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Tu souhaites parler de ton animal préféré (conseils, expérience...) ?
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modifier supprimer 34112 - de Arwen 109 (USA) - 2019-11-04
Colombe - "Communication"

Has anyone else here communicated with doves? I grew up with doves and spoke with them.

modifier supprimer 33792 - de MATTHEW160 , 48 ans (Ghana) - 2019-02-24
Colombe - "I LIKE DOVE"


modifier supprimer 33739 - de brenda184 (USA) - 2019-01-23
Colombe - "Doves"

Love Doves pure white special meaning symbol of love

33739 -
modifier supprimer 33787 - Réponse de MATTHEW160 , 48 ans (Ghana) - 2019-02-22


modifier supprimer 30370 - de shelly 80 (Grande Bretagne) - 2015-10-08
Colombe - "love"

doves are amazing gabriella

30370 -
modifier supprimer 32061 - Réponse de fortunatus0 , 19 ans (Congo (Rép. Dem)) - 2017-01-27

i love dove because it a sign of peace and all my life i wish peace to all people of the world

modifier supprimer 28382 - de Gabriella92 , 9 ans (USA) - 2015-05-27
Colombe - "The dove is a wonderful thing."

I love doves there so lovely one time i went to the zoo and i sall doves it was wonderful and beautful i like how the doves are white you know thats my 4th fav color if enyone likes doves can you go on my e-mail and we can chat about doves.

28382 -
modifier supprimer 30632 - Réponse de Frank152 , 24 ans (Tanzanie) - 2015-12-09


modifier supprimer 27862 - de Debbie250 , 12 ans (USA) - 2015-02-01
Colombe - "Dove"

Hi my favorite animal is the Dove. It is a symbol for Peace and Harmony. This world need more peace and friendship.

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modifier supprimer 28336 - Réponse de Debbie71 , 12 ans (USA) - 2015-05-21

Yes I think that true too.

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modifier supprimer 28329 - Réponse de simon228 , 15 ans (Inde) - 2015-05-19

its true that its a symbol of peace and frinedship but , if we look into nature we will understand its importance more.

modifier supprimer 27397 - de aimé mac julian157 , 24 ans (Congo) - 2014-09-25
Colombe - "PEACE"

hey everybody! my name's stoff aimé and i search a new friend, i love peace and science.

modifier supprimer 13518 - de ilma inam135 , 12 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2013-08-24
Colombe - "introducing myself"

i am ilma inam.i like to keep friendship with out countries can you accept me as your penpal.

13518 -
modifier supprimer 28220 - Réponse de F.ZEEN134 , 13 ans (Sri Lanka) - 2015-04-27

I was just kidding u'ma I'M your classmate,who always used to say salam to u my good friend!!!???

13518 -
modifier supprimer 26753 - Réponse de Mareie107 , 11 ans (USA) - 2014-05-06

I can accept you as MY penpal and i also love my friends not just here but in other countrys too. The thing is. . . . . . will you accept me as a penpal?

modifier supprimer 13397 - de Erastus228 , 22 ans (Kenya) - 2013-07-27
Colombe - "Dove"

I love peace, a dove is a sign of peace and love. Im ready to joing others in the world to promote peace. Love is the foundation on which peace should be build.

modifier supprimer 12235 - de Aubrey< 3252 , 9 ans (USA) - 2013-01-26
Colombe - ":P :D C: (: {: [:"

doves feel like a sign of PEACE< 3 i use to see them all the time, at my friends house.

12235 -
modifier supprimer 13977 - Réponse de TU94 , 20 ans (Chine) - 2013-10-31

White, feathery, soft and sweet
The dove gazes down from the sky
We point we wave as we jump to our feet
As we send the dove a good-bye.

modifier supprimer 9782 - de Clément113 , 18 ans (France) - 2012-03-22
Colombe - "Peace and Hope"

Hello everybody ! I want to meet people concerned about peace and hope. Actually, I want to create an unformal organisation composed by students of every part of the world and who want to put an end to wars and conflicts, by peoples's cooperation.
If you are interested by this, write me and I would be so happy to meet you and build peace together.

Bonjou tout le monde ! Je souhaite rencontrer des gens concernés par la paix et l'espoir. En effet, je souhaite créer une organisation informelle composée d'étudiants de tous les coins du monde et qui veulent mettre fin aux guerres et aux conflits, par la coopération.
Si vous êtes interressés par cela, écrivez-moi et je serais très heureux de vous rencontrer et de construire la paix ensemble.

9782 -
modifier supprimer 31429 - Réponse de domoina188 , 38 ans (Madagascar) - 2016-06-22

Bonjour!ton annonce et ton vouloir de faire régner la paix m'a beaucoup frappé! et cela m’intéresse aussi!l'insécurité et la violence régissent notre monde en ce moment!pourquoi on se tient pas la main pour en lutter?

9782 -
modifier supprimer 13807 - Réponse de Esther145 , 28 ans (Nigeria) - 2013-10-13

Hi,I am also interested in world peace. You may contact me if you wish.

9782 -
modifier supprimer 10898 - Réponse de Abubakari Alhassan251 , 23 ans (Ghana) - 2012-08-18

boss i get your back your thought is as good as my i hope the ALMIGHTY GOD or the founding head of peace it self is promoting your mission. GOD bless everyone who wish to be a member

modifier supprimer 9329 - de jasmine219 (Australie) - 2012-01-28
Colombe - "dove"

i love the dove!!

they are so peaceful,

they relax me very much

9329 -
modifier supprimer 9552 - Réponse de John21 , 34 ans (Sierra Leone) - 2012-02-21

I love dove because they are peaceful and friendly. When you offer a dove as a gift to someone it represent friendship.

modifier supprimer 9107 - de mark206 , 19 ans (France) - 2012-01-03
Colombe - "bonne annee"

j'aime les colombes et je veux avoir une mais mon père n'accepte pas que peux-je faire

modifier supprimer 9058 - de Emmanuel251 (Ghana) - 2011-12-24
Colombe - "the dove"

the animal or bird called dove is my favorite animal. it is a very docile and calm animal. it is also friendly and not harmful. it one of the emblems of the Holy Spirit. if all people can depict the character 0r nature of this lovely bird, i think the world will be a fine place to be

modifier supprimer 8944 - de Ayah110 , 13 ans (Ouzbekistan) - 2011-12-08
Colombe - "Doves"

I love doves. They're a sign of peace. I have a dove on my shirt right now that says, 'free to live, free to love, peace now.' < 3 I love this shirt

8944 -
modifier supprimer 11413 - Réponse de crystal250 , 12 ans (Australie) - 2012-10-13

ha i love doves i dont want to sound hippish but my mums a hippy

modifier supprimer 8424 - de STEPHANE AGAMAN189 , 18 ans (Côte d'Ivoire) - 2011-10-21
Colombe - "j'adore le colombe"

le colombe pour est un animal de paix c'est pour celà que je l'aime. la couleur blanche étant une couleur de paix, j'ai toujours désiré offrir le colombe à mes personnes de coeur. le plus beau cadeau que j'attend de celui qui m'aime est le colombe(très beau et plus blanc que blanc). comme j'adore le colombe...

modifier supprimer 8206 - de Lucy199 (USA) - 2011-09-24
Colombe - "Doves"

White, feathery, soft and sweet
The dove gazes down from the sky
We point we wave as we jump to our feet
As we send the dove a good-bye.

8206 -
modifier supprimer 31430 - Réponse de domoina188 , 38 ans (Madagascar) - 2016-06-22

The eagle does not cause the dove.

8206 -
modifier supprimer 8723 - Réponse de trouble141 (USA) - 2011-11-18

hey whats up? where do you live? i think thisis a cool idea well bye
please reply.
from, trouble

8206 -
modifier supprimer 8441 - Réponse de Kirby200 (USA) - 2011-10-22

That is AWESOME! Did you come up with that on your own?

8206 -
modifier supprimer 8220 - Réponse de Hope224 , 16 ans (USA) - 2011-09-27

haha aw thats cute

modifier supprimer 7380 - de Meg222 , 13 ans (USA) - 2011-06-12
Colombe - "Dove and Love"

Im a girl who loves the beautiful creature the DOVE!!!!!!!! It shows signs of peace and God our Jesus!!!!

7380 -
modifier supprimer 8443 - Réponse de Kirby200 , 12 ans (USA) - 2011-10-22

I Agree. That is so true! That is why I like doves!

7380 -
modifier supprimer 8442 - Réponse de Kirby200 , 12 ans (USA) - 2011-10-22

I agree. That is SOO true!

modifier supprimer 7130 - de hezel66 , 12 ans (USA) - 2011-05-08
Colombe - "dove,a sign of peace."

dove is white a snow,so white we ,human called it peace,it fly under the sky to share all our love,joy,sprit under one flight.

7130 -
modifier supprimer 7381 - Réponse de Meg222 , 13 ans (USA) - 2011-06-12

Mail me back!!!!

7130 -
modifier supprimer 7131 - Réponse de hezel66 , 12 ans (USA) - 2011-05-08

sorry,the first verse is dove is white AS snow.

modifier supprimer 6435 - de Natalie252 , 12 ans (USA) - 2011-02-24
Colombe - "I love doves..."

Hey! I love doves (as you can see by the subject), they're so white and soft... And to me, they represent everything that's good and everything God is... They represent love, hope, peace, and freedom, which is why I love them!

6435 -
modifier supprimer 7055 - Réponse de maliki85 , 29 ans (Bénin) - 2011-04-27

Joli message de Nathalie.Je partage la meme vision

modifier supprimer 6026 - de Aduboffour29 , 17 ans (Ghana) - 2011-01-11
Colombe - "Mail me as a friend"

hi! love doves? and a friend as nice and lovely as dove then mail me now

modifier supprimer 4919 - de Iman144 , 16 ans (Australie) - 2010-08-31
Colombe - "Doves"

I had neighbours who had a couple of white doves ... i used to help feed them almost everyday.When i see them they look so peacfull ,happy ,calm and in harmony.

4919 -
modifier supprimer 5358 - Réponse de Donavon90 , 11 ans (USA) - 2010-10-16

Do you know what their names where?

4919 -
modifier supprimer 5273 - Réponse de Donavon77 , 11 ans (USA) - 2010-10-07

How many doves did they have

modifier supprimer 4652 - de chloe86 , 14 ans (Chine) - 2010-07-29
Colombe - "To make friends with me?"

he dove I can pass to everybody said: oh ~ ~ I hope to become friends with you. I come from China. I call Chloe. I hope you can teach me English, I can teach you Chinese.

4652 -
modifier supprimer 5274 - Réponse de Donavon77 , 11 ans (USA) - 2010-10-07

Okay I will teach you english and you can teach me chinese.

4652 -
modifier supprimer 4842 - Réponse de chloe93 , 17 ans (Chine) - 2010-08-25

If you do not mind, I can teach you Chinese. In fact, Chinese is not difficult. And English on the same ah ~ is from the beginning to learn the alphabet.

4652 -
modifier supprimer 4841 - Réponse de chloe93 , 17 ans (Chine) - 2010-08-25

Hello, very busy recently. Not read mail, I'm sorry. Nice to meet you ~

4652 -
modifier supprimer 4835 - Réponse de bukavu172 , 24 ans (Australie) - 2010-08-25

hi , clhoe
I read your message. Thanks .

Bu i am not always online on this website but I would want to say that I love your culture and like learning languages . I am actually learning a bit of Chinese consonants .-they 're terrible to pronounce but i hope i can make it.

modifier supprimer 3958 - de Camille18 , 19 ans (Canada) - 2010-04-27
Colombe - "SWEET!!!"

You're looking so relax and sweet! I'm in peace with me and the world me too. I speek french and I live in Quebec city. If you wanna meet me, write an e-mail!

3958 -
modifier supprimer 9194 - Réponse de salomon201 , 19 ans (Côte d'Ivoire) - 2012-01-13

i love tender doves too

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modifier supprimer 5075 - Réponse de monia220 , 14 ans (Burundi) - 2010-09-18

salut j'ai voulu t'écrire car j'adore l'intitulé colombe comme signe de la paix en soi j'aimerai plus te connaitre see you

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modifier supprimer 4918 - Réponse de Iman144 , 16 ans (Australie) - 2010-08-31

ur sooo lucky you know french... ive been trying to study it for a year and it was soo hard... i really adore th french language.

3958 -
modifier supprimer 4060 - Réponse de Camille18 , 19 ans (Canada) - 2010-05-10

Hello! I love your name. I live in Quebec so I speek french. Why do you like this bird? Is it for what it represents?

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modifier supprimer 4054 - Réponse de maranda75 , 17 ans (USA) - 2010-05-10

hello. my name is maranda im 17 female from usa.

modifier supprimer 3938 - de MEKWEY84 (Ghana) - 2010-04-24


modifier supprimer 3296 - de arika megane84 (Philippines) - 2010-02-03
Colombe - "good evening!"

i love dove. ahm howdie?

modifier supprimer 3084 - de Helen215 , 11 ans (USA) - 2010-01-10
Colombe - "doves"

i have a friend whos name is dove. shes nice.

3084 -
modifier supprimer 5331 - Réponse de EMMANUEL206 (Burkina Faso) - 2010-10-13

slt helene je serai ravi de corresponre avec toi si tu le veux.JE SUIS ELEVE BURKINABE DE TEIN NOIR DE 175CM JAI LES CHEVAUX.

3084 -
modifier supprimer 3259 - Réponse de Helen118 , 12 ans (USA) - 2010-01-28

She signed up for this site yesterday.

3084 -
modifier supprimer 3124 - Réponse de Lola173 (USA) - 2010-01-15


modifier supprimer 1917 - de semwogerere0 , 19 ans (Ouganda) - 2009-08-30
Colombe - "How lovely ma dove is!!!!!!!!!!!"

hi friends, the reveals to me how much some thing might be faithful, lovely,wecoming.
it's like i love you all.

1917 -
modifier supprimer 5330 - Réponse de Donavon77 , 11 ans (USA) - 2010-10-13

Hello my name is Donavon Blackman.What is YOUR name?

1917 -
modifier supprimer 2032 - Réponse de Samuel212 , 22 ans (Burundi) - 2009-09-14

je suis burundaise je déjà termine mes étide secondaire
je eu la chance de venir en europer mentenand je suis en Belgique.
je parle 3langue France,kirundi la langue national du Burundi,et le

1917 -
modifier supprimer 2025 - Réponse de Habib220 , 26 ans (Bénin) - 2009-09-13

Thanks for your concern about dove. it is very an adorable bird

modifier supprimer 1777 - de lollie2 , 10 ans (Australie) - 2009-08-14
Colombe - "i have a friend that has doves!!!!!!!!!!!!"

hi i have this weird friend that has doves as pets when ever i go over to their house i can see their doves flying about but the cool thing is that they trained them to come back to come back!! and they did that in less than a year!!!! well hope u comment bye

1777 -
modifier supprimer 5123 - Réponse de Kaley16 , 11 ans (USA) - 2010-09-23

Hi Iollie,
I love white doves.
Your pen pal,

1777 -
modifier supprimer 4055 - Réponse de maranda75 (USA) - 2010-05-10

doves are amazing animals they are beautiful, graceful, and so peaceful. i love them so much because to me the represent freedom, and peace

1777 -
modifier supprimer 2026 - Réponse de Habib220 , 26 ans (Bénin) - 2009-09-13

Thanks for your concern about dove. it is very an adorable bird

modifier supprimer 1716 - de joel203 , 21 ans (Burkina Faso) - 2009-08-06
Colombe - "recherhe du sens"

je voudrais tout simplement connaitre le sens du mot colombe

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modifier supprimer 35692 - Réponse de Adélie35 , 10 ans (France) - 2023-06-10

moi aussi

1716 -
modifier supprimer 27399 - Réponse de aimé mac julian157 , 24 ans (Congo) - 2014-09-25

colombe, est d'abord un signe de paix et de pureté, pour cela , je définirai la colombe comme un un oiseau pur et saint symbole du bien.

1716 -
modifier supprimer 1979 - Réponse de jaures207 , 12 ans (Côte d'Ivoire) - 2009-09-08

colombre veut dire soit sage et dieu te benira

1716 -
modifier supprimer 1938 - Réponse de Amadou200 , 21 ans (Mali) - 2009-09-01

Salue c'est moi Barry Amadou j'aimerai correspondre avec vous.

modifier supprimer 1337 - de Alina2 , 12 ans (USA) - 2009-06-18
Colombe - "Doves are so peaceful.............."

Doves remind me of peace and happiness. They're really cool.

1337 -
modifier supprimer 35693 - Réponse de Adélie35 , 10 ans (France) - 2023-06-10


1337 -
modifier supprimer 2027 - Réponse de Habib220 , 26 ans (Bénin) - 2009-09-13

Thanks for your concern about dove. it is very an adorable bird

1337 -
modifier supprimer 1776 - Réponse de lollie2 , 10 ans (Australie) - 2009-08-14

i'm not a big fan of doves but i do like how they r a sign of peace

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