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modifier supprimer 27868 - de Lou120 , 14 ans (France) - 2024-11-29
Basket - "basketball'"

hello,i'm from france and i play basketball since 4 years.
i'm looking for someone to talk to improve my english (i would like to go to an international school the next year but i need to improve my level in english)

please answears me :)

modifier supprimer 27867 - de Jason20 , 21 ans (Corée) - 2024-11-28
Football Américain - "fly high dirty birds"

Yo, what’s up! I’m a huge fan of the Atlanta Falcons, and Michael Vick’s my all-time favorite. Right now, I’m ballin’ as a wide receiver in college

modifier supprimer 27864 - de Liam122 , 12 ans (USA) - 2024-11-15
Roller, Skate board - "scooter?"

Does scooter count? I am a decent scooter, I want to learn how to do some tricks

modifier supprimer 27862 - de Shankaran207 , 68 ans (Inde) - 2024-10-28
Natation - "Swimming"

I prefer to swim, only in swimming pools, since I get scared in oceans, rivers.

27862 -
modifier supprimer 27865 - Réponse de Trudy214 (USA) - 2024-11-21

ya i know i am scared of going deep in the ocean and i think that rivers are a little scary but i have a river that is a couple of hours away from my house that i like to go and swim

27862 -
modifier supprimer 27863 - Réponse de MIGUEL255 (Bénin) - 2024-10-30


modifier supprimer 27859 - de Alisha64 , 13 ans (Mali) - 2024-10-10
Danse - "Votre style de dance"

Salut à tous j'aurais préféré ne pas faire de forum sur les sports ou la dance mais sur les animé ou mangas mais bouf quel est votre style de dance.

modifier supprimer 27852 - de Lucas180 , 14 ans (Burkina Faso) - 2024-09-13
Foot - "Le foot"

le foot c'est le plus meilleur jeu de ma vie . Je le joue a l’école . J'aimerais avoir un amis qui m'apprendre a jouer au foot . Merci pour mes compression

modifier supprimer 27850 - de Samia193 , 12 ans (Suisse) - 2024-08-25
Gymnastique - "Gynastique"

je ne fais pas de gymnastique, mais c'est ma passion. J'ai 12 ans et je sais que c'est trop tard pour du haut-niveau. J'arrive à faire la roue, avec une main, sur les coudes. La souplesse avant, la pièce droite, mais pas la souplesse arrière. Qui peut m'aider?? Merci! Veuillez m'écrire sur student of the world svp si intéréssé. Bonne journée!

modifier supprimer 27838 - de Kameron82 , 14 ans (Nouvelle Zélande) - 2024-07-19
Basket - "Basketball"

I love playing basketball at school! Sadly, I didn't reach the height requirement, so I can't play, however, I really love to practice shooting hoops in my own time! If anybody else still shares this hobby with me, feel free to message me!

modifier supprimer 27837 - de Joseph223 (Afrique du Sud) - 2024-07-18
Haltérophilie, Musculation - "Training as a gym instructor at TECH Global University"


I am passionate about sport and for this reason I have been studying for some time to be able to dedicate myself to personal training for athletes. I want to get more education and I have seen a TECH Global University's gym instructor program that I think can provide me with a lot of knowledge to dedicate myself professionally to what I want to do.

Can anyone here share their experiences with this degree and confirm if it is useful?

Thank you very much :)

27837 -
modifier supprimer 27844 - Réponse de Thasi158 (Afrique du Sud) - 2024-08-12

I think that if you want to broaden your knowledge, it's a good option. You have to like studying online to get the most out of the experience, but if that's your case I recommend it.

27837 -
modifier supprimer 27843 - Réponse de Jon223 , 32 ans (Afrique du Sud) - 2024-08-08

For me it is a good option for training. In my case, I studied and it allowed me to continue with the rest of my personal, professional obligations... So I value it quite positively

modifier supprimer 27836 - de Skyler90 , 24 ans (Chine) - 2024-07-14
Basket - "My favoutite sport-Basketball"

My favorite sport is basketball and my favorite player is Stephen Curry.
Stephen Curry is an absolute phenomenon on the basketball court. His shooting skills are nothing short of extraordinary. The way he effortlessly launches those long-range three-pointers with pinpoint accuracy is truly breathtaking.
I've been following his career closely and have been constantly amazed by his performances. His ability to handle the ball, create space for himself, and make split-second decisions under pressure is remarkable. Not only is he a scoring machine, but he also plays with a great team spirit, always looking to involve his teammates and make the game more enjoyable to watch.
The determination and hard work he puts into his game are truly inspiring. Despite facing various challenges and doubts throughout his career, he has consistently proven his doubters wrong and established himself as one of the greatest players of all time.
His influence on the game of basketball is undeniable. He has changed the way teams approach offense and has made the three-point shot a dominant weapon in the modern game.
In conclusion, Stephen Curry is not just a basketball player for me; he's a source of inspiration and a true icon in the sport that I love so much.

modifier supprimer 27835 - de HENAYIA180 , 12 ans (France) - 2024-07-11
Gymnastique - "SPORT"

JE M APPELLE HENAYIA J AI PRATIQU2 2 ans de gymnstique en ce moment je fais du handball depuis 2ans

modifier supprimer 27827 - de Calie150 , 10 ans (France) - 2024-04-14
Foot - "Le football c'est pour bientôt !!"

Je ne fais pas encore de football en club mais j'en fais à l'école .
L'année prochaine je ferais du foot en club .
Foot c'est génial !!

modifier supprimer 27825 - de Soriyah229 , 15 ans (USA) - 2024-04-09
Sieste - "Sleeping is amazing"

I hate working out but when I'm forced to I take a nap when I get home. And I feel so refreshed after! And those naps where you think you sleep for 5 minutes but it ends up being 3 hours are the best.

modifier supprimer 27824 - de Saffy88 (Nouvelle Zélande) - 2024-04-05
Cyclisme - "Bike tracks"

I have a (kind of old) mountain/dirt bike. Does anybody know any good bike tracks I could try and convince my parents to let me ride? I've just started learning to do small jumps, but i'm tired of biking on circles in my driveway.

modifier supprimer 27822 - de Anna59 , 10 ans (France) - 2024-04-01

Bonjour à tous!! Je suis nouvelle sur ce groupe et j'aimerais bien écrire un petit message:
Comme la plupart d'entre vous, ici, j'ADORE l'escalade. J'en pratique depuis un peu moins que 8 ans. J'adore grimper sur les falaises montagnardes : le bonheur!! -sauf quand c'est trop dur- Je grimpe aussi sur un mur (dans une salle) et je fais du 5c, 6a.
J'admets qu'on peut paniquer, au delà du millieu du mur, quand on grimpe...
Mais, si vous aimez : grimper aux arbres, grimper partout, aimer grimper, surtout; eh bien, je vous conseille l'escalade!!!
Au revoir ☺️

modifier supprimer 27821 - de Thasith157 , 13 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2024-03-17
Cricket - "cricket"

My name is Thasith . I like cricket .I am a player of my school cricket team.I am looking for a pen friend.would you like to be my pen pal.

modifier supprimer 27818 - de flora209 , 11 ans (USA) - 2024-02-27
Danse - "i love ballet"

when i was ten i was in a ballet class
no one ever talked to me but it was fun :3

who wants 2 be penpals???

27818 -
modifier supprimer 27819 - Réponse de Ella242 , 17 ans (France) - 2024-03-01

Bonjour, Je m'appellle Ella. Je vis a Paris. J'ai 17ans. Je souhaiterai avoir une correspondante pour venir apprendre le créole Reunnionnais. Pour une durée de 4 à 5 semaine. Si possible durant le mois de Mars. Si possible vers Saint pierre.

modifier supprimer 27812 - de Gabrielle161 (France) - 2024-02-11
Golf - "GOLF"

Le golf est un sport dificile qui demande technique, équilibre et... argent!! et oui c'est plutôt cher les clubs pour jouer parce que oui , il en faut au moins 6 pour joué!!Si vous voulez vous lancer, demander conseil a un professionnel
Contacter-moi si vous avez des questions sur le foot, l'escalade ou le handball ou la danse!

modifier supprimer 27811 - de Lena193 , 11 ans (Suisse) - 2024-02-01
Danse - "La dance"

salut ! je fait de la pole dance donc c un peu comme de la dance non ? j'adore ça ! et vous ?

modifier supprimer 27809 - de Lisa249 , 10 ans (Russie) - 2024-01-21
Natation - "Swimming"

I've been going to the pool to practice swimming with a coach for 2 years now. I like to swim in the sea in the summer

27809 -
modifier supprimer 27817 - Réponse de Flora209 , 11 ans (USA) - 2024-02-27

that is really cool lisa!!! i went to los angeles with my dad in july and we went to venice beach!!!

modifier supprimer 27808 - de Esperanza220 , 11 ans (France) - 2024-01-16
Gymnastique - "i like gymnastics very much"

Hi, I am Esperanza, I am 11, I live in France, I've been doing gymnastics for 5 years.
It's my passion

27808 -
modifier supprimer 27828 - Réponse de Ruth63 , 16 ans (Ouganda) - 2024-04-23

hi its fine we can be friends and I like your name . I am self taught at gymnastics though i am still learning and yeah we can also talk about other things

27808 -
modifier supprimer 27820 - Réponse de Louise160 , 12 ans (France) - 2024-03-15

hello esperanza I love gymnastics like you and I would like to talk about this and other things with you if you agree!
I speak French more fluently but I can speak English!
I would like to communicate by post!
See you soon !

Bonjour esperanza j'adore la gymnastique comme toi et j'aimerais parler de ça et d'autre choses avec toi si tu es d'accord !
Je parle plus courament français mais je peux parlé anglais !
J'aimerais cmmuniqué par la poste !
A bientôt !

modifier supprimer 27803 - de Calie150 , 10 ans (France) - 2024-01-01
Karaté - "Viet Vo Dao"

Je ne fais pas de karaté mais du Viet Vo Dao ça ressemble au karaté mais c'est moins violent. Est-ce que quelqu'un en fait ?

A bientôt.

27803 -
modifier supprimer 27840 - Réponse de Isa119 , 14 ans (France) - 2024-07-20

Cc perso je fait du karaté je suis ceinture marron mais dcp sa m interresse le sport que tu fait pourais tu m en dire plus stp ???

modifier supprimer 27800 - de Leah207 , 25 ans (USA) - 2023-12-19
Sieste - "Sleep"

Tbh sleeping is great, but what's even better is sleepy cuddles. Every morning when my alarm goes off my cat walks up to my head and curls up against my face and I snooze my alarm like 10 times just so we can spend more time snuggling in our sleep.

27800 -
modifier supprimer 27801 - Réponse de Karim28 (Burkina Faso) - 2023-12-26

Hello how are you?

modifier supprimer 27797 - de crazyman44 (Alaska (USA)) - 2023-11-28
Judo - "judo"

i like judo.

27797 -
modifier supprimer 27798 - Réponse de Potato44 (Samoa Américaines) - 2023-11-28

Me too bro

modifier supprimer 27795 - de Charlotte 138 , 13 ans (Allemagne) - 2023-11-04
Ski - "Hello"

Hello my Name is Charlotte and I love Skiing but I live in the north of Germany so I can't skiing very often 😪

modifier supprimer 27793 - de Charlotte33 , 13 ans (Allemagne) - 2023-10-18
Ski - "hello"

hello, my Name is Charlotte, I love skiing, but I live in Bremen (Germany) so I can't skiing very often:(

modifier supprimer 27791 - de Cléa4 , 13 ans (France) - 2023-10-04
Danse - "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"

Salut je parle français et j'aime beaucoup la dance surtout la k-pop je maîtrise la dance classique la dance moderne et la k-pop et cette année je fait la compétition jusqu'à Paris enfin vous m'avez compris voilà tout sa pour vous dire :

modifier supprimer 27787 - de Lydia223 , 14 ans (USA) - 2023-09-28
Volley ball - "Volleyball!"

I love, love, love volleyball, it's my favorite sport! I've been playing since 7th grade and right now i'm on my schools J.V. team! Any other volleyball players out there that want to chat or be Pen-pals?

27787 -
modifier supprimer 27806 - Réponse de Kavishka 104 , 19 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2024-01-15

Hey bro, I liked Your sport. I liked you're penpal friend.

modifier supprimer 27782 - de Ada19 , 13 ans (USA) - 2023-09-14
Surf - "Surfing"

I went surfing last summer in Hawaii, I would love to do it as much as possible but I live in Missouri, in the middle of the USA, and there is nowhere to surf.

modifier supprimer 27778 - de Henrique 55 (Brésil) - 2023-08-30
Foot - "futebol"

alguém para conversar sobre o Corinthians

27778 -
modifier supprimer 27779 - Réponse de Henrique 55 , 17 ans (Brésil) - 2023-08-31

Hello, I'm a professional player at Sport Club Paulista... I'm currently injured, very sad about that, but I want to get back to the pitch soon.. whoever is there wishes me support

modifier supprimer 27772 - de Sophia140 , 15 ans (USA) - 2023-08-13
Volley ball - "hello"

I want someone to talk about volleyball with and see what is different about it in other countries or if you want to talk about VNL.

modifier supprimer 27771 - de Alexandre65 , 13 ans (France) - 2023-08-09
Tennis - "Tennis is the best sport"

Hello,I'm Alex and I love Tennis,I play it since I was 4 years old and I think it's one of the best sport!!!

modifier supprimer 27770 - de Williams78 , 25 ans (Togo) - 2023-08-06
Danse - "La reconnaissance"

Salut, je suis williams et je suis un togolais et je voulais faire une reconnaissance avec vous

27770 -
modifier supprimer 27780 - Réponse de Moahmed122 (Samoa Américaines) - 2023-08-31

Je suits Mohamed

modifier supprimer 27752 - de Giovanna92 , 14 ans (Brésil) - 2023-07-10
Volley ball - "Volleyball"

Hi! As a volleyball lover I would like to know more about this sport in other countries, like the most famous players and teams within the country.

modifier supprimer 27747 - de Devyn 56 , 16 ans (USA) - 2023-06-29
Boxe - "Muay Thai/boxing"

I'm a Muay Thai fighter but I also love boxing as well so if everyone is excited to talk about it I'm here

27747 -
modifier supprimer 27807 - Réponse de Kavishka 104 , 19 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2024-01-15

Hello brother, I liked you're Sport. Can i you're penpal friendship. please riply to mee...

modifier supprimer 27745 - de Samia65 , 11 ans (Suisse) - 2023-06-21
Athlétisme - "l'athlétisme"

moi je fait ce sport et je trouve qu'il est super et vous ? Le saut en longueur me fait toujours stresser et je ne saute pas bien en concours car à l'entraînement je fait 3m99 et au concours que 2m97...

modifier supprimer 27744 - de Aroa41 , 14 ans (Espagne) - 2023-06-19
Natation - "I love swimming"

I'm Aroa and I love swimming at the beach even though sometimes I swallow too much salt water.

Do you like to swim more in a pool or on the beach?

Hugs and Kisses ♥

27744 -
modifier supprimer 27796 - Réponse de Angel14 (Canada) - 2023-11-05

Personally I prefer pools cause i get scared in oceans and deep waters, but its fun tho.

modifier supprimer 27741 - de Linnéa138 , 15 ans (Canada) - 2023-06-14
Escalade - "looking for penpals who climb!"

Heyy! I am an avid climber and would love to connect with climbers my age across the world! Message me or look at my profile if you’re interested in talking more!

modifier supprimer 27738 - de jojo182 , 13 ans (France) - 2023-06-12
Rugby - "rugby is my life ☺♠"

hoohoho I'm the best ever....no just kidding I from france and i love rugby I'm a number15th
I play in graulhet in france

modifier supprimer 27736 - de Allie92 , 14 ans (USA) - 2023-06-11
Gymnastique - "TNT Gymnastics"

Hi I’m Allie and ive been doing girls gymnastics for around 9 years, but last year I changed to trampoline and tumbling gymnastics. I love it a lot and this year I’m hoping to be a level 6 or 7.

27736 -
modifier supprimer 27829 - Réponse de Ruth63 , 16 ans (Ouganda) - 2024-04-23

hi my name is Ruth and i like gymnastics a lot and i would like us to be friends

modifier supprimer 27734 - de Samia193 , 10 ans (Suisse) - 2023-06-06
Athlétisme - "le saut en longeur"

j'ai fait un concours à Vallorbe et je suis arrivée 8 ème sur 21 bien non ? en plus noremalement je suis nulle

modifier supprimer 27733 - de Samia193 , 11 ans (Suisse) - 2023-05-30
Athlétisme - "Salut"

Moi j'ai fait un coucours d'athlétisme à Vallorbe et je suis arrivée 8ème sur 21. Bien non ? En plus normalement je suis nulle... 😅Bon et bah si vous aimez l'athlétisme et que vous avez entre 10 et 12 ans vous pouvez m'ajouter en amie au revoir

modifier supprimer 27731 - de Eldon229 (USA) - 2023-05-18
Sports mécaniques - "Any Nascar fans anywhere"

I am a fan of Nascar from so Cal and there are no fans at my school. I just want to chat about Nascar with some kids my age who are fans.

modifier supprimer 27728 - de Leanne178 , 13 ans (Canada) - 2023-04-24
Danse - "Danceee"

I love dance with all my heart. I've been doing jazz ballet since 5 and I just started hip hop two years ago and fell in love, I now managed to pass auditions for a hip hop troupe at my dance school! Really proud of what I've accomplished and I want to keep pushing myself further so that I can become the best I ever can be in that domain. I finally decided to expand out of my dancing school and introduce dance in my regular school life too by choosing a general dance program for next year. I am soooo interested in hearing other dancer's experiences, if you want to share your journey or improve with me, message me!

modifier supprimer 27727 - de Jack214 , 12 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2023-04-19
Foot - "Hi"

Hi, my name is Jack and i play for Notts County u13 i have just finished playing a match against Alfreton Town you can write to me and tell me your favourite team i live in Grimsby (nowhere near Nottingham) and my favourite football team is Grimsby Town FC
Have a nice day

27727 -
modifier supprimer 27769 - Réponse de Emmanuel155 , 12 ans (Norvège) - 2023-07-25

I support Chelsea

27727 -
modifier supprimer 27729 - Réponse de Magnus 147 , 15 ans (Norvège) - 2023-04-24

Hallo my neme is Magnus and I am 15 yours old.
I live in Norway.
It is god to live in Norway the are very cold on the vintner.
And on the summer it is hot and sometimes is rein.
I like to watch ishokey and a like to play FIFA.
And I like fotball and the them a support is Manchester unatid

modifier supprimer 27726 - de jinda80 (Pakistan) - 2023-04-19
Tennis de table - "pool tables ping pong combo"

Hello guys!

modifier supprimer 27725 - de Sara208 , 15 ans (USA) - 2023-04-17
Sports mécaniques - "F1"

Hello, My name is Sara,and I like F1. My favorite teams are RedBull and AlphaTauri. My favorite drivers are Sergio Perez and Yuki Tsunoda. I'd love to talk to anyone with similar interests to me!
Don't hesitate to send me a message

27725 -
modifier supprimer 27857 - Réponse de Jakub146 , 15 ans (République Tchèque) - 2024-10-07

hello i like F1 too :D what team is our favorite? my favorite team is ferrari :D

27725 -
modifier supprimer 27768 - Réponse de farishta88 , 15 ans (Singapour) - 2023-07-24

helloo!!! Im a formula 1 fan too!! Im 15!! Looking for a penpal too

modifier supprimer 27721 - de Tyler173 , 16 ans (USA) - 2023-04-12
Football Américain - "GO STEELERS!!!!!!!"

Hello, my name is Tyler. I have watched football since 2011. My favorite Pittsburgh Steelers player is Ben Roethlisberger. My favorite active Pittsburgh Steelers players as of 2022 are T.J. watt and Kenny Pickett.

modifier supprimer 27716 - de Bernardo80 , 11 ans (Brésil) - 2023-04-05
Natation - "Swimming welll"

It's very easy to want to swim, but you also have to know how to train to swim well. I'm on my school's swim team and I'm doing great! Hope you can swim really well too! Hugs.

modifier supprimer 27715 - de Jeanne 168 , 17 ans (France) - 2023-04-01
Volley ball - "Favourite volleyball player ?"

hey guys ! as u all do,i love volleyball and i want to learn the famous as the less known volleyball players for my culture ;). who is ur favorite then ?
i don't have one, that's why i'm looking for the one who may enthrall me x)

modifier supprimer 27713 - de Megh61 , 17 ans (Inde) - 2023-03-10
Tennis - "Tennis"

Hey, I love tennis i played it for 4 years and I have also played competitive swimming for 5 years. If you also love tennis I'd love to get to know you

modifier supprimer 27712 - de Patrick marc0 , 24 ans (Cameroun) - 2023-03-09
Danse - "La danse"

Salut Moi c'est Patrick depuis le Cameroun pour tout ce qui veulent aprenend a dansé le mbolé contacter moi tout d'abord le mbolé es une musique née au Cameroun donc elle fait Partir de la culture camerounais e

modifier supprimer 27709 - de Soo-ah172 , 11 ans (France) - 2023-03-05
Danse - "K-POP"

HI je suis passionnée par la danse k-pop et j'adore parler coréen je ne m'y connait pas très bien mais voila ,,,pour dansez de la k-pop je vous conseil ces musiques:

- kill this love (BLACKPINK)
- ddu-du-ddu-du (BLACKPINK)
- cheshire (ITZY)
- butter (BTS)
- the feels (TWICE)
- shut down (BLACKPINK)
- pink venom (BLACKPINK)
- vengeance (BIBI)
voili,,voulou < 3

27709 -
modifier supprimer 27834 - Réponse de Tsuki70 , 12 ans (Maroc) - 2024-06-08

hey! t'es une fan de k-pop toi, pas vrai? moi aussi! je suis peut être pas la meilleure car je m'y connais pas bien mais j'adore!!

27709 -
modifier supprimer 27739 - Réponse de kenza 154 , 14 ans (Côte d'Ivoire) - 2023-06-12

CC! moi aussi j'aime beaucoup danser sur de la kpop! surtout pour le sport ça aide bien , comme par exemple Wannabe de ITZY ou encore Antifragile de LE SERAFIN et mon groupe preferé c'est STRAYKIDS

modifier supprimer 27708 - de Keshikha137 , 10 ans (Malaisie) - 2023-03-03
Badminton - "Badminton"

Hi guys, I also love badminton. I am going for badminton classes on the weekends. On the days that I don't have my classes, I will play with my parents.

modifier supprimer 27704 - de Brindy190 (Madagascar) - 2023-02-22
Danse - "La danse"

Salut salut!

Je sais pas vous mais pour moi la danse est une façon de s'exprimer ,que je sois triste ou heureuse le fait de danser me fait sentir que du bonheur ,c'est comme dans un autre univers!
Bref bref, c'est une passion à partager,échange d'émotion et plein d'autres encore...

modifier supprimer 27699 - de Annabella116 , 14 ans (USA) - 2023-01-25
Athlétisme - "TRACKKKK and gym"

I have been working out since I was 12, I love lifting and I started track in 8th grade. I have done the 600, 4x100 relay and shotput but I'm looking to try new events, this year is my freshman year so I can try new events like javalin and pole volt. I have done cross country, indoor track and outdoor, and I'm probably gonna try soccer next year in the fall. I go to the gym almost everyday and I love working out.

modifier supprimer 27690 - de Nick230 , 17 ans (Thaïlande) - 2023-01-09
Natation - "Help me!!!"

i havent been swimming for 6 years and im back and then i have cramps a lot!! pls help me!

Page suivante

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