Kids For Homeless and Abused Animals - The Problem
The Problem
Homeless Animals
Kitten Krazy
Animal Abuse
Our Slogans
Cat Jokes and Funny Pictures
About US

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There are millions of homeless animals in the world and there just are not enough people to take care of them. Most of the shelters are over crowded and don't have the room or money to support all these animals so a lot of them end up being euthanized. Not all the animals came from the streets,but were brought in from their owners because they could no longer afford them or just couldn't care for them properly.People need to be more responsible for their animals. Not enough people pay attention to the animals needs. They seem to overlook these problems that are going on in the animal world. The biggest problem is that not enough people care about the homeless and abused animals. There are millions of animals getting abused or neglected for no good reason. These animals are suffering and are forced to live in poor living conditions. This is unfair to the animals and they do not deserve to be abused or neglected.

The purpose for our website is to let people know about these serious problems and that there are ways they can help these homeless and abused animals. We have gathered information on this issue to bring awareness to the problems. Animal homelessness and abuse is a sad problem so our goal for this website is to make it fun and educational so more people will get involved. There is no real solution to these problems because one person alone can't solve it. We have to rely on everyone to stand up and take part to protect and help these animals. If more people would get involved the animals will have a greater chance to live a happy and healthy life. How can we stop animal abuse? we can't tell someone how to treat their animals because they will not listen and we can't make them love and treat their pets fair. There is one way to help stop animal abuse and that is to SPEAK UP and report it when we do see an animal being abused or neglected. We might not be able to save all the animals but even saving just one life is worth it. We would like to help give our furry friends hope for a better tomorrow and a loving and happy home to live in. Having pets spayed and neutered is a solution to pet overpopulation and will prevent animals from entering the puppy mills. It is up to all of us to save these animals, lets not let them down because they are always there for us when we need a friend.


| Welcome | The Problem | Homeless Animals | Activities | Kitten Krazy | Animal Abuse | Our Slogans | Music | Cat Jokes and Funny Pictures | About US | Resources |
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