| So, then. A lot of people are very serious about the whole couple thing.
And actually, a lot of whovians have deserted Doctor Who because The Doctor likes someone who they dislike.
I mean, let's be reasonable here, whovians.
If you were a Time Lord,
and you had a Tardis,
And you're planet was gone,
and you find comfort in humans,
but humans lives were faster then yours and they only died once,
and say you were deeply 'in love' with a human woman.
She dies, either by old age, sickness, etc.
You're lonely.
And not many people know what it's like to be really lonely.
And when they do grasp it, they grasp it for a second and then it's gone.
With only a pit of slight panic in your stomach as a trace.
In your despair,
you pick up any random person to have just a bit of company.
Even if the one you pick up is by accident.
Or that she's a ginger who is bold and insulting*.
But anyhow, she's company.
And you're comforted a little.
So then the entire thing happens over and over and over,
and you go through long laps of despair, panic and grief.
But then, it's those little things that make us.
Like a little ghost-buster song**, or a comment about a yellow fruit***.
So, all in all, if you watched a season or two of Doctor Who, you're mind will have already been sharpened. But still, try not to get too angry if the Doctor gets another female companion whom he loves.
Because imagine what the life of a Time Lord is like in it's fullest.
*Donna Noble
**Army of Ghosts
***Girl in the Fireplace |
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