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1383048 Olivia (age 19, Australia)
I am a 13 year old girl, my favourite music depends what mood I am in, and it is the same with my favourite colour. I really love to learn french, but i only know a little bit! I hope that someone will talk to me! 🌊💛
I can speak: English French Japanese |
Photo Trips Clothes Sports Sciences Music Reading Animals, Nature Painting, Drawing, Art
| MY PREFERENCES... | My favorite color... | Yellow | My favorite animal... | Tiger | My favorite sport... | Boxing | My style of music... | RAP | My style of cinema, TV... | Youth | My favorite subject at school... | Break | My ideal job... | Writer | My favorite time... | In the last century | I dream of living... | At the seaside | In my ideal world... | Wars no longer exist and people are forever in a joyful mood |