Schools of the World
Cheshunt secondary school - Home
French Exchange
The Food We Eat
TV Programmes We Like
Our Music
The Films We Like

We Would Like To Introduce You To Cheshunt School

Cheshunt School is a vibrant learning community where students are cared for, receive a high quality education and every opportunity to be successful.

At Cheshunt School we have high standards in terms of hard work, academic success and self-discipline. There is an expectation of every student to make a contribution to the life and community of the School. We also have high expectations of our parents through their support for the School and their son or daughter's education.

Our school has the technology status.The lessons start at 8.40 and finish at 3.05. There are 5 lessons a day. We learn French, Spanish and German. There are 1000 pupils in our school and 60 teachers. We wear a uniform. In lower school, girls wear a green checkered skirt, a white shirt and a green blazer and boys wear black trousers, a white shirt and a green blazer.

Click here to visit our school: http:cheshunt school

This blog was started by year 9 pupils during their lunch hour at Cheshunt School in 2006-2007.
On the Blog you can read about:

=> French Exchange (Page 2)
=> Our Music
=> The Films We Like
=> The Food We eat (Page 3)
=> The TV Programmes We Like (Page 4)

check back for more updates...

Here are our language teachers
Mrs Gilkes
Mrs Ferguson

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Cheshunt secondary school - Home (Schools of the World)    -    Author : virginie - Great Britain

15941 visitors since 2007-03-27
last update : 2008-09-28

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