Countries of the World
Torornto Ontario Canada - History

The History of Toronto:
An 11,000-year Journey
Toronto, on the north shore of Lake Ontario, is the largest of Canada's vibrant urban centres. It is the hub of the nation's commercial, financial, industrial, and cultural life, and is the capital of the Province of Ontario. People have lived here since shortly after the last ice age, although the urban community only dates to 1793 when British colonial officials founded the 'Town of York' on what then was the Upper Canadian frontier. That backwoods village grew to
become the 'City of Toronto' in 1834, and through its subsequent evolution and expansion Toronto has emerged as one of the most liveable and multicultural urban places in the world today.


| Information | City Budget | History | Points of interest | Roads | Public Transportation | Train system | Communitie |
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Torornto Ontario Canada - History (Countries of the World)    -    Author : Aryan - Canada

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