |
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