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Do you like Burundi ? You can publish your opinion here (great places, people...) :

John Jorgensen (Denmark) - 05/04/2004 : Burundi is beautyfull, but also very troubled by the civilwar they have been involved in for over 10 years now, the population is hospitable and friendly in general, but you do feel that confidence in other people has suffered from the war too. Burundi needs all the help and investments they can get from the international society to create jobs and progress. If you are interested in helping check ,and lend a hand.
Romario (Burundi) - 01/06/2004 : Je veux avair des information sur le Burundi.
Kendra Mitchell (U.S.A) - 10/01/2005 : Burundi is a very troubled country they need more help. I think everyone in the country should help each other and be closer so this country wont fail. I believe Burundi can get through all there hard times. Burundi is a great country and beautiful.
Katlyn Ritz (United States) - 09/05/2005 : What is the balance of trade for Burundi, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopea, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, Tanzania and Uganda?
Elizabeth (Burundi) - 19/06/2005 : now that i know this much about Burundi, i have figured out that i am very lucky to live where i live now.
françoise labarthe (la réunion) - 18/08/2005 : existe-t'il une université au Burundi et quels sont les niveaux d'enseignement? D'ôu viennent les tutsi? les hommes sont-ils polygames? comment visiter le pays? avez-vous connaissance d'une agence de tourisme sérieuse?
amine (algerie) - 25/08/2005 : je veut savoir comment et la situation au burundi leur mode de vie et coutume
Alexis (Burundi) - 23/09/2005 : I feel very happy seeing people interested in my country, wanting to know the situation, don't worry, let's hope everything will be OK. By the way, you can visit the country and have taste on its 'milk and honey'. If you want to know more about the country,
dieudonne (burundi) - 17/06/2006 : Burundi is a beautiful country despite of the civical war runined the country.I'd like to ask the North countries to help Burundi to get out of the economic problems because they need more financial assistance.To add to that I ask all burundian peole wherever there are to unite themeselves and forget and forgive what happaned in let reunite and build out heart of Africa to gether.foreigners you are welcome in my counry and have look how my country is beautiful and enjoyable....
prince (Burundi) - 17/06/2006 : Le Burundi c'est un beau pays se trouvant au coeur de l'Afrique comme le dit la geographie, un pays au beau paysage,beau climent,... j'encouragerai qui conque voudrait voir le beau paysage du monde de venir au burundi. Mais ce qui me rend triste, c'est la guerre fratricide(causee par la haines etntre les Nationaux) que connait le burundi depuis un demis-sicle qui s'est agravee avec l'evenement de 1993. Ce pays traverse une situation tragique depuis 1993, et ce qui est etonant et incomplehensible c'est le fait que la solution semble etre difficile à trouver par les barundi eux-meme(autheurs si j'ose le dire des tous les drames qu'a connu ce pauvre pays. On a besoin d'une aide 'dans le sens de faire comprendre aux burundais ce qui cause tous car on ne peut pas soigner une maladie qu'on ignore. vous etes les bienvenus au coeur de l'afrique vous tous qui veulent decouvrir mon pays(le Burundi).je vous demande pas de me croire mais plutot de venir decouvrir la realite vous-memes.
prince (Burundi) - 17/06/2006 : Africa is good,I like my country and it's beautfull but according to what people are living in my country, i am shocked. I exault every body in the country to stand up and work for this issue ' together we can make our country beter' even the whole african need to be joined together so that africa can become strong and good as other continents even more than them cose i strongly believe that Africa is rich enaugh in ressources. if we can joine our minde and use our force toi work, we will be the first rich and power continent in the world (Dear Africans think about it!!!!!!?)
Rebecca (USA) - 11/07/2007 : The average household size in Burundi is 5.6 people, and the average annual income per household is FBu 30,000, which is US $27.

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