Countries of the World
Beautiful Switzerland - About Switzerland


Welcome on my side about Switzerland. I will tell you something about my home!

Switzerland is a small country in Western Europe. It borders to Italy, French, Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein. Its highest place is the top of the mountain Dufourspitze (4'634m) and its deepest point is at the waterside of Lake Maggiore (193m). You can classify Switzerland in 5 regions: Jura, Midland, foothills of the Alps, Alps and the south side of the Alps. In Switzerland are many lakes, rivers, woods, mountains and much more.

The Flag
About Switzerland

Capital: Bern
Largest city: Zürich
Official languages: German, French, Italian, Romansh
Area: 41'284 km2
Foundation date: 1. August 1291
Population (2009): 7'782'900
Density: 188/km2
Government: Federal state with parliamentary system and direct democracy
Currency: Swiss franc (CHF)

Map of Switzerland with all its 26 cantons.
The 26 cantons (with the German names):
AG = Aargau
AI = Appenzell Innerrhoden
AR = Appenzell Ausserrhoden
BE = Bern
BL = Basel-Land
BS = Basel-Stadt
FR = Freiburg
GE = Genf
GL = Glarus
GR = Graubünden
JU = Jura
LU = Luzern
NE = Neuenburg
NW = Nidwalden
OW = Obwalden
SG = St. Gallen
SH = Schaffhausen
SO = Solothurn
SZ = Schwyz
TG = Thurgau
TI = Tessin
UR = Uri
VD = Waadt
VS = Wallis
ZG = Zug
ZH = Zürich

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Beautiful Switzerland - About Switzerland (Countries of the World)    -    Author : Christiane - Switzerland

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