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modifier supprimer 33148 - de Charlotte219 , 11 ans (France) - 2018-04-16
Méduse - "Les méduses"

J'ai toujours peur de me faire piquer par ça.
Ca peut être beau à voir, mais dans un aquarium !

modifier supprimer 32202 - de Sofia23 , 11 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2017-03-21
Méduse - "Jellyfish as pets"

I have 2 jellyfishes called JIM and JOI and they are the best but if you think you want one be warned they are very high maintenance because you have to make sure the water is the right temperature and that you find the right foods for it. But if you put in enough work they are the best

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modifier supprimer 32601 - Réponse de Bailey27 , 10 ans (USA) - 2017-09-19

i love jelly fish your really lucky you can keep them as pets :D

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modifier supprimer 32306 - Réponse de trevor 251 (Canada) - 2017-05-02

hi me to i love jelly fish they are so cool right

modifier supprimer 31969 - de Sofia132 , 10 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2016-12-29
Méduse - "Jelly Fish"

Jellyfish are so cool and I have two pet jellyfish their names are Jim and Joi

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modifier supprimer 31993 - Réponse de nina165 , 16 ans (Australie) - 2017-01-05

why do you like jellyfish. and cant you teach me Japanise

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modifier supprimer 31989 - Réponse de Sophia184 , 10 ans (USA) - 2017-01-05

I love jellyfish. Where did you get pet ones though? i REALLY want one.

modifier supprimer 31818 - de Ezara223 , 15 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2016-11-09
Méduse - "Jelly fish"

I love Jellyfish... but whats weird is that I get compared to one? my mom calls me a jelly fish because in her eyes im "beautiful" (im not) and when Im mean I get nasty aka you get too close and rude to me I will sting you XD

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modifier supprimer 34071 - Réponse de ponette180 (USA) - 2019-09-28

i've pet moon jellyfish before

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modifier supprimer 34057 - Réponse de ori125 (Israël) - 2019-09-10

Does anyone here pet his/hers pet jelly fish??

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modifier supprimer 33227 - Réponse de Amaya235 (USA) - 2018-05-23

It's okay. I get compared to jelly fish too.

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modifier supprimer 31994 - Réponse de miorf165 (Algérie) - 2017-01-05


modifier supprimer 31696 - de Marie85 , 16 ans (France) - 2016-09-28
Méduse - "Jellyfish, a long love story"

Happy to see that I'm not the only one to love jellyfish,they are so cute,I love those who make some light (o.o) Tbh, I would like to be a jellyfish

modifier supprimer 31206 - de Avalon12 , 9 ans (USA) - 2016-04-22
Méduse - "Cool jellyfish!"

Jellyfish are SOO cool! I love their clear skin and how beautiful they are! but when I lived in Florida last year they stung me like crazy!

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modifier supprimer 34072 - Réponse de ponette180 (USA) - 2019-09-28

ouch, do you know what kind of jellyfish stung you?

modifier supprimer 27696 - de Aquana214 , 16 ans (Japon) - 2014-11-29
Méduse - "Kawaii Jell Fish^=^"

I love Jelly Fish!!.They are so kawaii.They seems just like toys^*^

modifier supprimer 10288 - de Bethonie20 , 15 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2012-05-25
Méduse - "Jellyfish coping with anything"

I've loved jellyfish for as long as I can remember. They're amazing. I was studying for a science exam when I came across a piece about a group of jellyfish in a salt-water pond kind of thing, and none of them could get into the sea where all the nutrients are, so they would all die. Some how, they got plankton inside of them, and then the plankton made food from the sun (photosynthesis and that), which the jellyfish stole. They acted like plants, but they were still jellyfish. I just thought this sounded really cool. Jellyfish are amazing creatures.

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modifier supprimer 13591 - Réponse de Chole252 , 13 ans (Chine) - 2013-09-06

Hey jellyfish is my favourite fish too I like them because they are Crystal clear

modifier supprimer 7717 - de Fern155 , 9 ans (Nouvelle Zélande) - 2011-07-23
Méduse - "Jellyfish"

Jellyfish look like harmless plastic pages
drifting through the the sea.
But they feel like powerlines exploding
as they brush againist your knee

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modifier supprimer 33969 - Réponse de Angi14 , 13 ans (USA) - 2019-06-22

This is the best poem I've ever read about jellyfish (well, it's the only, but that's beside the point. It's amazing.).

modifier supprimer 6844 - de Nicky118 , 12 ans (USA) - 2011-04-01
Méduse - "Jelly fish"

I think jelly fish are extremely beautiful, complex and amazing. They are incredible, but they really hurt. When I was in 3rd grade my mom signed me up for surf camp. I was stung really badly while waiting for the tide to come in. My teachers response was "You got stung by a jelly, thats like totally righteous." After that "righteous" comment, things got really ugly. Others were concerned, him not so much. Next time he gets stung as bad as I did, I'd like to see his face as someone tells him how cool it is for an hour.

modifier supprimer 5611 - de Jade180 , 23 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2010-11-13
Méduse - "If we evolved from jelly fish......"

Jelly fish have been my favourite animal since I watched a documentary with my boyfriend about the beginnings of the human race, where it said that we evolved from single-cell organisms in the sea.....

I was mocked forever and a day for coming out with the line:

"If we evolved from jelly fish..... why do I like pretty things?"

It was supposed to be philosophical and profound! Hahaha. Y'know, if we evolved using survival instincts, how did we develop an appreciation of beauty, art etc..... Clearly I did not make my point very clearly! :-D :-P

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modifier supprimer 5810 - Réponse de kellie87 , 14 ans (USA) - 2010-12-04

Are you saying you don't think we evolved from Jelly fish?

modifier supprimer 3488 - de Katrina234 , 13 ans (USA) - 2010-02-26
Méduse - "Jelly-like fish???"

jelly fish are very interesing...
but they aren't like a fish...
they're more like pink pudding that floats in the water and stings you if you get too close O.o
I've never been stung though xD

modifier supprimer 2602 - de Apryl113 , 14 ans (USA) - 2009-11-11
Méduse - "Hey Hey!"

Lol! I love jelly fish! They are amazing... XD

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modifier supprimer 27564 - Réponse de Emilie162 , 14 ans (France) - 2014-10-29

They are to cute. xD AND THEY FREAKIN TASTE SO GOOD. (creepy girl hohoho)

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modifier supprimer 13592 - Réponse de Chole252 , 13 ans (Chine) - 2013-09-06

I think they are Crystal clear

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modifier supprimer 3338 - Réponse de harry138 , 13 ans (Corée) - 2010-02-06

I'm itersted in jelly fish but I think jelly fish is dangerous....

modifier supprimer 498 - de Johanna215 , 14 ans (Autriche) - 2009-03-03
Méduse - "Jelly fish! :D"

Lol xD Yeah.. when I hear this word.. "jelly fish".. I'd like to laugh out loud.. 'Cause it sounds funny, and I always remember "Spongebob Squarepants".. Maybe you know, he loves to go jelly fishing xD < 3

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modifier supprimer 3818 - Réponse de kelsey152 , 11 ans (USA) - 2010-04-08

i so agree with you LOL

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modifier supprimer 1055 - Réponse de danielle229 , 16 ans (USA) - 2009-05-15

haha I've actually been stung by one because i live by the beach!!

modifier supprimer 486 - de Abigail107 , 11 ans (Grande Bretagne) - 2009-03-02
Méduse - "jellyfish"

Jelly fish are odd, they bouce around! I would hate to be stung though!

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modifier supprimer 31207 - Réponse de Avalon12 , 9 ans (USA) - 2016-04-22

Haha! I used to live in Florida and I would get stung all the time. It doesn't hurt that much though, and I just put some protective cream where I got stung.

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modifier supprimer 5701 - Réponse de Kaley16 , 11 ans (USA) - 2010-11-22

You could prevent jelly fish stings by wearing protective lotion. If you get stung, you could rub meat tenderizer on the wound.
Your pen pal,

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modifier supprimer 1056 - Réponse de Danielle229 , 16 ans (USA) - 2009-05-15

i live in california right next to the beach and i have been stung!!! it really hurts but all you have to do is rub some sand on it!!! haha

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