Freedom Writers - Fan Mail

Dear Catherine,
I checked your blog it was great! Thanks please reply soon!

Ffion 9-years old
Great Britain.

Dear Ffion,
Thank-you! I loved that you said you liked my blog! Your very nice! So do you like reading and writing yourself? Well, this blog defintely suits you if you do! Bye!

Kind Regards,

Somewhere over the rainbow!
Dear Catherine,
I love your stories especially Washed Away! Check my blog it isn't on students of the world, it's on word press. Great Stories.

- Zsa Zsa

Dear Zsa Zsa,
I'm glad you like my stories! I like Washed Away a lot too myself! I used to read so much Jacqueline Wilson books! but since I went on this site and I became friends with Kristen I have read lots of different books! So I suggest you read books by Cornelia Funke and Phillip Pullman and old classics like Little Woman! I used to have a canadian teacher called Miss. Riley who is now called Mrs.Heggy, she used to read Little Woman when she was a child. I also suggest Little Princess. Thank-you Zsa Zsa I will check your blog too!

Yours Truly,

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