Kids For Homeless and Abused Animals - Homeless Animals
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Homeless Animals
Kitten Krazy
Animal Abuse
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Cat Jokes and Funny Pictures
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Please take me a home!!

Will you be our friend?
How You Can Help

There are thousands of Animal Shelters in the USA,but most of them are over crowed or just can't afford to
support all the animals. This leaves millions of animals homeless and they have to survive on their own.
The longer the unwanted animals stays at the shelter and the older it gets the higher the chance of them
getting euthanized. There are many ways we can help save the animals lives and help the shelters support the animals. You can donate food to the animal food banks or shelters, or volunteer at a shelter to help walk and play with the animals. You can raise money by having bake sales or car washes and donate the money to a shelter. There are lots of things we can do to help and it doesn't have to cost alot of money. The littlest things make all the difference like old newspapers or pet toys and even something priceless like your free time. Next time you pass an animal shelter stop inside a visit the pets and see how you can help. Maybe you can even adopt a pet. Animals can not take care of themselves,they need our help and they depend on us. In return they are loyal and can be our best friends. They will be there to play with you or just lay by your side when you are feeling alone or scared. If you treat them good and care for them,they will be there when ever you need them and they will always protect you. When you adopt an animal you aren't just getting a pet, you are getting a life long friend.
Pet Over Population Estimates
Source: Humane Society of the United States

8 to 10 million cats and dogs enter shelters each year
4 to 5 million cats and dogs are euthanized each year
3 to 5 million cats and dogs are adopted from shelters each year
There are between 4 and 6 thousand Animal Shelters in the United States
25% of dogs in the shelters are purebred
A fertile cat can produce an average of 3 litters in one year
There is an average of 4 to 6 animals in a feline litter
In seven years, one female cat and her offsping can produce about 420,000 cats
A fertile dog can produce an average of 2 litters in one year
There is an average of 6 to 10 animals in a canine litter
In six years, one female dog and her offspring can produce about 67,000 dogs

Have your pet spayed or neutered to help
stop pet overpopulation. Animal will have
a better chance to find a home with a family
to love and care for them.
free glitter text and family website at
To help raise awareness on the overpopulation of animals and animals being euthenized in shelters, the International Society for Animal Rights came up with an International Homeless Animal Day. Every 3rd Saturday in August will honor the animals and help bring awareness to the problems.
PLEASE don't turn your back on these animals

They are not just animals, they are are friends.
They are there for us when we need them.
When we can't see, they are there to guide us.
When we are sick, they are there to cheer us up.
When we are in danger, they help the police catch the criminals.
They help us in many ways, now it's our turn to help them.

I wish I had a family to love me
free glitter text and family website at
Would You Adopt A Black Dog or Cat?

Did you know that black dogs and cats are often the last to be adopted? well it is true and there is no good reason why. Since the animals are black,they may be harder to see or people are just afraid of them. Are you afraid of black animals? This sounds silly and it is not fair for these pets to be passed up because of the color of their fur. Some people believe black dogs are bad because they put them in movies as mean dogs and the lighter colored dogs are used as friendly family dogs. Some people think that black cats are bad luck because they are always with witches.Have you ever heard the saying"if a black cat crosses your path it is bad luck" well that is silly cause it's like "if you break a mirror it's bad luck" you don't stop looking or touching the mirror so why ignore the animals.It's all superstitions why should they suffer because of made up words. Next time you visit a pet shelter please do not pass up these black animals. NOTICE them and stop and get to know them,they are just as cute and nice as the multicolored animals.

Meet Rocky
Rocky is a 10 year old black chow. He is very playful and very smart.
He has been in my family since before I was born. He is a good dog, he is
not mean or scary! His fur is really soft and he likes to be petted.
He might be hard to see but if you got to know him you would see how
big his heart is. By Aleecia Nocifera

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