My family & friends
Pr3tty -n- PaTeet (all about mii , mah friendz ,-n- celebs!!!) *UPDATED*

YES, dis B ya giirl Sydney!

Yall always claim dat he iz yo man, but come on, yall know u ain no VIP!!!

Dont g3t it Twisted YES he is FFFOOOWWNNN!!!!!

~!!Soooo Cute!!~

Mah Gurlz:
Simone (on the left)Brielle(in da middle)Kathy(on da right)

Me and my GURLZ!!!

Shout outz 2 mah peepz @ LR:
Kaloni AKA K4l0n!bo0!!!
Simone AKA !!!
Brielle AKA Br!3ll4!!!
Sindy AKA $!D-$!D
Kathy AKA K!!
Yasmine AKA Yazzy Fhaye!!!
Kayla AKA K4yl4w4yl4!!!
Danielle AKA D4ni3ll!3
Alton AKA Alt4n
Aliyah AKA Aliy4hpo0h!!!
Justin AKA m@h n3w h0m!e G!!!
Shonice AKA -!!!
Sabornee AKA N3y-N3y!!!
Tyler AKA Ty3-Ty3!!!
Jacuan AKA J4cuan4mo0!!!
Karron AKA K4rr0owwnn!!!
Romario AKA RoW-R0w!!!
Kadesha AKA k4D3SH4!!!
Jade AKA J4dali
Ashley AKA 4sh13y!!!
Jada AKA J4d4bo0!!!
Jennifer AKA J3nny J3n-J3n
Claudia AKA Cl4di4
Katherine AKA K4thr1n3!!!
Brendon AKA Chipmunk!!!
Rakim AKA R4-R4!!!
Rodney AKA R0dn3y!!!
Antonio AKA P34nut!!!
Bervan AKA B3rv4n!!!
Willie AKA Willi3W0nk4!!!
Wade AKA W4d3!!!
BB AKA B3rn4rd-B0b-J3llyB3an!!!
Steven AKA COc0 PufF
Alana AKA 4l4ni3bo0!!!
Courtney AKA C0urtn3y!!!
Giselle AKA Gis3lli3!!!
Jillian AKA Jil1ie!!!
Dominique AKA D0mino!!!
Jordan AKA Jord4n!!!
Kahlil AKA R3d H3ad!!!
Michell AKA Mich-Mich!!!
Terrance AKA T-Wop!!!
Reanne AKA R4y-R4y
Kamaria AKA KK!!!
Nathaniel AKA N4t3!!!
Raquel AKA R0cky B4lboa!!!
Chamian AKA Ch4mi4n!!!
Jaaz AKA J-Z!!!
Anthony AKA Wo0d Chuck!!!
Nepha AKA N3ph-N3ph!!!
David AKA D4v13!!!
Marvan AKA M4rv4n!!!
Jasmine AKA J4zzy!!!
Daniel AKA D4N-D4N!!!
Tasha AKA T4
Anasa AKA 4n4s4
Stokley AKA -!!!

He iz sooo cute!!

Spongbob iz Gangsta!!!

Does dis look lik a happy face to you?? Huh? Huh?
I get mah picx from special places, so I wud appreciate it if u would not B a bitter and steel mah picx!!! (NOTE: I am not dis nice 2 everii bodii!)

Dis iz true.

Ahwwwww!!!! Gansta Luv!!

Ah luv mah Cheetos!!

Daffy turned gangsta!!!

Tigga iz stackin dat cash!!!

Tweety iz bak!!!!

Ah luv mah Pink Pantha all daii everii daii, but ah dont luv Pink!!!

Poiple Pimpin Popcorn Playa!!!
(3 p's)

Wat it Du D0k!!!?!!!


Dis iz mah giirl!!!

Dont front yall kno shiiz got some talent!!!
[picture not found]

Dere hii iz again!!!

Ev3n wen hii tryn 2 b Micheal Jackson hii st!ll lo0ks cute!!!


Ah jus felt lik3 sayin hii!!!

Dis Beautiful Rose remindz me of myself!!

~!!Aahhhhwwwww!!! He iz so cute!!~

Beautiful Butterfly!!

Look @ mah Tigga!!

~South Pole. lol~


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Pr3tty -n- PaTeet (all about mii , mah friendz ,-n- celebs!!!) *UPDATED* (My family & friends)    -    Author : *!!!!* - Jamaica

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last update : 2007-04-22

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