Contact me...
| 1368189 Faith Age 18, USA
Hi! I'm Faith, a teenage follower of Christ who is homeschooled. Lover of all things baseball, writing, music, and politics XD. Mi página en español: 1459569. It doesn't matter where you're from, your religion, etc, I want to get to know you!
I can speak: English Spanish |
Photo Computing,VidGames Sports Politics Sciences Music Reading Animals, Nature Collections Painting, Drawing, Art History
| MY PREFERENCES... | My favorite color... | Blue | My favorite animal... | Dog | My favorite sport... | Base-ball, Softball | My style of music... | Hip-hop | My style of cinema, TV... | Sport | My favorite subject at school... | Geography | My ideal job... | Journalist, Reporter | My favorite time... | Today | I dream of living... | In a big city | In my ideal world... | Illness no longer exist |