moles the dogs - Page 3
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The boxer
the colors of this dog is fawn and atrigrado.It is a medium sized dog with the compact but powerful at the same time.The large head with the skin slightly bent and must be in perfect proportion to the rest of the body.
this dog has short hair, shiny, soft and close fitting.Do not have white on the top (the spine or back) of the body. It is considered a foul if the white color exceeds a third of the total coat.

the chihuahua
His head is round, apple-shaped, with short, sharp snout. It has large ears and long and straight leads.
Can be many colors like black, brown, gray, tricolor with spots. ect ....Your hair may be of two types: short and smooth or long and wavy.His eyes are large, round, far apart and can be black, brown, blue or ruby. Its tail is moderately long and is normally carried curled over the back.


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