Everything ballet! - My Tips And Tricks

Hi lovelies!!
It's Jadey! So todays tips and tricks are about strengthing ankles for Pointe :O Something pointe omg.
So let's get into it :)(Btw the background is green bc I feel like green)

#1. Strengthen your arch: So I have pretty good ballet arches in my foot (top and bottom) but my teacher tells me if you have great arches they're normally weak so you have to strengthen them. What I use is a thera band. In Australia you can get thera bands from sports shops or physios. If you can't access them you can look online. I will link the website I would use at the bottom of this post.

The stretch: 1. Sit on the floor and put one leg out. 2. Wrap the thera band around the ball of your foot. 3.Go through your feet like a tendu. So I go: Flex, Demi, Point, Point, Demi, Flex. about 15-25 ties on each foot.

#2. Strengthen your ankles: RISES: So I hold onto a wall, table, barre, door, desk, ETC and do rises. So I just do some rises on both feet together. And then one at a time keep the foot not being used the toe touching my ankle, repeat on both sides.

So those are my tips. If they helped you let me know :) Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Welcome to my first entry to "My Tips And Tricks" section where I will be sharing my ballet tips a tricks, Ballet buns, Steps, Stretches, Shoes, Don't forget to ask questions in my "Your questions answered" section. That has been down for quite a few months now and I am very sorry, It is now up and running, So post your questions their or email me:

I will answer your questions at the end of every week

Okay now this week, I need YOU to send me your questions as in Australia it is Tuesday. Okay so I thought I'd let you guys know about some notes I took that were in my information booklet for the musical I'm in.


*Drink as much water as you can, It is your life source!
*Cut down on suguar drink eg. Soft Drink/Soda, Cordial, Especially energy drinks like 'Red Bull', 'V', 'Monster', ETC
*Eat breakfast, If you have trouble with cereal try oatmeal or something lighter like fruit eg. a banana, watermelon, mango, etc.
*Try and add more super nutritional foods into your meals, like potatoes, carrots, spinach, brocherly and cabbage


*Get as much sleep as you can
*Eat helpful sleep foods like Banana's, Popcorn, Chai Seeds, Wheat Germ, Valerian Tea, Cherry Juice, A Turkey Burger, Cheese and Crackers and Sunflower Seeds
*Make a sleep conducive environment, This includes a lack of computer, phone or television screens an hour before sleep time, Reading a book, Minimal yellow to red (not white or blue) lighting and even an eye mask to help block out extra light.

So those are a few tips on food and sleep from a professional theater company. Remember to ask your questions. Love you all. xoxoxo


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