Countries of the World
NIHON NO YUME - My japanese dreams !! :)

This link is a sort of 'petition' which aims at showing Plastic Tree that they are people interested in joining Jelly Fish FC.

I do not believe that this will create an international FC but I think this is a good idea...

Could you sign it if interested or give the links to the ones that are interested ?
Thank you in advance ^^

Please note that when signing the petition, the validation mail can be received as a 'spam' (with hotmail for example), remember to check your indesirable mails ! ^^

sorry if that idea looks stupid for you... m(_ _)m

Hey there ! It's been a while I'm sorry, I was busy with exams and so on...
I want to thank all the persons who left a message in my guestbook, it's really nice ~~

To answer some persons, I do know about Gazette, Kagrra, Diru & so on but didn't take the time to talk about them, sorry ^^ I'll try later :)

Actually, I want to talk about Kaya, my favorite singer. Do you know him ?
He was in Meites, Isola then Rudolf Steiner and finally Schwarz Stein (managed by Mana) before starting his solo career !

His voice is absolutly wonderful, it totally fits electro music !
In Schwarz Stein, I recommand to you these songs :
- rise to heaven (from new vogue children)
- queen of decadence (from new vogue children)
- new vogue children (from the same album ^^)
- corroled cage (from artifical hallucination)
- last hallucination (from artificial hallucination)
well in fact if you can, listen to all their songs !
In his solo career, I do like a lot :
- Kaleidoscope
- Psycho Butterfly (from Masquerade's single or Glitter's album)
- Rose Jail (Glitter)
- Walkre (Glitter)
- Hydrangea (Glitter)
-Oka Ryouran (his last single)

In his solo career, he worked with Kalm, yes yes ! THE kalm from Velvet Eden ! And also Hora !

Please listen to his works !

Mina-san, gomenasai ! I didn't write for a long time, please sorry ! m(_._)m
My school year is over since the end of July.
I went to Japan Expo 7 & Plastic Tree live on 2006/07/08 - 09
I didn't expect such a great live. I can't believe I saw them. Really, if you can go to see them, don't hesitate !
I waited 12 hours behind the Locomotive (in Paris) and I was one of the first to enter, I was just behind Ryutarou. I spent a wonderful time.

I want to thanks now all the person who left a message in my guestbook, it's really nice of you =)
I want to keep on udapting my blog now, thanks to you, because I know you are reading my page and it makes me happy, thank you very much ^_^

I'm thinking of my future now, what I'll do in one year after highschool. I would like to go one year in Japan. But it's very expensive.
I would like to do a japanese language school.
You can find in Japan a lot of these schools in Tokyo but also in Chiba, Nagoya, Hiroshima... In severals city. The prizes are between 500 000Y and 1 000 000 Y for one year (3400~6800P) some are more expensive.
I will think of what to do...

Again thank you for reading... byee~~

Sorry, I didn't write for ages O_O lol but I had some family problems TToTT really sorry >_<
I'm now in vacations ! So I can write here a little ^0^
My japanese teacher will teach me how to translate manga !! (^0^) So cool o_o
I received a gift which give luck for shogatsu by my friend Ken !!
I'm actually trying to find the best solution to go to Japan after BAC (last exam in french highschool) so if you have good idea for me, if you went to Japan at 18 years old as I want to do, I'll be glad if you could help me ! ^^
Thank you in advance ^^
Have a nice day =)

Merry Chistmas and Happy new year !! (a bit late sorry x_x)
I wish you a lot of joy for this new year !
(picture : the japanese band : Raphael, please listent to their music ^o^)
I add a guestbook ^o^ so if you visit, please let a message :) I'll be glad !
Thank you ^^
[picture not found]

Another photo taken in Harajuku !! Look how the little boy is dressed, really beautiful ! I love this picture very much... don't know why ^^' don't you love it too ?
[picture not found]

This photo taken in Harajuku !! Look, how handsome are the guys @_@ lol
It's Ken again who took the photo !! He sent me lot of beautiful photo :)

Long time no see -_-" sorry !
Because of my computer's crash, I can't show you the photo I took of the beautiful things a very nice japanese person sent me TT^TT I will retake the photo, because it is very very beautiful !!! And I'll take a photo of my japanese magazine I bought few days ago : Shoxx 153 November with Plastic Tree ! Also I bought their new single : Ghost !! To listen, please go to !!

This is a photo of a wedding ceremony in Japan !! Taken by my friend Ken ! Thanks very much =^_^=

(March 5th)
Plastic Tree

Nice to meet you.
I'm suffering, and I'm going to write a letter.

The only thing I'm capable of feeling is pain.
Even a bird, for instance, floating in the sky
has at least some amount of happiness, surely.
If you were to find me, and like injured grass
giggle at me, I'd hate it.
However, if you would only like me,
then I could stretch out both arms and fly.

As sadness and loneliness both vanish,
I no longer need to exist.

I wonder if the letter I sent will reach you?

(Singing In The Rain)
Plastic Tree

The sky is lower than usual. It becomes a little lonely.
Looking down, I walk.
Raindrops tumble down. They turn into circular marks.
To be left on the the grey road.
Within my umbrella, I raise a smile, hiding it so no one can see

Incessantly pouring down.
I am "Singing in the Rain"
And all that dances before my eyes becomes blurred

Threads of rain. The colour of tears.
(Who is it that cries?)
My left shoulder is soaked through.
I enclose today in the frame of my hands,
and it looks like a movie I saw once, long ago.
Within my umbrella, I listen, the pattering rain is gentle

Incessantly pouring down.
I am "Singing in the Rain"
And all that dances before my eyes becomes blurred

Incessantly pouring down.
I am "Singing in the Rain"
And all that dances before my eyes becomes blurred
The tiny round flowers that the raindrops leave
Spread out and bloom upon the road.

Spread out and bloom.

Spread out and bloom.

(Blue Bird)
Plastic Tree

It's the kind of beautiful, clear day on which a blue bird might fly
Unable to find us, God laughs
We look up, and through the branches the sky is like a puzzle
What words will it take to keep you with me?

The strong wind blows, and we laugh
It's as if we can fly

Amid the myriad of light, why is it the two of us must surely fall apart?
Entwined in vines of misery, I'll just go on
I'll just go on, without knowing

In our gentle patch of sunlight, the eerily transparent sun
reflects and becomes a point of blackness

A dim noise
I strain my ears to the depths of my heart...

Since both of us will surely just forget, why is it that your voice still echoes?
Entwined in vines of misery, from here
From here I'll be reaching out

The rain has fallen
And staring up, I get the feeling that we've fallen towards the sky...

Amid the myriad of light, why is it the two of us must surely fall apart?
Entwined in vines of misery, I'll just go on
I'll just go on
And it's you that I'll surely never understand
Though I clasp your hand, you're still so far away
The sky that twines the vines of misery
Buries us, buries us in its overflowing light

It's the kind of beautiful, clear day on which a blue bird might fly

This is PLASTIC TREE !!!
I loooooooove this band !!
Vocal : Ryutarou Arimura was bornt in chiba on march 6th 1973 (Pisces), blood typeAB, 53kg 173cm (loooooooe him <3)
Guitar : Akira Nakayama was bornt in hokkaido on january 16th 1971 (Capricorn), blood type A, 57~62kg 170cm
Bass : Tadashi Hasegawa was bornt in chiba on november 16th 1970 (Scorpios), blood type O, 50kg 168cm
Drum : Hiroshi Sasabuchi was bornt in hokkaido on october 12th, blood type A

Disco :



~ STRANGE FRUIT ~ kimyou na kajitsu
95.12.11 [1st press] GOR-001

~ STRANGE FRUIT ~ kimyou na kajitsu
96.6.25 [2nd press] GOR-001


RIRA NO KI [1st official single]
96.9.25 GOR-002



05.10.26 UMCE-8107

05.10.26 UMCE-8108

[9] CELL
04.08.25 UMCE-8105

03.10.22 UMCE-8101

02.11.7 WPC2-10030

[6] TRAUMEREI [toroimerai]
02.9.21 AECR-1005

01.11.14 WPCV-10158

[4] CUT [Early Songs Best Selection]
01.3.7 WPCV-10115

00.8.23 WPCV-10076

98.8.26 WPCV-7425

97.7.10 WPCV-7407



[20] GHOST



04.07.28 UMCE-8104

04.03.10 UMCE-8103

04.01.21 UMCE-8102

03.10.01 UMCE-8100

03.07.09 SHR-0011

[12] BAKA NI NATTA NONI (cover)
03.5.21 SHR-0010

02.6.26 AECR-1003

01.11.14 SHR-0008

01.2.7 WPCV-10101

00.7.12 WPCV-10075

00.4 .19 WPCV-10066

99.12.10 WPCV-10050

[5] SINK
99.8.23 WPDV-10008

[4] TOREMOLO [tremolo]
99.3.10 WPCV-10011

98.7.25 WPCV-7438

98.2.15 WPDV-7124

97.6.25 WPDV-7111


What a beautiful woman !! She is a geisha but NO geisha are not prostitute ! Geisha are used to animate important meeting or others... There used to be geisha men too !
A geisha can playing the koto, dancing, serving the thea, the sake...
Geisha dress wonderful kimono which are very expensive ! Now there are less geisha than in the Edo area but they still exist :)

These pictures are really wonderful... Look, the sakura flowers !

Shingo Mama desu !! Do you know Shingo Mama ? He is so funny ! Shingo mama is, in realty, Katori Shingo, a member of the japanese band "SMAP" ! This picture is taken from "Shingo Mama no Oha rock!" video ! This is the translation of the song (which is for children ^^) :
It's Shingo mama Everyone should greet today energetically also, okay
mischievious boys mischievious girls also quickly wake like The Sun
Have you eaten breakfast, perhaps? It's delicious, eating with everyone
Shingo Mama will skillfully make the delicious meal<
With Mama and Papa and Brother and Sister and Auntie and Uncle and others too
Oha (oha) Oha (oha) Oha (oha) Oha (oha)
Let's eat!
Certainly who could your mother love more than you?
Only your mother wakes up for your sake
Mother and father and brother and sister and uncle and auntie and eveyone too
Oha (oha) Oha (oha) Oha (oha) Oha (oha)
Let's eat!
Oha (oha) Oha (oha) Oha (oha) Oha (oha)
Shingo Mama will skillfully make the delicious meal
Certianly when you leave you'd give your mother a kiss
Oha (oha) Oha (oha) Oha (oha) Oha (oha)
Mama is always energetic, and loves everyone
Oha (oha) Oha (oha) Oha (oha) Oha (oha)
Let's eat
Kiss when you leave
Oha (oha) Oha (oha) Oha (oha) Oha (oha) Oha

I want a Maneki Neko !! I want one !! If you have a maneki neko please send me it !! >__<

Many legends about Maneki Neo exist ^-^
I will tell you one :) So, some samurais were walking past a temple, and behind this temple there was a cat. The samurais stopped to watch the cat and the cat "greeted" them by raising the paw in the ear. Intrigued, the samurais approached the cat and at this moment, the lightning just fell to the place where they were before approaching the cat, Very grateful, they donated in the temple once become rich.
I hope you'll understand 'cause my english is bad :(

A photo for my friend !! This is Ayumi Hamasaki, but I think everybody know her ! She released lot of CDs and plays in commercials (for beer, for panasonics...) and in movies too ! Isn't she perfect ? I am so jealous of her TT^TT
[picture not found]

(, isn't he ? ;D) Do you know him ? Oo yes I think you do ! He is Gackt-san ! At the begining, he was Malice Mizer (one of the most famous and special vkei band in Japan - remember, Gackt-san sang "Bel ar", "Illuminati", "Aprs-midi Paris" and many others) then he left the band to do a solo career (he released lot of CDs : Mizerable, Mars, Love letter, Blac stone...). And he is now a famous japanese singer ! He also plays in a lot of commercials (for Fuji-film, videogames as Metal Gear Solid, for beauty institute Takano Yuri -I don't remember if it is the exact name ^^', for beer...) and plays in a movie "Moon Child" (but I was said that the movie wasn't great).

"Wooooowww... who is this beautiful woman ?" are you thinking... No, no, no ! Daichi Koroda insn't a woman ^-^ Daichi Koroda is the singer of "The Seeker", he was discovered with "Gravitation",a shonen-ai (love between 2 boys) anime, he was the one who sang "Sleepless beauty". I love this song !! And "gather roses" too !! But I'm not a fan of him ^^"
His brother (sorry... I don' remember his name =_=") is the singer of Iceman (who sang "Shinning Collection" in Gravitation) and he is very very different fom Daichi koroda ;)

Doesn't he look like a man here ? ^^"

Yoshiki, drummer in X-Japan, is now producer and he is, in the photo, with Rose, the drummer of "The trax", a korean band produced by Yoshiki-sama. Even if The trax is korean, most of the lyrics are in japanese.

This is X-Japan, a very very famous band in Japan !! A lot of persons says that X-Japan is the first vkei bnd, others says that X-Japan was just a japanese hard rock band... But one thing is sure : X-Japan was a real legend ! Now, X-Japan is disbanded and the guitarist, hide-sama, is dead TT^TT (in 1998). I think you should listen to "Art of Life", this song is really wonderful !

He is hide ! A very very talentued guitarist, he also had a solo career, and sang some good songs as "Tell me", "Good bye", "Dice" and others... I like his muic very much.

I just received now my Inugami Cd "Sukeban Rock" with DVD !!! So happy !! This album is just so coooool !

Last week, I ate in a japanese restaurant called "Kyoto". It was delicious :)I went there with my big brother but he didn't love a lot...

Do you know Origami ? I looooooove Origami ! My broher bought an origami book (5/6 years ago) and I just spent my times with Origami ! It is difficult ^^" and you must be patient !

Inugami Circus Dan at Utaban in 2003 ! They say they have special powers ! Jouji and Zin can eat 1kg of wasabi and Akira can stay 10 minutes in the water ! XD of course they can't ^^'

Inugami Circus Dan at Utaban in 2004, funny !!

First of all, I want to talk about my favorite band : Inugami Circus Dan !! (The Circus Troupe of the Dog God)
Inugami Circus Dan is composed of :
Inugami Kyouko, the singer (her voice is just so special ! beautiful)-the only woman-, Inugami Jouji ji-gou (George II), the guitarist (and what guitarist !! best guitarist in the world to my mind ;) and how handsome he is ! <3_<3), Inugami Zin, the bassist and Inugami Akira, the drummer and leader who writes most of the lyrics.

This is a little text about them in English (I can't write one as my english is so poor sometimes TT^TT)

Taking their name from a circus troupe in the Terayama Shuuji film, "Den'en ni shisu", _T[JXc (Inugami Circus-dan) was formed in December 1994. Their name literally means literally means "Circus Troupe of the Dog God" in Japanese; Inugami Circus-dan is a band out to discomfort you and to make you squirm.

Quite infamous for their shocking 'ugly' image, their music and outfits are strongly influenced by traditional Japanese styles. If you understand Japanese, you will find that their lyrics aren't exactly the most pleasant things to read. Obsessive love, incestous rape, preserved foetuses, cannibalism, decapitation, puss-filled wounds... gory and grotesque images make up many of their lyrics. Succinctly put, it is "Bloodied Guts Rock 'n' Roll", as one of their songs go.

Why disgust your listeners? After all, turned-off listeners do not usually account for great record sales; but by expressing the darker aspects of human nature, they hope to create a form of cathartic entertainment. Their songs and visual presentation draws you into this twisted grotesque world where anything is possible -- it's great escapism.

While their music is predominantly enka & classic-rock influenced, Inugami often incoporates styles and influences from other different (and sometimes drastically so) music genres. Punk, pop, blues, even hip-hop and euro-beat!

Furthermore, they are a band not without a sense of humor. While some rock musicians try hard to appear "cool", Inugami never takes themselves very seriously. Songs such as Akuma wa ore da! and Majogari are hilarious. On stage, they do engage in quite a lot of silly antics, even dancing parapara along to a eurobeat remix of Rock 'n' Roll Fire! Though their makeup may scare you at first sight, once you get to know more about them, they are really quite a fun and endearing band.

What can I say ? Their music is so cool that it's difficult to me to listen to other bands ^^'

Konnichi wa mina-san !
I just want to talk about my big love : Japan !
Unfortunaly I'm not japanese (hum... well... I think I'm the reincarnation of some japanese girl ^^' but it seems that nobody believe me -_-)
I'm actually 16 and since the age of 9, I just love Japan... don't know why...
I hope you'll enjoy visiting my small website :)



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