1. To identify the deaf and catch them young.
2. To liberate our fellow deaf people from the bondage of illiteracy.
3. To support, train and equip the deaf people to become self-reliant.
4. To reduce considerably and ultimately eliminate poverty and all forms of street begging among deaf people.
5. To enable and encourage the deaf people to contribute meaningfully to the economic. social and cultural development of their family, community and nation at large.
6. To develop innate abilities, improve academic performance, resourcefulness and enhance vocational skills of the deaf.
7. To train productive students, leaders and workers.
1. Deaf children are not dumb, mute or mentally deficit; they lack the speech and language simply because they lack the important sense of hearing.
2. Deaf children’s handicapping condition is extremely serious because they are deprived of the normal roads for mental development.
3. Deaf children’s handicapping condition places them in a world of complete silence. This affects them physically, emotionally, educationally, socially, economically and spiritually.
4. Deaf children, in general, cannot be trained successfully in normal schools.
5. Deaf children, if they are to attain maximum mental development and spiritual benefits, must be sent to a SPECIAL school for the deaf. This requires noble sacrifices: emotionally and financially by both the parents and their children.
6. Deaf children can be taught, to varying degrees, to speak, lip read, write, read, earn a living, do creative things, worship God, help others, pay taxes [instead of being tax-supported], and so on.
7. Deaf children’s greatest need is LANGUAGE and KNOWLEDGE which must be taught through the senses of touch and sight, using every known method and every available means, including speech, speech reading, finger spelling, manual signs, written language, hearing aids and others. This is a most difficult task because ordinarily language and knowledge are acquired through the ear.
8. Deaf children’s school must operate with specially trained teachers, special and very costly teaching devices in addition to regular training and boarding expenses.
9. Deaf children's would be identified early and caught young for training. This will reduce, even eliminate considerably and ultimately illiteracy, poverty and all forms of begging.
10. Deaf children, though unfortunately handicapped, can be trained to become happy, useful, productive, God-fearing citizens. The obligation to rehabilitate them is YOURS and OURS. We should ....We must...We will, do it.
[Curled from Dr. Andrew Foster’s works] |