Well, Welcome to ThunderClan. Here FireStar is the leader, GrayStripe is the deputy, Dustpelt, Sandstorm,Cloudtail, Brackenfur, Thornclaw, Brightheart, Brambleclaw, Ashfur, Rainwhisker, Sootfur, and Sorreltail are Warriors. Squirrelpaw,leafpaw, Whitepaw, and Spiderpaw are Apprentices. FernCloud is the only Queen, and Goldenflower, Longtail, And Mousefur are Elders. The medicine cat is Cinderpelt. |
Well, you may not be welcome here... Well, Here is ShadowClan. Here BlackStar is the leader, Russetfur is the deputy, and Littlecloud is the Medicine Cat. The warriors are Oakfur, Cedarheart, Rowanclaw, and Tawnypelt. Smokepaw and Talonpaw are the only apprentices, Tallpoppy is the only queen, and last but sorta least, Runningnose and Bolder are the Elders. Don't ever come on our territory EVER again. (Though we might come on yours...) |