veillard (hubert) - 06/02/2004 : J'y suis allé en 3 eme apres 2 ans de Russe j'avais une corres super elle et ce pays me manquent... yazid (algerie) - 19/02/2004 : j'aime bien ce pays.d'apres ce que j'enttend de lui..j eréve de le vesitr un jour voodoo (lens) - 23/02/2004 : j'y suis allé 2 fois, en 2000 et 2002 je compte y retourner dans à peu près 15 ans pour voir le plus gand gratte ciel du monde qui est en train de se construire en ce moment.J'ai aimé ce pays ou les gens sont très hospitalliés. J'ai visité la ville de moscou avec sa magnifique place rouge, le Mausolé Lenine (80ans qu'il dort), la place du manège, le Kremlin, st basile, son métro trop beau... J'ai meme eu l'occas de prendre trois photos avec une kalachnikov entre mes mes mains, franchement ça fait quelque chose quand on sait ce qu'elle est. le point négatif c'est que tellement la ville est gigantesque (d'après mes recherches c'est la plus grande ville du monde si on ne compte pas l'agglomération mais la population de la ville même, alors tokyo tu fais pas le poid!)tu dois passser la moitié de ton temps dans les transports en communs mais comme je l'ai dit le métro est magnifique donc on le visite en même temps, en plus il y a pleins de légendes comme par exemple il existerai un métro parallèle ou les hauts dirigeants du pays pouraient s'enfuir en cas de guerre, s'enfuir ou? dans ma cave (lol)!! J' ai adoré la beauté des femmes russes franchement ce sont les plus belles femmes du monde, hummmm... Allez visiter ce pays et surtout n'ayez pas de préjugés car croyez moi ils seront vite oubliés en arrivant la bas. Rubin (USA) - 27/02/2004 : Having been a teacher for many years and now an early disability retiree it is my desire to help students and teachers of the former USSR in their mastery of the English language and also to develop friendships. conard (BELGIQUE) - 29/02/2004 : ce pays a lair trop bien jaimerais i aller une fois visiter ces villes surtout moscou. et voir un match de locomotiv moscou Brittany (canda) - 12/03/2004 : bonne site web girl from (lithuania) - 17/04/2004 : I live in Lithuania and I have never lived in Russia, but its influence still feels in nowadays, because many people here can talk easily in russian;] I adore Russian literature!!! I think any Europe culture doesn't have such a rich language and literature...underneath it all, i like Russia - it's great country;] Valérie (canada) - 18/04/2004 : Ses super,, si vous avez des information sur la russie ou la sibérie plus précisément veuiller me contacter le plus tot possible(ses pour une recherche a l'école) cidolit (russie) - 25/04/2004 : j'aime bien mais ce n'est pas assez fau faire mieux Alex (Canada) - 09/05/2004 : Votre site est bon mais il ne parle pas de la feune en Russie, des espèces en voie de disparition. Za\'Ntwanett (USA) - 16/05/2004 : i live in the united states and im doing my report on russia. so far, russia seems interesting. but ill be moving to Gerogia, USA. my couzin went to Europe for her teachers' degree and she said it was very pretty over there. well i will talk to ya later. Benoît (Belgique) - 18/05/2004 : Je pense que tout ce qu'on nous a dit à propos de l'ancienne URSS est totalement faux. Ce pays est peuplé de gens extrèmement cordiaux et j'espère y rencontrer bientôt mon âme soeur, Svetlana, qui me montrera ce merveilleux pays et sa brillante culture. sara macoluso (alaska) - 20/05/2004 : I am doing a report on russia and this website is perfect Grobnitsa (Russia/Canada) - 02/06/2004 : Je ne cpmprend pas pourquoi il y a tant de différence entre les valeurs de PIB dans "les informations de base" et "les informarions détaillées" Russie c'est le meilleur pays du monde, d'après moi. Je l'aime pour ce comment il est. J'aime les gens qui y habitent - ils sont très intelligents, la je me sent très comfortable. Moscou fait rechaffer le coeur.=) Janez (Lithuania) - 02/06/2004 : endless flat terrain...extrmely dangerous delepitated industrial infastructre...potent nuclear sites....a nucler rugged wasteland...terrorists...genocidal history(stalin era)....horrible weather...rude people...what can i say.. a complete, environmental, political, social and economic disaster Charles (France) - 08/06/2004 : Le pays le plus fascinant et le plus vivant au monde. Tout y est intense. Le climat, les caractères, la géographie. Ce pays a une ame, dont on tombe rapidement amoureux. Tout ceci sont des clichés, le problème, c'est que mes voyages là-bas, ne les ont pas dissipés, au contraire. Eliza (Australia) - 28/06/2004 : I am doing a progect on Russia. It is fun and interesting Guieby (Côte d'Ivoire ) - 30/07/2004 : J'aime ce pays car c'est un pays où je rêve de connaitre pour sa technologie dans les recherche spaciale. J'espère et j'ai espoir qu'un jour je le verrai pour le fouiller de plus près. herve (france ) - 14/08/2004 : que d'emotion en Russie pendant un mois de moscou a Vladimir dans 6 mois nous y retournons pour un long week end ... Nico (France) - 07/09/2004 : Je suis a moitié russe et j'aime beaucoup la bizarrerie de la Russie, son coté atypique, la spontanéité des russes, la beauté et l'immensité partout (ville comme campagne ou foret). En revanche leur nationalisme est pénible et leur manque de tolérance et d'ouverture d'esprit est triste. ce doit etre une partie de l'heritage de la fermeture et de l'uniformisation soviétique... Le site est super, en revanche l'hymne russe est tres fantaisiste, c'est n'importe quoi, ce ne sont ni les paroles ni la bonne langue!!! (alors que vous l'avez mis en gaelique pour l'Irlande...) Michelle (USA) - 29/09/2004 : J'aime bien ce site web, je fais des recherches pour un projet a l'universite, je n'ai jamais connu tout ces informations de la Russie - c'est certainement un pays interessant. Merci! Ekaterina (Russia) - 11/10/2004 : I love the Russian country, because it give to world new cultures and different meaning. I thank Student of World for including my lovely country on website. ann-Frédérick (Québec) - 13/10/2004 : Bon site pour les recherches, mais dommage pas assez d'information sur le conflit avec les tchétchènes. RAFIK (MOROCCO) - 16/10/2004 : I love russia it is an amalgame of nations .the moroccan people consider russia like a friend Anneliese (USA) - 20/10/2004 : The country of Russia is so intricate and ammusing. It's distinctive government and unique shape give it the most interesting edge. JASON (U.S.) - 23/10/2004 : RUSSIAN IS A RIDCULOUS LANGUAGE, I AM LEARNING IT IN HIGH SCHOOL. fati boutabssil (maroc) - 20/11/2004 : ce pays est vraiment tres joli même si je ne l'ai pas visiteé quand je grandirai je le visiterai inchaalah et merci fati boutabssil du maroc julie (france) - 30/11/2004 : je doit faire une composition sur la russie et je trouve qu'il n'y pas assez d'info sur un pays aussi grand! Nadia (USA) - 30/12/2004 : I think Russia is a wonderful country! I am learning the language and I like it very much! It has a wonderful, rich culture, and I think it is just a great country. I am glad to be a friend of Russia. I was born there, and I am going back there this summer with my orchestra! Mon'kesia Butler (USA) - 04/03/2005 : I am a high school senior and I am doing a research report on Russia. After looking at all the beautiful pictures of the buildings in Russia, I can tell it is a magnificent country. Derf (NZ) - 27/03/2005 : I love Russia. I am going to live there as soon as I can. I am learning the language, which is beautiful. Mason (Rus) - 08/04/2005 : no offnce, but its totally damn rubbish place. Madrick05 (USA) - 22/04/2005 : My honey is from RUSSIA and I can't won't to see go and see it !!! Manon (Canada,Ottawa) - 26/04/2005 : Je demeurais à Moscou. Votre web-site est vraiment très bon. Il exprime parfaitement la beauté de Moscou et de Piter. Brett (USA) - 22/05/2005 : Cool place, i really wish that I coul hang one of those nice pictures on my bedroom wall. But i wish this site could tell you more about the animal and plant life of Russia,though! Brett (USA) - 22/05/2005 : Russia is a country by the way. Jaren Boswell (Canada) - 30/05/2005 : The closest I have benn to Russia is Estonia and Latvia, I was married in Tallinn. The spirit I felt was more frendlier more there then here. I miss it very much and would like to return some day. They are very pretty places.I have been sent pictures of Russia from my in-laws. Now I search for picture on Russia and download them for my collection.We have a lot to learn fro them, on how to preserve our historical sites, buildings and our past. Instead of destroying it. ashwin thukaral (india) - 14/06/2005 : Russia is a greatest country in the world.I love russia very much even i have nerver gone in russia however russia is mixed in mine soul.Russia every time sports to india it good metter for india that India have gotten a truth friend.I think india is very lucky today i am looking picture of russian places it is very nice and looking a paradise.I can not find more word for russian parys Socrat (Latvia) - 23/06/2005 : After my tour, russia associated with real post-ussr country. They even can`t get rid of some of theys simbolics on buildings etc. there are giant massive living blocks (Comparing to Europe it seems horrible). The Moscow metro that is called the most beautiful, for me looked like the most pissed, though buildings that survived communism (Kreml,this monumental church near red square etc. ).. About people - hadn`t much contact.. but In my country more than half of russian speaking are rude and unpolite. A Bryant (France) - 12/07/2005 : Une visite à Perm prèse de l'Oural, et des renseignements plein le menu : visitez mon site : ina (Lietuva) - 17/07/2005 : in Lithuania is the same like in Latvia, rusian people are realy rude and unpolite... Some of them even can't talk lithuanian in spite of they livin hear all they're lifes, sometimes it irritate, they are talking with u in rusian like u should know this language like yours. of course there is and cool people, but not that much... Stephanie (USA) - 02/08/2005 : I love this country. I am learning Russian, and I like the language, the people, the land, the literature, and the music. people have told me that the language is confusing, the people are rude, the land is ugly, the literature is boring, and the music is dissonant, but i do not believe any of that! i think russia is a very lovely country and i cant wait to visit it! Go russia! Mel (USA) - 24/08/2005 : My boyfriend is Russian, and he is awesome! Great country! Bernardo Galker (Mexico) - 26/08/2005 : Hello, I have been in Russia 2 weeks ago. I was in St. Petersburg and in Moscow. Russia is a beautiful country, more than I have expected. However it's a pitty that the capitalist economy is destroying this beautiful country and that her own inhabitants do not mind about this fact and even foment it. Another point. Several people from west say that Russia is an ugly country, completely unsafe, that Russians are real barbarians and that it's an underdeveloped country. I can assure that all these comments, as I have thought even before visiting Russia, are ABSURD. Russia is one of the few countries I have been at where police does their job and it's well equiped. I saw few poor people in Russia which indeed is firstly, product of USSR's collapse and secondly, they're mainly inmigrants from some of the poorest former Soviet republics. And as it is well known Russia is one of the first potences in means of technology. And people in Russia, as in any other country exists in very varied ways: there're cold people, warm people, some despotic. In Russia though I have found very warm people and that when you as tourist come to that country with the intention to know more about it and try to communicate in their language or to show you know about their culture and history they can become very warm. That's my experience in that beautiful country, once in brotherhood with the country where my grandfather was born, Ukraine. Long live USSR! Bernardo Galker (Mexico) - 26/08/2005 : Btw, I'm glad several people is able to recognize the beauty of this country and not to prejudice it in spite of political views. Michalia (America/Texas) - 24/09/2005 : This country is so awsome! I'm doing a report in school for Russia!!! soso awsome!!1 Anja (Sweden) - 07/10/2005 : I like Russia too!! Erin (USA) - 10/10/2005 : The Russian government needs to control their soldiers in Chechnya so that the Chechens aren't driven by anger to kill Russian school children after their family members have been killed and abused for no reason. Erin (USA) - 14/10/2005 : Not that I don't like Russia though. ashok reddy (india) - 17/11/2005 : i have a project in my college i thought about russia! so i did my project on russia government,trade,tours&travel,food, that time i inspired how russians are developed in science&techo.i like russia Alexander L'Heurovich (Lanödïërovichnikovrisen) - 19/11/2005 : Vive la Russie!!! Les Lanödïërovichnikovriseniennikov vous invite à jouer au hockey de la rue de la boîte à mail. philipine (philipine) - 21/11/2005 : hello my russian friends wassup aujourhui Ling How (Russia) - 08/12/2005 : HELLO PEOPLE! hug-a-tree (europe) - 31/01/2006 : Russia has so many interesting things too see. A lot of interesting history as well. I just wrote a report on Russia and got so into I wanted to learn everything. Some of the greatest composers are from Russia and some of the greatest writers as well. I'd love too go there some day. Êàòÿ (Russia) - 16/03/2006 : Ðîññèÿ- ñàìàÿ ëó÷øàÿ ñòðàíà â ìèðå! Ñïàñèáî, ÷òî òû åñòü!!!! ß ãîðæóñü òåì, ÷òî ÿ ðóññêàÿ!!! Ìû âåðèì â ñåáÿ!!!!!!!!!! Ðóññêèå íå ñäàþòñÿ!!!! Dave (USA) - 17/03/2006 : I like Russia. Interesting Culture and Language. Denis (FRANCE) - 01/04/2006 : Je cherche quelqu'un à SAMARA, mais je n'arrive pas à trouver sur une carte ! merci (autour de Moscou) Erin (USA) - 18/04/2006 : Ahh Bernardo, you are so full of knowledge... salut tout le monde (russie) - 25/04/2006 : hey mon amie fait une recherche sur le pays. a se qui parais ses un beau pays. siham (belgique) - 17/05/2006 : j'adore ce pays, sa littérature, son histoire, la musique classique et le ballet. j'espère faire un ans d'étude là-bas, pour ma troisième année d'université car je prendrais Russe-Polonais comme étude. je collectionne les poupées russes j'irais visité un jour, c'est sûr ^-^ Sanna (Finland) - 10/06/2006 : Hi.I live In Filand. Finland is next to Russian... Anya (Russia) - 15/06/2006 : I`m russian, i live in St.Petersburg and i`m PROUD to live in such a WONDERFUL country!!! Anya (Russia) - 15/06/2006 : and another thing that i`d like to say o people who live in lithuania!! There was time all people from USSR republics were friends and now it`s strange and very offensive to know that you don`t like russians living in your republic though not very long time have passed since the breaking of the SU! REMEMBER that it was RUSSIA who helped YOUR country in economical way, who made the education FREE, and without US you now were a POOR country!!!! It`s strange for me that you say russian people are rude! Don`t follow the stereotypes, do you still think we are barbarians?! Can`t you see what rich culture we have?! Russian people are very warm and open-hearted!!!So stop saying this horrible things, please, i think that now we must not break the friendship. osman (Türkiye) - 06/07/2006 : i like this country.... Morgan (USA) - 03/08/2006 : When my geography class learned about Russia we fell in love with this country, We saw pictures and everything and watch a video from Russia from one of our classmates that is now living in Russia. I like this Russian tennis by the name of Maria Kirilenko she is a 19 year old She is my favorite... I like your country pascal (france) - 03/11/2006 : je deteste ce pays no j adore makeen (uae) - 06/02/2007 : Russia is a wonderful place to live,i love that country.europes economy is mainly based on russian gas. Yurets (Russia) - 12/02/2007 : Hi, everyone! I thanks high powers that i was born in Russia. Just here people really understand what mean dark and what mean light. We have so much crashes and reincarnations that nobody else, and we can have another vision on all what happend in world, but its not mean that we are your enemies. Remember please, how much wars (i mean big wars,where decides destiny of the future) Russia begin - no one. Yes, life in my country is cruel, and sometimes easy people tired from these, and happend revolutions - but who is angel? We want be your friend. Wakweli (Rwanda) - 30/03/2007 : beacoup d'imformations provenant de l EUROPEaccuse la russie mais moi j'aime bien ce Pays car il ne se mere pas dans la politique Africaine Éric Boyer (Canada) - 30/03/2007 : Hi everybody. I'm doing a report on Russia and Cyberia. Like a lot of persons said, it seems an interesting country to know. I would like to know if some of you have informations or reports to send to me pls. It would be very helpful. Thanks you in advance!! Megan (USA) - 02/04/2007 : Hey! ^.^...hey 7th grader and i'm doing a chart, a big project and i'm having trouble -.- ...but i picked Russia because Russia is awesome!! ^.^ the language looks difficult but i get through it..and if anyone knows anything about Russia..spill please!! MUFEED (KERELA) - 11/04/2007 : Roses are red yellats are blueSugar is sweetand so are you Alex (France) - 29/04/2007 : Pays chargé d'histoire, de souffrance et de joie, un jour prohain, oui demain je te prendrai dans mes bras. Meg (USA) - 26/06/2007 : Recently started teaching myself Russian and love it. I want to go there some day, it looks amazing! momo (Russie) - 27/01/2008 : info sur russie Micaela (Italy) - 03/04/2008 : For me Russia is the best country of the world!!!! I'd like to going in Russia one day...and I study russian language, I think russian people is friendly, I know many of them!!!!! Micaela (Italia) - 07/04/2008 : Hello! I want some information about Russia, who want send an e-mail to me...will be welcome!!! (Russia 4ever!!!!) Nya (CANADA) - 14/11/2015 : C'est normal en Russie Georgy (Latvia) - 04/12/2015 : I live in Latvia but I am Russian and Russia is my home country, I very like it. I visit Russia every year. I last years Russia has changed and now it civilized 'Euoropean' country (I mean European part of it). Sala Life level got much better and now qualified people has good job and salary in Russia. |
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