I am a huge fan of selena gomez. I should be right since she is so amazing
Maite is a wonder ful actor!!!!
Hey!!!!!!! hope every one know Selena Gomez well If you don't ask Google but just Let me tell you a hint about her she is a wonderful actor and singer plus she is soooooo cute this just a hint find out more.............
Selena Gomez was born on July 22 1992 she made her first debut as Gianna in Barny know she is one of the best artists.
you should listen to Selena Gomez's song it is the best trust me you wont regret it ,well some are slow down ,tell me some thing I don't know, spotlight, who says, round and round etc........
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selena gomez rock !!!!!!!!!!!! (Music) - Author : Annan - Ethiopia
50127 visitors since 2013-12-10 last update : 2014-01-02