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Do you like Mongolia ? You can publish your opinion here (great places, people...) :

Byambaa (Mongolia) - 17/06/2004 : hi there. I would like tell you about some names of Mongolian cities on this map. There are incorrect 2 names which are called Buyant-Uhaa and Dund Us. Buyant-uhaa is our airport name. I don't know where was put Dund-us. Buyant uhaa must be Sain-shand and Dund us must be Khovd. You should check it out using a political map. thank you...
michael (USA) - 16/09/2004 : Mongolia was one of the most awesome places in the world.
() - 30/10/2004 :
caroline (USA) - 13/01/2005 : what two countries border mongolia?
Amy (Taiwan) - 29/04/2005 : hello~i am from Taiwan.Inever meet a person with Mongolia people
brodie (usa) - 17/05/2005 : u need a population map
jaagii (mgl) - 01/11/2005 : hi.I know tourist and cultural of Mongolia
Ariuka (Mongolia) - 24/11/2005 : Hello, mongolia border Russia an d China. Those are biggest country in the world.
ulaankhuu (mongolia) - 05/04/2006 : hi ý love my country
andy (UK) - 29/06/2006 : Time for Mongolia to return to China!
tsoomoo (mongolia) - 05/07/2006 : i'd like to be your guider
Danielle (United States) - 12/04/2007 : you need blogs
BaB (France) - 17/05/2007 : Hey! Hoaw are you? We are 4 french people who want to go to Mongolia. We have a blog: in french of course... If you want to see it, go! You're welcome!
davka (mongolia) - 29/05/2007 : hello everyone. I am Mongolian student and majoring in tourism.I would help you if you want to obtain more information about mongolia,

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