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Do you like Guatemala ? You can publish your opinion here (great places, people...) :

Steaves (Germany) - 16/02/2004 : you need more info
nani (españa) - 01/03/2004 : hola a todos estoy encantada de conocer algo de guatemala pero me encantaria conocer algo mas acercade su cultura,su gente y su tradicion.seria un gusto recibir noticias de alguno de vosotros.grcias deantemano.
Meredith (U.S.A.) - 27/04/2004 : Look, I love Guatemala as much as the next kid, but you need pictures of the Cheif of state, currency, all the above. Work with me here!
Lauren (United Staes) - 11/05/2004 : hey hey everyone!! when looking up the country of Guatemala all I found was stuff about the people and what htey have to say!! where can you get ing\\fo you need??
Lauren (United Staes) - 11/05/2004 : hey hey everyone!! when looking up the country of Guatemala all I found was stuff about the people and what they have to say!! where can you get info you need??
Sabrina (guatemala) - 15/06/2004 : bonjour j'ai eu la chance de visiter ce pays et d'y travailler (aide communautaire).J'ai adoré ce pays car les gens sont tellemtn sociable et nous apprécis a notre juste valeur. Ils nous acceuillent a bras ouvert dans leur pays et veulent tout nous faire découvrir. Ils en sont très fier de leur pays et j'ai comprit pourquoi puisque les sites touristique sont tous intéressant. Si vous chercher un destination pour vos prochaine vacances je vous recommande ce merveilleur pays.
Giovanni - Martinez (Guatemala) - 13/07/2004 : guatemala es una ciudad muy bella lo que mas me gusta de guatemala es tikal con ruinas mayas y sus imensas selvas puerto barrios con el gran hermoso lago y sus paisajes quetzaltenango tiene algunos lugares interesantes para disfrutarlos la capital es un lugar muy extenso y interesante por sus museos y otros sitios si alguien quiere visitar guatemala yo le aconsejo que balla a esos lugares Guatemala es un hermoso pais para viajar y una muy buena desision para ir Guatemala is a very beautiful city what i like of Guatemala is tikal with Mayan ruins and his endless forests puerto barrios with the beautiful lake and its landscapes quetzaltenango has also some interesting places to enjoy the capital is a very extensive place and interesting by his museums and other sites if somebody wants to visit Guatemala I advise to him to go those places
Iveth Ramirez (Guatemala) - 21/09/2004 : Me gustaria aprender todo lo que se trata sobre Guatemala!!! Sus culturas su jente las tradiciones todo lo que se trate de Guatemala. Tanbien me gustaria hablar con los de Guatemala y aprender lo que ellos saben de Guatamala :)
Rima (Lithuania) - 19/10/2004 : exeptionel !!!
() - 30/10/2004 :
a340 (Canada) - 17/11/2004 : Je suis née dans ce pays mais je n'y suis plus jamais retournée. J'aimerais bien visiter mon pays natal!
erica (United States) - 22/02/2005 : hi! i am looking for info for a project, and i could find everything i needed! I had to search for a while, but in the end i found everything.
Maria-Lucia (Canada) - 04/06/2005 : Mes parents et mon grand frère sont nés là-bas.Moi et mon petit frere sommes nés a Monreal Au Canada.J'aimerai bien aller visité ce pays!Sa l'air tellement cool!! J'aime bien ce site!^^
Jessica (Canada) - 26/10/2005 : i like this site. i have never been to guatemala but it sounds good. rock on
Frederick (US) - 10/03/2006 : this a good site for the climate. ive been there and it says the correct information
Sarah (U.S.) - 24/05/2006 : This is a good site but its hard to find little details for my project!!!
melissa (USA) - 28/11/2006 : guatemala es muy traviesa

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