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modifier supprimer 40665 - de Arthur80 , 9 ans (France) - 2023-11-13
Militaire - "À tous le monde"

Je veux être militaire 😀😃😄😁😆🥹😅😂🤣🥲☺️😊😇🙂🙃😉😌😍🥰😘😗😙😚😋😛😝😜🤪🤨🧐🤓😎🥸🤩🥳😏😒😞😔😟😕🙁☹️😣😖😫😩🥺😢😭😤😠😡🤬🤯😳🥵🥶😶‍🌫️😱😨😰😥😓🤗🤔🫣🤭🫢🫡🤫🫠🤥😶🫥😐🫤😑😬🙄😯😦😧😮😲🥱😴🤤😪😮‍💨😵😵‍💫🤐🥴🤢🤮🤧😷🤒🤕🤑😈👿👹👺🤡💩👻💀☠️👽👾🤖🎃😺😸😹😻😼😽🙀😿😾🫶🏻🤲👐🙌👏🤝🏻👍👎👊✊🤛🤜🤞✌️🫰🤟🤘👌🤌🤏🫳☝️✋🤚🖐️🖖👋🤙🫲🫱💪🦾✍️🙏🫵🦶🦵🦿💄💋👄🫦🦷👅👂🦻👃👣👁️👀🫀🫁🧠🗣️👤👥🫂👶👧

modifier supprimer 40419 - de Bryley103 , 16 ans (USA) - 2022-10-30
Militaire - "USMC"

My name is Bryley. I've always wanted to join the United States Marine Corps because my dad, grandpa, uncles, and other members of my family have all served in the military. Ever since I was little it has been a huge goal of mine.

40419 -
modifier supprimer 40595 - Réponse de Pacôme 154 (Côte d'Ivoire) - 2023-08-09

Moi également c'était un grand rêve

40419 -
modifier supprimer 40508 - Réponse de Andrew56 , 15 ans (USA) - 2023-04-07

I’ve always wanted to join the military since I was in kindergarten, but didn’t know what exactly I wanted to do until I found out about the rangers. These guys could deploy halfway around the world with the same amount of gear as an infantryman and take down an insurgent outpost! Heck yeah, sign me up!

modifier supprimer 39257 - de Ezra132 , 11 ans (USA) - 2021-01-21
Militaire - "Canadian Army"

I am 11 and I wish to go in the Canadian army when I'm 16 (assuming my family is in Canada.) I want to go in as either a Commando or standard infantry soldier.

modifier supprimer 39090 - de baptiste 4B214 (France) - 2020-12-09
Militaire - "ARM2E DE L'AIR"

faut il faire une formation en plus de l'armé DE terre ou faut il être dans une école spécialisé?

39090 -
modifier supprimer 39552 - Réponse de Cyrielle68 (France) - 2021-03-18

Bonjour, que veux-tu dire ? Demandes-tu s'il faut une formation spéciale pour entrée dans l'armée ? Si c'est le cas, saches que non. Tu peux t'engager sans avoir de formation spécialisée dans quelque chose, l'armée aura toujours un poste à te proposer, peu importe ton niveau.

modifier supprimer 39065 - de Theo 4B214 , 14 ans (France) - 2020-12-09
Militaire - "militaire"

Bonjou à tous plus tard je voudrais être militaire car c'est un métier qui me plait et j'aime bien relever des défis

39065 -
modifier supprimer 39082 - Réponse de Theo 4B214 , 15 ans (France) - 2020-12-09

moi aussi je voudrais être militaire

39065 -
modifier supprimer 39080 - Réponse de Theo 4B214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-12-09

oui moi aussi

modifier supprimer 38755 - de lisa4e B214 , 14 ans (France) - 2020-11-25

j'aimerais être militaire car j'adore les défi mon papa a été aussi militaire j'aimerais voir se qui me raconte et bien vrais donc c'est pour sa que je voudrais savoir comment s'inscrire a l'armée dans les béret ROUGE

modifier supprimer 38735 - de Léa214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-11-25
Militaire - "militaire"

Quelles études il faut faire pour devenir médecin militaire ?

Je pense qu'il faut d'abord faire des études de médecine. J'ai aussi vu qu'il fallait faire bac+9 mais je n'ai aucune idée des études qu'il faut faire.

Pour faire ce métier je sais qu'on est loin de sa famille et ça me bloque un peu mais c'est vraiment un métier que je veux faire, c'est comme un rêve.

Je voudrais aussi savoir la durer de la carrière de médecin militaire.

J'ai peur de ne pas réussir à soigner quelqu'un ou de le sauver et c'est un des inconvénients qui me font peur pour me lancer dans ce métier.

38735 -
modifier supprimer 38958 - Réponse de baptiste 4B188 (France) - 2020-12-08

bonjour Léa,
pour être médecin militaire il faut faire l'école de santé des armées à Lyon après le bac.
bel engagement!

modifier supprimer 38698 - de Kiera 1 , 14 ans (USA) - 2020-11-18
Militaire - "i would like to be in the marines or air-force"

I am 14 but I wish to join the military when i am old enough most of my family has been in the military.And currently my older sister is in the Navy my grandpa and uncle were both in the Army and my older cousin also wishes to join the army. What is it like in the Air-force or Marines did you like it or would you have chosen a different branch to join?

modifier supprimer 38682 - de Louna L 4A214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-11-18
Militaire - "Militaire"

Bonjour ce métier m intrigue beaucoup ont vois souvent notre famille ?

38682 -
modifier supprimer 38732 - Réponse de Florian 4B214 , 15 ans (France) - 2020-11-25

Salut non tu ne voit pas beaucoup ta famille.Tu part beaucoup en mission qui durent plusieurs mois.

modifier supprimer 38671 - de clement4A214 (France) - 2020-11-18
Militaire - "Quelles etudes ?"

il faut faire quelles études et comment sont les journées.
Bonne journée.

38671 -
modifier supprimer 38679 - Réponse de theo et thomas 4A214 (France) - 2020-11-18

il n y a pas de diplôme particule mais il peux etre nécessaire d'avoir un diplome de niveaux de niveaux IV

38671 -
modifier supprimer 38674 - Réponse de Clovis 4 a214 , 12 ans (France) - 2020-11-18

les journee sont soit bien soit dur apres les etudes je ne sais pas mais ca doit etre complique

modifier supprimer 38442 - de Clovis 4 a214 , 12 ans (France) - 2020-11-04
Militaire - "armee de l air"

bonjour je voudrais savoir si ce metier necessite un diplome est est ce que il est complique pour monter tous les echellons de l armee

38442 -
modifier supprimer 38681 - Réponse de Clovis 4 a214 , 12 ans (France) - 2020-11-18

pour moi cela me parait interessant de travailler pour son pays de proteger

38442 -
modifier supprimer 38632 - Réponse de Logann 4A214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-11-18

Bonjour Clovis il ne faut pas de diplôme particulier pour être militaire.Mais il peut être nécessaire d'avoir un diplôme de niveau IV (bac) pour passer un concours en vue d’intégrer certain poste dans l'armée.

38442 -
modifier supprimer 38613 - Réponse de Leonard 4A214 , 68 ans (Alaska (USA)) - 2020-11-18


38442 -
modifier supprimer 38612 - Réponse de Leonard 4A214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-11-18

Les grades ne s'augmente pas ils faut les merités, ainsi les grades se montent selon diverses missions .

modifier supprimer 38430 - de Timéo 4A214 , 13 ans (France) - 2020-11-04
Militaire - "integration "millitaire²""

j'aimerais en savoir plus sur ce métier.Comment se passe l'integration,les études requises,les épreuves pour rentrer millitaire combattre pour mon pays.

modifier supprimer 37861 - de kaylene74 , 12 ans (Singapour) - 2020-05-15
Militaire - "hi"

hey guys im 12 this year .im a girl from singapore and i want to be a soldier

modifier supprimer 37860 - de Gianluca37 , 10 ans (Irlande) - 2020-05-15
Militaire - "Dream Job"

I am a young boy, but I have a large interest in the armies of the world. I want to be a soldier when I grow up, most likely either a commando or a machine-gunner.

37860 -
modifier supprimer 40143 - Réponse de Sofia186 , 7 ans (USA) - 2021-12-13

my dad is in the army, and so is my mom, almost all my life I wanted to be a soldier :)

modifier supprimer 37372 - de Victorine43214 , 14 ans (France) - 2020-03-13
Militaire - "maitre chien dans l'armée"

quels sont les aspects positif dans le métier maitre chien dans l'armée? Je pense que les aspects positifs sont les suivant : travailler avec un chien , avoir un lien avec le chien et travailler dans l'armée ♥

37372 -
modifier supprimer 37851 - Réponse de Alexandre 4323 (France) - 2020-05-13

Ce qui est bien avec un chien c'est que on a tout le temps de la compagnie, il seras ton meilleure amis jusqu'à la fin de ses jours.

37372 -
modifier supprimer 37495 - Réponse de NP17 (France) - 2020-03-19

L'avantage de travailler avec un chien, c'est qu'il ne te trahira jamais et ne te jugera jamais. Il t'obéira et te protégera en toutes circonstances, et son flair infaillible te rendra de précieux services. De plus, la compagnie d'un animal, c'est bon pour la santé.

modifier supprimer 36731 - de Eric95 (USA) - 2019-07-09
Militaire - "In progress Officer trainee"

Hey guys! I’m currently an officer trainee/ cadet in the US Army reserve officers training corps hoping to go infantry. I’d like to talk to any foreign cadets or soldiers to see what their experience is like. Thank you!

modifier supprimer 36469 - de Alexandra160 , 22 ans (Allemagne) - 2019-02-25
Militaire - "Letter-Friendship"

Hello everybody

I am a german Soldier and maybe there are some People who are interessted in a letter-friendship :)

36469 -
modifier supprimer 36709 - Réponse de fang61 , 18 ans (Chine) - 2019-06-28

Hi,I am a student from China. I want to be a soldier. But I didn't pass the examination. They said I am too short. (in my country,women must be at least1.65meters into the military)are you willing to share your military life?

modifier supprimer 36426 - de Christopher185 , 14 ans (USA) - 2019-02-08
Militaire - "I hope I can join."

I really want to be a sniper of the United States Marine Corp

modifier supprimer 35946 - de Abigail146 , 16 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2018-08-26
Militaire - "Anyone else?"

Hey, I'm a member of the RAFAC, and was wondering if anyone else on here is a cadet of any sort? Or an air cadet from a different country, ie. Canada, Australia. I like to learn about the other cadet forces, and their rules. Thanks :)

modifier supprimer 34973 - de Bradly104 , 15 ans (USA) - 2017-11-09
Militaire - "I want to enlist"

I am a student in high school think about joining the US army amd making my way through to become a army ranger. Anyone to talk to would help me greatfully. Thanks

34973 -
modifier supprimer 35068 - Réponse de Eric164 , 17 ans (USA) - 2017-11-29

Hey Bradly! I'm aspiring to get into the 75th myself so I can provide some help on the path. First you have to be 17 to enlist, which I'm sure you know that. In order to volunteer for the 75th Ranger Regiment, you have to enlist with an option 40 contract. I'm not sure about the individual MOS' but with I'm assuming you want to do infantry if you want to be a ranger so it would be 11B. After which you will have to attend basic training, AIT, Airborne School and then RASP which is the selection program to get into the unit.

modifier supprimer 34948 - de Lyna51 (France) - 2017-10-27
Militaire - "Army and women"

Do you know some countries where the army recruits only men and not women ?

34948 -
modifier supprimer 35854 - Réponse de Cyriane12 , 16 ans (France) - 2018-08-03

"La légion étrangère" in France. But it could change in a little Time.

modifier supprimer 34771 - de Aahad22 , 16 ans (Bangladesh) - 2017-09-10
Militaire - "Want to help the world with my skills"

There are many kids with skills . I want to show the world what is a bangladeshi boy made of there are several kids are facing abushing no one stand with us as a boy i want to make an effort to change the world . I want everyone to feel that a boy or a girl can be the brightest among all . A chance is all i need . I'll do my best to show the world that kids can do anything ia they have great guide . I don't know that my message will be seen or not but if you see this message please help me to recruit in Bangladesh army or any other forces peace from Bangladesh

34771 -
modifier supprimer 34803 - Réponse de Emily70 , 14 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2017-09-22

You seem like you have so much to show and if you work towards you'll reach it!

modifier supprimer 32938 - de Tristan130 , 10 ans (USA) - 2016-10-23
Militaire - "The military doesn't just have boys it has girls too!"

Most people think the only people in the army are boys but that isn't true when I grow up I want to be in the air force. I am a girl who wants to help her country.

32938 -
modifier supprimer 40144 - Réponse de Sofia186 , 7 ans (USA) - 2021-12-13

I'm only a girl and 7, but I still want to be in the army!

32938 -
modifier supprimer 34165 - Réponse de Ashu247 , 13 ans (Inde) - 2017-05-18

Yes, that's really true! Hey, how many soldiers here? 🙌💂

32938 -
modifier supprimer 33974 - Réponse de Logan16 , 11 ans (USA) - 2017-04-19

Hey I understand I might be a boy but I know some males tell girls that they can't do a man's job but they can

32938 -
modifier supprimer 32982 - Réponse de Frost26 , 17 ans (Chine) - 2016-10-27

Not only boy can fight for their homeland, but also girls have this right, too.

modifier supprimer 32623 - de hana202 , 14 ans (France) - 2016-08-22
Militaire - "fille militaire ça le fait ?"

Moi depuis toute petite être militaire ça me passionne et je voudrai faire se métier.
mais je me demande si une fille pourrai y rentrée, si ça demande quelque chose de particulier par rapport aux hommes ou autre.. pouriez-vous m'aider ? Merci d'avance.

32623 -
modifier supprimer 37446 - Réponse de Marie-Pier169 , 18 ans (Canada) - 2020-03-17

Salut! Personnellement mon expérience se rattache à l’armée canadienne mais j’imagine que c’est similaire en France. Les femmes sont les bienvenues dans l’armée. Ce ne sont que des préjugés anciens qui nous font croire que le militaire est un monde masculin mais les femmes ont en fait accès à tous les mêmes postes que les hommes. Bien sûr c’est un monde remplie de sexisme et ce sera plus dur de faire notre place mais nous vallons autant que eux! Moi j’aspire à devenir officier en blindés avec les chars d’assault, et tout les hommes qui me barrent le chemin vont se faire piller sur les pieds. Alors suit tes rêvent!

32623 -
modifier supprimer 35592 - Réponse de Elisa196 , 13 ans (France) - 2018-04-28

Moi aussi je suis une fille et je rêve d'y aller en seconde je vais à l'école des mousses puis après l'école je ferais marin-militaire donc être une femme qu'on soit militaire ,marin-millitaire ou autre ça ne changera rien à notre vie .Donc réalise ton rêve;-)

32623 -
modifier supprimer 33529 - Réponse de Clo131 , 23 ans (France) - 2017-01-28


Oui bien sûr que "fille militaire ça le fait",
Tout dépend du corps que tu choisis : armée de terre, marine, armée de l'air, gendarmerie nationale

Sachant qu'il y a plusieurs de catégories et de métiers dans c'est différents corps, et il y a des filles vraiment, après il y a des unités spéciales ou il n'y a que des hommes, mais oui tu peux devenir militaire même si tu es une fille ^^.

modifier supprimer 32594 - de Gabe66 (USA) - 2016-08-15
Militaire - "What I would like to do for a job"

Hi I would like to be a navy seal sniper. Any one else?

32594 -
modifier supprimer 36437 - Réponse de chase218 , 10 ans (USA) - 2019-02-08

me to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

32594 -
modifier supprimer 36427 - Réponse de Christopher185 , 14 ans (USA) - 2019-02-08

I want to be a sniper but not in the navy I want to be a sniper for the USMC

modifier supprimer 32512 - de Marjolaine73 , 16 ans (France) - 2016-08-03
Militaire - "Jey"

Hey frends , me i would like became a fighter pilot , its m'y dream , but its so very difficult I know , who became fighters pilots here ?

32512 -
modifier supprimer 33232 - Réponse de Mikko248 , 16 ans (Finlande) - 2016-12-06

I live in Finland and i'm not a fighter pilot. But i would like to be and one of my older friends actually tried that. Here in Finland the problem is, that they only take 12 to be trained as fighter pilots and 4 to trained as helicopter pilots. So it is very VERY hard to get there. And you can only try it once, since when you have gone your obligatory service (In Finland basically every 18yrs old boy must go to army or civil service, with few exceptions) you can no more seek to fighter pilot training. I myself have thought to go to the maintenance forces instead, that way i could get close to the planes, even though not flying them. Other way is to search for paratrooper training, or as we call it "Laskuvarjojääkäri" and then i could atleast jump of from planes xD. Even though our fighter pilots don't get jobs after their service it still would be so epic to get to fly a fighter. Luckily i still have 2 years before i have to make the decision to try there or not.

modifier supprimer 32439 - de Thibaut48 , 17 ans (France) - 2016-07-18
Militaire - "French soldier"

Me, i am 17 Yeats old and i am un The french army, take jour time 😏

32439 -
modifier supprimer 33070 - Réponse de Ernest134 (Sri Lanka) - 2016-11-08


I am a retired geography teacher from sri lanka and wish to start a project that benefit students and students with disabilities in France who is capable in arts/crafts to exhibit at exhibitions/ cultural shows music and dance organized by school authorities in other countries. The project will help students in your country to display /demonstrate his/her talents at overseas events and will create opportunities for fundraising for their activities/ and for the school. It is purely a free programme I have designed.
Similarly there should be an opportunity to display talents of overseas students in your country too
If you like to join or support the student project by coordination and wish send more details on your reply including my contact details please

thank you

Ernest Goonetilleke

sri lanka

email crawleyms@hotmail.com

modifier supprimer 32309 - de Tristan130 , 9 ans (USA) - 2016-06-12
Militaire - "advice"

I really want to be a soldier.But I am also a bit nearvous too.I really want to be a soldier.

32309 -
modifier supprimer 36428 - Réponse de Christopher185 , 14 ans (USA) - 2019-02-08

Don't be scared just think of who your doing it for and what your doing it for it will help a lot and you should join the Marines

modifier supprimer 31660 - de colin184 , 11 ans (USA) - 2016-02-23
Militaire - "Hi"

hi I'm a 11 year old from the USA and I want to be a soldier. I've been thinking of this for a while and I think it would be the best for me.

31660 -
modifier supprimer 32076 - Réponse de Robin7 , 21 ans (Pays-Bas) - 2016-04-29

heey mate,

wel that sounds great! I am in the military for 3 years already.. into the royal dutch marines to be exactly its really fun being aroud your buddies al the time and making fun and you see alot of the world atleast i did..

but remember 1 thing mate you will be away from home alot of days a year you will miss your friends your mom and your dad.. and even your girlfriend if you have one by then..
and you see alot of the world but not all the good parts so are you ready for that?

think wisely before you sign up..

it is a really great job and i will never regret it :) but remember you have to make big sacrifices for it

good luck with your dream mate!

modifier supprimer 30501 - de Rebekah253 (USA) - 2015-08-07
Militaire - "Help!"

I have a friend that is planning on going to the army when he is old enough. I had/have feelings for him, and don't want him to go. He is determined. Please help?!?!

30501 -
modifier supprimer 31759 - Réponse de Morgan4 , 16 ans (France) - 2016-03-11

let him do if he wants to do

30501 -
modifier supprimer 30975 - Réponse de Geoffrey237 (USA) - 2015-10-29

I am getting ready to go into the service and it is a very dangerous job. I can understand you're worry. I am not sugar coating it but during the first part of serving you go to a base, where you learn the skills to stay alive. I will be going with the National Guard and i will be going to BCT (Basic Combat Training) with 11 Bravo Infantry. when you go into the service you go into a platoon and you learn teamwork and many other skills. My advice is to support the one you like. But that is not for me to decide.

30501 -
modifier supprimer 30968 - Réponse de Ellianna5 , 15 ans (USA) - 2015-10-29

I plan to go into the military as well and I understand why you're worried. It's true that it's very dangerous, but it is an amazing thing as well. His dream seems to be to protect his country and that's and very honorable thing. If he is wiling to go through with it and give it his best then he's going to need a lot of support. I'm writing to several friends who are in bootcamp right now and it's extremely hard. Your support may be one of the few things giving him strength. Whether you still want him to go or not, the best thing you can do right now is support his decision.

30501 -
modifier supprimer 30559 - Réponse de Isabel220 (Finlande) - 2015-08-16

If he's determined to go then you should respect that and let him go, just think of what's best. If he really wants to go then you should let him go, afterall there is a reason why he wants to do it. If you want, you can tell him how you feel and it might change things.

modifier supprimer 28899 - de Chaehyeon10 , 13 ans (Corée) - 2015-07-12
Militaire - "US soldier"

Hi! I'm 13 years old and from S.Korea. I want to be a soldier. I have been a lot of effort to become a soldier.
and I will be later US soldiers. What do I need do to become a US soldier? Also I would like to meet people who want to become a soldier. I want the exchange information.

28899 -
modifier supprimer 35069 - Réponse de Eric164 , 17 ans (USA) - 2017-11-29

There is actually a program for ROK soldiers to work with an American unit, you don't have to be one. There's a program between South Korea and the US called KATUSA which allows ROK soldiers to work with the Eighth US Army. How you get into the program itself is beyond me, I'm sure it's randomly assigned or you have to ask/volunteer for it.

28899 -
modifier supprimer 30937 - Réponse de Evan5 , 15 ans (USA) - 2015-10-23

Want To*

28899 -
modifier supprimer 30936 - Réponse de Evan5 , 15 ans (USA) - 2015-10-23

You need to be a US Citizen in order to join the US military. If you wanna to know more about the US military then contact me. I'm planning to join the US military also.

modifier supprimer 27687 - de Jared187 , 14 ans (USA) - 2014-12-28
Militaire - "Enlisted or Officer?"

Hello all! I want to enlist into the USMC, but others and my parents say I should go officer. I am in a youth military program and have talked to many marines, and they said based off my leadership skills and motives, I should enlist. Should I enlist or go officer? Also, is life as an enlisted marine easy? Will I encounter any finacial troubles? Will it be easy to get an education? Should I stay in until retirement? I plan on going in as a tank crewman, arty canoneer or combat engineer. (I know you pick yout field, not your MOS for active duty.) I would like to hear from people with or without USMC background.

27687 -
modifier supprimer 34972 - Réponse de Bradly104 , 15 ans (USA) - 2017-11-09

Hey from being in a youth military program to i think it would be best intrist on look at both and deciding for yourself after you learn the facts

27687 -
modifier supprimer 30976 - Réponse de Geoffrey237 (USA) - 2015-10-29

Hello i understand you are in the Military Youth Program and you said the Marines said you would be good in the Enlist. I am going into the National guard and i was told 11B would be a great thing for me and i agreed. If the marines, people who have been in for years of service are telling you you should enlist personally i would agree but there are great benefits with both Enlistment and Officer. So i would enlist but it is you're choice.

27687 -
modifier supprimer 28364 - Réponse de kylee240 (USA) - 2015-03-27

Hi Jared, My name is Kylee. I am currently I Navy Cadet in California, I have a lot more training to do, I am interested in search and rescue. You asked if life as a marine is easy, well, if you are enlisted or an officer you job will be difficult but rewarding, if you want it to be. You will have to work hard. People who go into the military do not have financial problems the military takes good care of their people. You will have medical insurance, if you cant afford housing you will be house on the base at which you are stationed. When getting an education is concerned you have to options both which are great in my opinion: you can enlist and take online courses which the military will pay partially for or you can attempt to get into a military academy such as West Point, air force academy, naval academy, etc.. and when you graduate you will enter the military as a officer(lieutenant)and will be mandated to serve at least 6 years in return.
staying in the military until retirement is a good idea because you can get full benefits (more money). I hope I answered all your questions. Good luck. if you have any more questions just ask.

modifier supprimer 27653 - de Jenna160 , 12 ans (USA) - 2014-12-23
Militaire - "First girl soldier in family?"

Hi guys,
My name is Jenna I am 12 years old . And I want to be part of my big military family and most importantly the first women In are family. Right now my dad and older brother are in Iraq and Afghanistan. My grandpa and great grandpa have gone to Europe for wwi and wwii. I talked to my dad and he says I shouldn't do this. Is he wrong, I love shooting guns. Also I want to help people and fight for the right reason always. I have always stuck up for y friends and all. And I always go on commando missions with my friends which are all boys. Should I be the first women in my family to be in the military?
Opinions please
I am open to emails

27653 -
modifier supprimer 36037 - Réponse de Natalie121 , 17 ans (USA) - 2018-09-21

HEllO! i say girls can do it just as easily and well. i am enlisting in the army and going into special forces. If you put your mind to it you can do anything!

27653 -
modifier supprimer 32306 - Réponse de Tristan130 , 9 ans (USA) - 2016-06-12

hi,my name is tristan.I say if you wanna be a solider go for it.

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modifier supprimer 31101 - Réponse de Jazmyn9 (USA) - 2015-11-19

I am enlisted but I am 17. I do recommend being in the military just make sure you research the different branches and choose the one that is best for you.

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modifier supprimer 28363 - Réponse de kylee240 , 15 ans (USA) - 2015-03-27

Hi, my name is Kylee. I also am looking into a career in the military. The military provides a great opportunity to learn about different countries and cultures.
it can also provide you with a education after high school and you would not have to may for tuition if you got in to one of the military academies such as West Point, Naval Academy, Coast Guard Academy, etc. I think if you want to go in to the military you should go for it. Good luck.

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