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Gigi and Ceci Show - Main Page
Main Page
Contact Info
Ceci's Fashion
Gigi's Knitting Tips
How To Save The World By Ceci

Welcome to Gigi and Ceci Show!

Hello I'm Gigi (the tallest and oldest) and my name is Ceci (the shortest and youngest) and welcome to GIGI AND CECI SHOW!

There is so much to do here like..........

1. See the main page for news or upcoming events

2. Go to the contact page to find out how to contact us

3. Go to the GIGI AND CECI SHOP to buy anything you want with parent permission

4. Visit the MyTyGirlz101 page which tells about our youtube shows!

5. Go to the Ceci's Fashion Page which tells some cool and stylin fashion tips!

6. Nitting tip which is still being updated

7. Last but not least on HOW TO SAVE THE WORLD page made by Ceci which tells you tips on how to save the world
I hope you enjoy our website filled with fun and fascinating things

As you know i have a online person in and her name is gigirose33( oldest). And ceci's is Princessrose1360 (YOUNGEST). So you may see us there if you have a acount.

Gigi and Ceci News Article!

Ladys and gentlemen, boys and girls, we are presenting you the new News Article of the Gigi and Ceci Show!!!!!!
This news article page will only operate in the summer time due to school schedules! We will put updates to the latest styles of clothing stores, amazing news you will be so interested, and so many more. To order one of these article in the summer, you must pay for them(Go to our Gigi and Ceci Store). Thanks for reading this news!

We now have Instagram!!!!!
Ceci has a fashion page called "FashionFabQueen"
Gigi has an Instagram called "FashionFabGirlz"
Visit our Instagram and follow us!

Gigi and Ceci have Webkinz!

Gigi's is : GigiRose33
Ceci's is : PrincessRoose1360

We now have Club-penguin!
Ceci's account is : Ceci Dancing
Gigi's account is : Gigi Dancing


| Main Page | Contact Info | MyTyGirlz101 | Ceci's Fashion | Gigi's Knitting Tips | How To Save The World By Ceci |
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15513 visitors since 2010-12-11
last update : 2014-03-25

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