Ron's Australian Wildlife Photo's

The Eastern Brown snake of Australia, can be found throughout the whole continent, and is one of our most dangerous snakes. This snake is responsiblle for more bites, and fatalities then any other Australian snake, although by no means the deadliest snake of Australia, as several other species have that reputation. These snakes include the Tiger Snake, Fierce Snake and the Taipan.

Goulds Goanna, This beautiful large lizard can be found in many areas of Australia, but is not as common as once was, due to continuous clearing of the native habitat.
Grey Teal, Anas Gracilis, this beautiful photo of a nesting pair of Grey Teal, was taken at the Humbug Scrub Sanctury, this sanctury was started by my great Grandfather, who seen the need to protect plants and all kinds of Australian creatures before they became extinct, due to clearing of the land for farming.
The Scrub has now been in operation by the Bellchambers Trust for 100 years as of 2005.

The Black Swan which is the only swan native to Australia, scientific name is Cygnus atratus. This large bird of the skies eats underwater plants, This nesting pair can be seen to have a new clutch of signets (baby swan's)not long out of the nest.

This photo of a Wolf Spider, Lyosa godefroyyi, is a spider found almost all over Australia, and like most Australian Spiders lives in burrows. The maximum length of this spider is 3 cnetimetres.

The Echidna, Spiny Anteater, scientific name Tachyglossus aculeatus, is only one of two egg laying mammals in the world and dates back as far as the Triassic Period when dinosaurs roamed the earth, so show you how versatile they are, to live this long.
The echidna the platypus come under the term of Montremes, which is the name given to egg laying mammals. There are two echidna species, the long beaked and short beaked echidna,the long beaked echidna is to be found along with the short beaked echidna in New Guinea, but are on the threatened species list, due to the hunting and eating of these species. The short beaked echidna is also found in most parts of Australia and is still reasonably common, living on termites, certain varities of ants and also insects.
Echidna's only lay one soft shelled egg and this is moved into the mothers pouch (some thing like a kangaroos pouch, when the little echidna reaches a certain weight he is then left in a burrow, and the mother calls back every couple of days and feeds him, and then after around 12 months he is big enough to look after himself (or herself which ever it may be). Any more information on this creature then please contact the writer.

The Ring-tailed Possum, Pseudocheirus peregrinus; this picture of a little Ring-tailed Possum was taken in the back of my daughter backyard where a house had been placed in the tree for the creatures. The Ring-tailed Possum is a very good climber of trees and moves quite fast when disturbed or danger is about, they have very soft fur and for this reason were hunted by both the Australian Aboriginal and European Settlers to Australia for their pelts. The home of these creatures is in hollow's within tree's and occassionally also found to live in the roof of a house, "can you really blame them when we have destroyed most of their homes but cutting down large trees". The Ring-tail possum is a nocturnal creature (meaning only comes out at night) and feeds on eucalyptus leaves, flowers, fruit and possibly insects. Any more information wanted on this little creature please contact the writer.

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Ron's Australian Wildlife Photo's (Animals)    -    Author : Ron - Australia

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