Jon Bon Jovi and Eddie Van Halen - Introduction
Through the years
Jon-His life
Jon-Pictures in concert!!!
Jon-His family
Jon-His career
Jon-Interesting facts
Edward-His life
Edward-Pictures in concert
Edward-His family
Edward-His career
Edward-Interesting facts

Hey everybody!!!
My name is Laura and I live in Holland!!
I love music and I play guitar.
In this blog I post things about my two favorite celebrities :)
Jon Bon Jovi and Eddie Van Halen!!
Don't be shy to post comments in the Guest Book!!!! I'll be happy to reply to you!


| Introduction | Through the years | Jon-His life | Jon-Pictures | Jon-Pictures in concert!!! | Jon-His family | Jon-His career | Jon-Interesting facts | Edward-His life | Edward-Pictures!!! | Edward-Pictures in concert | Edward-His family | Edward-His career | Edward-Interesting facts |
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Jon Bon Jovi and Eddie Van Halen - Introduction (Music)    -    Author : Laura - Netherlands

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