The residents are: Klon, Frek and Chief Anklor, reconised by the ram-skull tipped staff he lugs around with him. The Noogians, being omnivores, quickly gather sufficient food( Fruit from trees and meat from the Duck-monster species). This food enables them to purchase two babies, filling the current maximum space of tribe members: 6. The babies are entitled: Gron and Doob. They also buy the Blowhorns item and equip all village members with them. The Pink Village do a raid, and the Noogians are forced to attack back, makeing the pink village a sworn enemy, howver, the social creature ability: Fireworks, makes the Pink Village a freind. Music is then played to them to make an ally and jump fowards on the progress bar. When the other villages appear, one isn't as freindly as hoped, so the Noogians use fireworks and then ally it. Soon, all villages becoming allies! Considering the Lavender VIII village were attacked by an epic flying Al Packa!! Luckily, we helped them destroy it! The Noogains choose to possess all the social huts, but no others. Allying all villages got them an achivement. Despite, there tribal successs, the Noogains have never had any other species in there pack or farm. plus they got the general cluster achivement in Creature Stage for leading 30 members of there species to there deaths, but it was worth it when the species they were attacking died. At every adavancement, the Noogains always added the then applicable maximum of tribal members to thee village. The Noogains Village colour was Brown. The Noogains did not change there costume(Outfit) throughout the Tribal Stage. (Apart from in the tutorial) There wre two reasons for this: A: I coudn't be arsed. B: The Noogains were to busy in there friendly business. They only used the ability: Raincloud once. Which just rained off a nest of Toon. Join us next time, for Noogia Civiliastion!! (Stage)