What sort of music / films does AnnaSophia like?
"I like all sorts of music, it really depends on my mood. Right now, some of my favourites are Coldplay, U2, Pink Floyd, Fat Freddys Drop, some 3oh!3 songs, and lots of others. Films are the same sort of deal; it depends on my mood. But some of my top favs are the Thelma and Louis, the Bourne movies, Slumdog Millionaire, The Goonies, and Tropic Thunder. I'm also very excited to see the new Harry Potter!"
Does AnnaSophia maintain her own website?
No, but she is consulted and answers questions.
Does AnnaSophia read the emails that are sent via the contact form on her website?
Not all of them, just the ones that talk about creative ideas for changing the world.
Does AnnaSophia have a MySpace / Facebook / Bebo account?
AnnaSophia only has a MySpace account, which is maintained by her publicist and this official website. That is it, no Facebook, no Bebo. We will let you know if she does anything else. Her MySpace is: www.myspace.com/ANNASOPHIAROBB
How can I write to AnnaSophia and does she read the letters she receives?
AnnaSophia tries to read and respond to as many letters as she can with the limited time she has. She does have very caring people that open all the letters and make sure that either she or they respond to everyone.
What does AnnaSophia think of private photos of her being published on unofficial fan sites?
It really bothers her that people do not respect her privacy, and would appreciate if people would stop posting personal photos as well as posing as her on sites such as facebook, myspace, twitter, and other websites.
Does AnnaSophia personally have any control over the way she is presented in the media - photographs, magazine articles, TV interviews, newspaper reports etc.?
90% of the time AnnaSophia has no control over what the media posts. Sometimes magazines ask for photos and will let her proof the article before it is published. But most of the time, she will do a photo shoot and the magazine has the final say on which pictures they use. Most writers will do an interview and that is all the input she gets. TV will edit parts of the interview and she does not have control over what they select.
How can I find out on which projects AnnaSophia is working on at the moment?
Her recent news web page, on this website, will let you know what she is working on. Right now, she is working on getting a number of projects off the ground. Because things can change quickly, she does not want to list a "future project" unless she knows when it will actually shoot.
(www.annasophiarobb.com, FAQs page) |