Welcome to my first entry to "My Tips And Tricks" section where I will be sharing my ballet tips a tricks, Ballet buns, Steps, Stretches, Shoes, Don't forget to ask questions in my "Your questions answered" section. That has been down for quite a few months now and I am very sorry, It is now up and running, So post your questions their or email me: jadeadelle9@hotmail.com
I will answer your questions at the end of every week
Okay now this week, I need YOU to send me your questions as in Australia it is Tuesday. Okay so I thought I'd let you guys know about some notes I took that were in my information booklet for the musical I'm in.
*Drink as much water as you can, It is your life source!
*Cut down on suguar drink eg. Soft Drink/Soda, Cordial, Especially energy drinks like 'Red Bull', 'V', 'Monster', ETC
*Eat breakfast, If you have trouble with cereal try oatmeal or something lighter like fruit eg. a banana, watermelon, mango, etc.
*Try and add more super nutritional foods into your meals, like potatoes, carrots, spinach, brocherly and cabbage
*Get as much sleep as you can
*Eat helpful sleep foods like Banana's, Popcorn, Chai Seeds, Wheat Germ, Valerian Tea, Cherry Juice, A Turkey Burger, Cheese and Crackers and Sunflower Seeds
*Make a sleep conducive environment, This includes a lack of computer, phone or television screens an hour before sleep time, Reading a book, Minimal yellow to red (not white or blue) lighting and even an eye mask to help block out extra light.
So those are a few tips on food and sleep from a professional theater company. Remember to ask your questions. Love you all. xoxoxo |