Daily life
Everything Awesome - End Boredom!

Things to do When You Are Bored
Have you tried hanging upside down on a couch or bed? Its actually pretty fun! Pretend your ceiling is the floor and the floor is the ceiling.
Blow a raspberry at a digital clock and the numbers will seem to move but it's actually your eyes vibrating!
Skip around singing an annoying jingle.
Have a contest with someone to see who can make the weirdest face.
Say a word like fifty times until it sounds so weird.
Go outside and shout to random people that you like their hair.
Re-arrange your room
Try on a bunch of different outfits


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Everything Awesome - End Boredom! (Daily life)    -    Author : Anjali - USA

8883 visitors since 2012-01-29
last update : 2015-03-05

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