Nick: "My favorite way to impress a girl is by singing to her. I want to serenade her, or at least try to."
Nick: (when asked about rumors) "I just think they're funny. Just because you take a picture with somebody, then you're automatically dating."
Nick: (about Kevin's obsession with Starbucks) "We were in a mall one time and it was on the other side of the mall and he goes 'I can smell Starbucks' and starts running to it."
Nick: "You have to talk to your friends about your crush, because your crush will be talking about you with their friends.
Nick: "My pick up line is 'Slow down, sugar, because I'm diabetic!'"
Nick: (to Joe) "Your ideas are pointless."
Nick: (when he calls a girl) "My heart starts beating really fast and I have this thing where I gulp sometimes."
Joe: (on the song "Hold On") "It can mean like waiting in line and you're just like Hold On...or if you're riding your bike and you get a flat tire and you're like...Hold your bike it can mean...okay I need to figure out what this song means."
Joe: "I wish a girl would blindfold me and take me to Disneyland."
Joe: I wanna record a song with Michael Jackson, but I want a wall between us."
Joe: (replying to a fan that asked him why he was so cute) "I don't know. I ask myself that all the time."
Joe: (on what superpower he would like to have) "I would probably want to be able to shoot spaghetti out of my fingers."
Joe: "I'll start a rumor! I have a very big crush on Emma Watson. So big! I haven't acrually seen one of the Harry Potter movies. I'm going to start. She's like wow, ridiculous."
Joe: "My hidden talent is...I can make pancakes appear!"
Joe: "I heard that I was dating all of the swimsuit models in the world at the same time."
Joe: "When I'm with a girl I like, I usually give her hugs and little nudges and flirt with her without even knowing it."
Joe: "I'm not shy about letting someone know I'm into her."
Joe: "Watch me do a flip." (flips over on a couch and falls on floor) "Oh crap."
Joe: (after getting his driver's license) "Now everyone has to stay off the roads!"
Joe: (when asked if he and his brothers really get along) "Yeah, we do. We only fist fight twice a day."
Joe: "I definitely want a hippopotamus for Hannukah."
Joe: (about Nick) "Nick's a stud muffin."
Joe: "Every studio needs a rubber chicken."
Kevin: "The minute you walk into prom with me, I want to have fun."
Kevin: "I like to start the morning by watching music videos. I'm well addicted to them."
Kevin: "When I really like a girl, I always talk about her."
Kevin: "Socks make the man."
Kevin: "I've fallen off stage before. I didn't get hurt, but I jumped back on stage and acted like I was supposed to fall."
Kevin: "I consume too much sugar. It's a problem. I need to stop."
Kevin: "I definitely would like to go into space."
Kevin: "The craziest thing I ever did was I told a teacher who just bought a new house that the realtor called, and said that his roof collapsed. He called the number that I gave him, which was actually my cell phone, and I told him, 'April Fools!' and he freaked."
Kevin: "A secret about my brother Nick is that he can drink about 30 cans of Diet Coke in a day and still want more. He never stops!"
Kevin: (about Nick being shy) "Everyone says that because he's quiet, but he's not shy. He's Mr. Cool!"
Kevin: "Before a date, Joe and I straighten our hair."
Kevin: "My name is Mufasa, I'm the king of the land. I'll come smack you with the back of my hand."
Kevin: "Nicholas can't have other people wearing his socks. If you put on his socks, he'll get upset, and it's really funny!"
Kevin: "I can't go to sleep without making my bed first. Even if it's been made in the morning, I have to go in and remake it. It's my quirky habit."
Frankie (their little brother): "Hi, I'm Frankie Jonas. You know my brothers, Kevin, Nick, and Joe, but I'm the coolest Jonas. Bye."