Daily life
Everything Awesome - Ask Angie

Dear Angie,
I won three tickets to Selena Gomez! I'm going with my older sister who can drive and I can bring a friend. Only problem- I can't decide if I should bring my friend Liz or Sabrina!
- I. Cannit Deaside
Dear I. Cannit,
That is a pretty tough decision. Try to ask yourself some questions. Who would enjoy the conert more? Who has been to a concert before? Who would be comfortable in the place the concert is being held? If one of your friends has never been to a concert before take her because she might want the experience. If you make up your mind on who you want to bring, explain politely to your other friend why. If you don’t want this to get in your friendship, take a family member instead. I know concert tickets are a bit expensive, but if you are really stuck, buy another concert ticket, so both of your friends can go. Whatever you do, don’t let this situation get in your friendship.
Hope it Helps,
Dear Angie,
I was at camp and my new friends told me that they play guitar and are going to start a guitar club. I didn't want to be left out or anything so I lied that I could play guitar too! Now they want to hear me play! What do I do?
- Xajer Ator
Dear Xajer,
Wow. You are in some hot water. There are three ways to fix a lie. A) Tell the truth. B) Make the lie come true.
C) Pretend you didn't understand.

A1) If your friends aren't sensitive, nicely TELL THEM YOU LIED. Also tell them you didn't want to be left out.

B1) If you can, learn an easy tune on your guitar and play it to them. If they say " We meant meant more professional songs.", You say "Well you asked if I could play. And did play the guitar."

C1) Just pluck strings in a tune the best you can. If they say "That's not a song or tune.", You say "Oh! When I said I could play, I meant I can pluck strings!" Then have a good laugh about it.
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last update : 2015-03-05

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