Cinema, TV
ashley tisdale fan

Hey all Ashley Tisdale fans Pleasse enjoy for those of you who don't know Ashley Tisday you may know her as the charector Maddie on the Disney channel original comity "The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody"
Feel free to surf this site

photo above created by Erica Clark

site was enspired by Erica Clark creater of Ashley Tisdale Life check it out
Charectors from the Suite Life Of Zack & Cody. A disney channel original comady

Ashley Tisdale as Maddie

Photo above created by Erica Clark
Maddie is a girl who is very simple. she is the candy clerk at the Tipton. She sometimes has problems with Zack He flurts with her and she tries so hard to make the most monney she can. She is friends with the spoiled rich daughter of the owner of the Tipton London Tipton. She also has to do things for the hotel manager Mr. Mosbey.
Maddie lives
in a suite at
the Tipton
with her
is just
like a
She is
very smart
and can sing
also. She is
the basic idea
of an average

London Tipton is a spoiled rich teen and is the daughter of the owner of the Tipton. She tries to learn from Maddie how normal people are. She is self centered and only cares about her things her dog and most imprtant herself.

Zack Martin is the oldest of the two twins Zack and Cody. Zack is played by Dylan Sprouse. Zack is a trouble maker who flurts with Maddie the Tipton candy counter clerk. Zack Cody and their mom Karry live at the Tipton hotel because their mom Karry sings for the Tiptons guests Zack makes mischief and forces Cody to do his homework for him. alone he can be quite a handful. He comes up with scemes that get the two twins in trouble with the hotel Manager Mr. Mosbey.

Cody is smart and sweet. He is the yungest and he always get's caught up i n Zack's skemes and plans. Cody is played by Cole Sprouse.

Ashley Tisdale daily TV listing

Satrdays & Sundays
The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody at 7:00PM
Ashley Tisdale Photos

photo created by Erica Clark

Photo from Ashley Tisdale Life by Erica Clark
The suite Life of Zack & Cody photos

By Erica Clark

Don't forget to watch So hot summer and Click it to Pick it only on Ashley Tisdale's hime Disney Channel.

If u want to take up a curreer like singing or acting u can go to
Or if u want more on Ashley Tisdale u can go to for the official web page with a bio on her and a totally cool photo gallary.

Also check out Ashley Tisdale Life by Erica Clark
(Photo above by Erica Clark)

This and more at

How much do you know about Ashley Tisdale? take this quiz and find out.
(Use a pen and paper)
1. What is her sister's name?
A. Rose
B. Annah

2. Ashley starrs in what TV show?
A. Full house
B. Lizzie McGuire
C. The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody
D. 7th Heaven

3. What is her dog's nme?
A. Peanutt
B. Angel
C. Ginger

4. What famous guy does Ashley have a crush on?
A. Jesse McCartney
B. Brad Pitt
C. Orlando Bloom
D. Dylan Sprouse

5. What channel is Ashley have a show on?
A. WB 11
B. Nickalodion
C. Mtv
D. Disney Channel

6. What is Ashley's favorite music?
A. Hilary Duff
B. Used
C. Lincon Park
D. the Killers

7. What is Ashley's fav food?
A. Macaroni and cheese
B. steak and potatos
C. sushi and Pizza
D. None of the above

8. Who does Ashley costar with on her TV comady series?
A. Lindsay Lohan
B. Ann Hathaway
C. Brenda Song
D. Raven Sammone

9. What is the name of Ashley's charector on her show?
A. Saddie
B. Annabell
C. London
D. Maddie

Okay Let's see how u did
If U got those answers corfect u r a true Ashley fan
if u got 2 wrong u r a big fan
if u got 3 wrong u r a good fan
if u got 4 wrong u r a fan
if u got 5 wrong u r a fan she's ok but not the best
if u got 6 wrong u r just a fan of The suite life of Zack & Cody
if u got 7 wrong u r a person who likes quizes but not so much Ashley
if u got 8 wrong u r a beginner fan that knows almost nothing about Ashley
if u got 9 wrong u r don't even know who Ashley is.
Thanks for surchin the site and remember check back for updates.
(Photo above created by Erica Clark)
Photos by Erica Clark
To post messages click the e-mail button and send me something cool
or just write me to say hi. Thanks for surfin

Messages Posted by fellow fans To me.

this was from
to Kira that's me
Hey Kira my life is just great how's yours

My life is good thanks for posting on


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