Countries of the World
Manila Through My Eyes - Quick tips on learning English

1. Buy a book of English short stories. Read one aloud everyday and retell the story to another person in English (I got this tip from a foreigner studying here. His English teacher made him do that in class everyday and he says it did the trick.)

2. Watch American and British movies or tv series without subtitles. It's good listening and comprehension exercise.

3. Listening to songs in the English language also helps. Singing along can also help you get comfortable with words. Also, search the internet for English language podcasts. There are free sites out there, you just have to look.

4. Keep a pocket dictionary in handy. When you come across a word you don't understand, you can easily look for it.

5. Keep a journal and write on it in English. It will immensely help you with your written English skills.

6. Read English books. You don't have to read anything complicated. It's good to start with children's books then just move on to something more mature later on.

7. Befriend a native English speaker. It's better if you can see him/her on an everyday basis so you can practice your English. But email exchange, chatting, and voice chats are also good.


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Manila Through My Eyes - Quick tips on learning English (Countries of the World)    -    Author : Kaycee - Philippines

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last update : 2011-06-19

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