~All You Need To Know About Patrick Breeding~

Thankz For Comin Through To My Blog! I hope you enjoy yourself!

Yal Like my pic sumone did fo me? I know its cute..lolz..just messin..

Welcome To My Patrick Blog! I Hope You Like It! And Please All The Lil People That Like To Have Rude Things To Say..Well Yal Can Leave NOW Because This Is A Drama-Less Blog! Thankz!
Much luv,

Patrick @ The Scream Tour 4

AwWwWw..Isnt he just a cute lil kid?

Full Name: Patrick Owen Breeding

Nick Names: Pskittles,Pskitz,Skittles,Mr.Hollywood,POB,P Patrick,and Pimpin Patrick

Age: 15

Birthplace: Liberal, Kansas

Birth Date: Septemeber 19, 1990

HomeTown: Atlanta, Ga

Favorite Color: Black

Favorite Movies: DodgeBall and Amitiville Horror

Favorite Food: Japanese Steakhouse

Favorite Music Artists: Michael Jackson,Alica Keys,Nelly and Snoop Dogg

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown

He Is A Lefty(Left Handed)

He Is The 3 Child(Middle)

Personality: He is serious when he need to be(like when he is working on his music)but after that he is a joker he is very outgoing and funny!

Hobbies: Acrobatics,Dancing,Singing,Playing Basketball,and Bowling

Status: Single and Looking for that one special girl that likes him for who he is and not for his money!!!( Yes i sure did say NOT for his money!!!!!)

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Favorite food at an amuement park: Chilli cheese dogs,chips,and ice cream

Favorite Ice Cream: Strawberry

~Patrick's Back To School Interview~

Interviwer: What is your most memorable back-2-school moment,and why?

Patrick: I enjoy going back to school because i havent seen my friends in a while. So,when I see them again, we pick up where we left off.

Interviewer: What is your favorite subject in school,and why?

Patrick: My favorite subject is P.E.(gym), because you get to play sports. I am very competitive. I love Basketball.

Interviewer: What is your least favorite subject in school,and why?

Patrick: I dont really like science,because you have to read a lot and plus you have to mess with chemicals and stuff like that. You know, it can be dangerous!

Interviewer: What advice would you give to a person who fears the first day jitters?

Patrick: I would say just to relax and try to have a good time. You can make new friends and wear new clothes!

Interviewer: What snack(s) do you enjoy eating while studing,and why?

Patrick: I enjoy eating skittles, because i love skittles. What more is there to say?

Interviewer: What positive message would you give to the Faces readers on embarking on a new year at school.

Patrick: I would say get good grades. Do your homework and try to get 100 percent! And, oh yea have fun too! School is the foundation of your life! You would want to give your future a solid foudation.

Can't Get Enough Of Patrick's Face.

AwWwW poor babi sleepy!


Like my picture my homegirl made for me?? I know nice huh..

WHOA! It's getting a lil cold in here

Reppin dem expensive pay less

Gotta get my hair done to look good for the video All I Do!

Pimpin All Over With Differ Colors
[picture not found]

One Fione Lookin Bumble Bee

Just lovin all his fans no matter what race they are!

~Patrick's Amusement Park Interview~

Interviwer: What is your favorite amusement park right,and why?

Patrick: I dont know what its called, but you go high in the air and the ride just drops you. I dont know, I just like that ride!

Got ladies sayin dis!

HaHa..a lil nerdy is alright..but yal know he still lookin good

Huh what cha say? lost

Yea i havin a bad hair day

Hey now...

~My Lil Poem That I Made While I Was Bored In My Room~

~**Today was~**

Today was a good day because i saw your face.
Today was a wonderful day because I almost fainted.
Today was a shocking day because you touched my hand.
Today wasa excellent day because I talked to you and you talked back.
Today was an over joying day because you called me your girl!

Today was just my day because i met you!
Do you know who?
Yes you, Patrick Owen Breeding

~Another Poem That I Made The Same Day In My Room While I Was Bored...yep i was pretty bored..lolz~


Did you know that love is more that what you think it is?
If not well not you know.
It can leave your arms faster than you can think.
Dont say you love someone unless you know it is true.
Dont say you just need someone to love you,but you wont love them back.
That NOT how it goes.
Both people love each other.
No matter what the situation might be.
As long as you know it is true.
And it doesnt matter what people say or think.
Just keep it true and call it love.
If you stay together through tick and thin.
Then you know to call it LOVE!

~Last Poem For Right Now That I Made Not Too Long Ago~

~**I Cant**~

I can’t keep my grades up.
I can’t stop daydreaming all day.
I can’t stop writing your name all over my papers.
I can’t stop staring at your picture every single day.
People say that I have a huge crush.
I say their crazy because I know I am in love because I never felt about anyone like i do you.
You tell me...
What do you think is wrong with me?
[picture not found]

He doesnt even know..

Who stole my skittles?? cute!

Yep im cute like dat

Pimpin Patrick is my name dont forget!

Yep Patrick gave me these..naw im messin

HaHa i got the award cause u know i found

Thankz for coming to my blog. I may be starting on another B5 member's blog. Like maybe Dustin's. So make sure you look out for it!


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~All You Need To Know About Patrick Breeding~ (Music)    -    Author : Candace - USA

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