Celebrities, People
Mindless Behavior - Albums, Tours & Biography


Win Mindless Behaviors latest album! just go to MindlessBehavior.com and enter to win there new CD plus a signed poster!!
1.) Intro 2.) #1 Girl 3.) Hello
4.) My Girl 5.) Uh-Oh 6.) Hook It Up
7.) Missing You 8.) Future 9.) Gone
10.) Girls Talkin Bout 11.) Mrs Right

Christmas With My Girl
The newest Mindless Behavior song perfect for the holidays!

January 21- Houston TX, US
February 13- Brussels, Belgium
February 19- London, UK
February 22- Manchester, UK
February 23- Birmingham, UK
Mindless Behavior stir u frenzy wherever they go. Mingling R&B grooves, pop hooks, and hip hop swag, the teen quartet- Prodigy, Roc Royal, Ray Ray, and Princeton- has quickly become a modern musical phenimenon with and army of screaming fans flollowng then everywhere.anthems On their denut album from Screamline/Conjunction/interscope Records, #1 Girl the group fuels up that hysteria with numerous worldwide anthems. There's another dimension to this experience. Each member boasts an eye-catching, 21st century fashion sensibility as well as impressive and incendiary dance moves. In the tradition of The Jackson Five, New Edition, and B2K, they're the nee vangaurd for pop. They're Mindless Behavior says reporter
In 2008, Mindless Behavior was born from a concept created by Conjunction Entertainment Inc. CEO Walter Millsap and Streamline Records head Vincent Herbert. An open audition was helf by Conjunction's Millsap Keisha Gamble, songwriter, Candice Nelson, and choreographer David Scottin Los Angeles. Among over 600 kids, Prodigy, Pricnetpn, Roc Royal and Ray Ray shined the brightest, instently charming the team of solidifying the lineup. For the next two years, they immersed themselves in music, deveoping their singular sound and style under the guidence of Herbert and Millsap. Soon afterwarsd, IGA chairman Jimmy lovine signed Mindless Behavior to the lable says Reporter/interviewer
The Chemistry between the boys proved kemetic from the moment they enterd a rehearsal room together. Given his penchant for quickly learing new styles, Prodigy weilds incredible dance and vocal skills. Ray Ray stuidied under lengendary L.A. bettle dancer Tommy the Clown, while Roc Royal started to rap at eight-years-old. Princeton kicked of his career at the age of four, starring in commercials for Skevhers, McDonalds, and Nike as well as music videos. Princeton said, "' We clicked from the first day we met because we all love music and performing. On stage, we all go out.'"
Audiences felt the passion as Mindless Behavior swiftly went from touring high schools to opening sold-out tours for Backstreet Boys (This Is Us) and Justin Bieber. A Fervor for the music swept through crowds on the strength of their first single "My Girl" in 2010.A propulsive pop gem, the song is almost at 14 million views on YouTube,and it was nominated for a 2011 "Viewers Choice" BET Award


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