Celebrities, People
Ewan McGregor - Movie

His movies
That's the first movie I see him in and that's Big Fish

That's the story of Edward Bloom's life (OMG he's sooo cute!!!). He always tells things (his adventures that he lived when he was younger and it's played by Ewan McGregor). He exagerates and his son didn't talk to him anymore because of the way he acts. But one day the old Edward become sick and his son decides to go see him and we see all the exagerated stories until the death of the old Edward, it's sad but it's a comedie at the same time. That's one of my favorite movie of Ewan McGregor because he smiles all the time in it :)
Some pictures of the movie( with the awsome Ewan XD)

The second one is Moulin Rouge

That's Moulin rouge and Christian poet penniless and he fall in love with a courtesan Satine in the Moulin Rouge but they cannot show their love to anyone else because Satine have to be give( the girlfriend)to the duke or the Moulin Rouge fall appart. In the end, when find out that Satine is sick and she will die but Christian don't know that and it's make a big mess to finish with the death of the woman he loves. It's a musical comedie and it wonderfull how the stoty evoles and I think I've cry each times I see this movie and you have to watch it one time in your life.(Psst... Ewan is marvelouse in this movie... he always cute ;P)
My favorite quote
- The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be love in return.-
- Come what may , I will love you until my dying day.-

Some pictures of the movie (Snniff...Just to see this I think I'm gonna cry T-T)

The third one his The Island

That's the story of Lincon, who is living in underground former military base because the big boss told them that the world outside his dead. Finally, he discover that the big boss was lying and he was a clone for his organs and he want to find his purchaser to explain the situation to deliver all the clones used like piece of meat to butcher. In this movie Ewan is not cute, he's sexy(NOT sexy...HOT!!!). We see that he made a lot of execises to have this role.
Some pictures of the movie (It's a movie with actions and we can see two Ewan too :D)

Movies I want to see
The Ghost Writer

wait! I did have the time do write something
Some pictures (with Ewan!!!)

Angels and Demons

This one i've just saw the end and ewan was a priest and he want to beacome the pope but he fail and i did understand the rest of the story soooo! I have to watch it because the end was good!
Some pictures


| His life | Movie | His cuteness |
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