First of all, I want to talk about my favorite band : Inugami Circus Dan !! (The Circus Troupe of the Dog God)
Inugami Circus Dan is composed of :
Inugami Kyouko, the singer (her voice is just so special ! beautiful)-the only woman-, Inugami Jouji ji-gou (George II), the guitarist (and what guitarist !! best guitarist in the world to my mind ;) and how handsome he is ! <3_<3), Inugami Zin, the bassist and Inugami Akira, the drummer and leader who writes most of the lyrics.
This is a little text about them in English (I can't write one as my english is so poor sometimes TT^TT)
Taking their name from a circus troupe in the Terayama Shuuji film, "Den'en ni shisu", _T[JXc (Inugami Circus-dan) was formed in December 1994. Their name literally means literally means "Circus Troupe of the Dog God" in Japanese; Inugami Circus-dan is a band out to discomfort you and to make you squirm.
Quite infamous for their shocking 'ugly' image, their music and outfits are strongly influenced by traditional Japanese styles. If you understand Japanese, you will find that their lyrics aren't exactly the most pleasant things to read. Obsessive love, incestous rape, preserved foetuses, cannibalism, decapitation, puss-filled wounds... gory and grotesque images make up many of their lyrics. Succinctly put, it is "Bloodied Guts Rock 'n' Roll", as one of their songs go.
Why disgust your listeners? After all, turned-off listeners do not usually account for great record sales; but by expressing the darker aspects of human nature, they hope to create a form of cathartic entertainment. Their songs and visual presentation draws you into this twisted grotesque world where anything is possible -- it's great escapism.
While their music is predominantly enka & classic-rock influenced, Inugami often incoporates styles and influences from other different (and sometimes drastically so) music genres. Punk, pop, blues, even hip-hop and euro-beat!
Furthermore, they are a band not without a sense of humor. While some rock musicians try hard to appear "cool", Inugami never takes themselves very seriously. Songs such as Akuma wa ore da! and Majogari are hilarious. On stage, they do engage in quite a lot of silly antics, even dancing parapara along to a eurobeat remix of Rock 'n' Roll Fire! Though their makeup may scare you at first sight, once you get to know more about them, they are really quite a fun and endearing band.
What can I say ? Their music is so cool that it's difficult to me to listen to other bands ^^' |