Horse Sparkle - English Apparel

Here is some info on what to wear when riding English!

ALWAYS wear a helmet when riding. If you are anything like me and have done a lot of riding research, you have probably heard that a LOT. But, seriously. It can save your life. Would rather live to tell the tale of your fantastic fall or be lying in a coma or a coffin? Think that's harsh? I do. But that's how necessary it is.

Riding Boots and Chaps

There is a special footwear wear for riding. It is called riding boots.
You can either wear a tall boot, or a paddock boot with half chaps. You can also wear just regular chaps but they aren't as common with English.
Breeches or Jodhpurs

It helps riding if you can grip the horse's side better. That is one of the reasons equestrian's wear breeches!
Breeches can all be very different, some are short, some long. Some are black, some tan, some have kneepatches some full-seat. When You need to decide which would fulfill you and your horses needs.


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