1.If you were to make a extra credit project, you..
a) Do an experiment that's super sciency with a hypothesis and everything. Your report is 2 hours long and not once do you repeat the same thing over.
b) Make a model of the Amazon Forest and write a small report about it.
c) Make a model of the human brain made of past pasta. For your report you say:
"This is a human brain. A brain thinks for you and receives signals from these red and blue wire thingies.(Teacher coughs "there called nerves!") This brain is made of pasta . If you boil raw pasta, it turns to edible pasta like magic!
2.If you forget your homework, your teacher...
a) Says "Aww, well that's okay. Bring it tomorrow."
b) Sighs and rolls her eyes and says "Bring it tomorrow but I'm still going to give you a zero."
c) Yells " you have got to stop forgetting your homework! Do you know how many zeros you have? You need to be more responsible."
3.Your average grade is usually...
a) A+ to A-
b) A to B+
c) B+ to C
d) C to D-
4. If your teacher asks a question and you raise your hand, your teacher...
a) Calls on you as soon as your hand shoots up.
b) Looks around the class and there's a 50-50 chance she might call on you.
c) Totally ignores you.
5. If your friends say you're the teacher's pet, you...
a) Smile and say, "I know."
b) Say " I'm not the teacher's pet, but she likes me.
c) Say "If I'm the teacher's pet, that means pigs fly!
If you answered mostly A's, you are definitly the teacher's pet! Your teacher plays favorites.
If you answered mostly B's, You aren't the teacher's pet but the teacher likes you and probably has a sense of humor.
If you answered mostly C's, you might wanna start taking school more seriously. |