Italie : informations généralesItalie : informations détailléesItalie : blogsItalie : Galerie photos (87 photos)vacances, tourisme


Vous aimez ce pays ? Dites-nous pourquoi (lieux à découvrir, les habitants...) :
zale issa (burkina faso) - 07/02/2004 : j'aime ce pays tout simplement parce que j'ai une très grande envie d'apprendre la langue italienne.merci d'avance
alonso (México) - 16/02/2004 : Hola desde México!,quiero decirles que Italia es uno de mis paises favoritos en el mundo, lo admiro por su rica historia por su musica,su comida,y la encantadora gente italiana. saludos de un mexicano enamorado de ITALIA. Si alguien quiere escribirme puede hacerlo a:
Suvi (Finland) - 18/02/2004 : I visited Rome last autumn at I fell in love immediately.Rome is the most beautiful place I've ever been!
Kristen (Us ) - 21/02/2004 : I have a city i need and i was hoping to find it here but no i cant so... i was wondering if u could help me with Vatican City Italy i need it before Feb.25 Please help !!!
azim (france) - 13/04/2004 : il est bien
chanzie (italy) - 21/04/2004 : i love cheese and swety wine
alexia allen (miami) - 21/04/2004 : this is thebest website in the world theres so much about one country that it is breath taking.!!!!!!!
Ray (Italy) - 28/04/2004 : can you guys show me historical people please.
Manok Nayiri (France) - 04/05/2004 : J'aime beaucoup l'Italie parce que j'ai fait un exposé sur l'Italie.
paola (france) - 05/05/2004 : je suis d'origie italienne et j'adore ce pays. le site est très complet j'ai pu préparer mon exposé!!!!!allez en italie!! c le plu bo pays du monde!!! ciao
Hazz (UK) - 18/06/2004 : Anyone know where i can just find out about Venice?!!
french (sandra&virginie) - 26/06/2004 : hi! we just want to find an italian penfriend: we really like this country and so, we 'd like to make a film about italians teenagers and also to meet them!
clarisse (belgique) - 21/07/2004 : ce pays est ma-gni-fi-que !!!! j'ai visité florence est c tro bo !!! et les italiens ils sont tellement bo !!! this country is wonderful !!!! i visited florence it very very beautiful !!! and italians , they are very beatuiful too !!!
mad (france) - 27/07/2004 : connaisser vous la devise de l Italie merci a vous
Ryan O'keefe (United States) - 19/08/2004 : My grandma and grampa grew up here, It's beutiful!!
enes (türkiye) - 20/08/2004 : bir kýz vardý ailesiyle efese gemiyle geldi birde erkek kardeþi vardý 28 nolu otobüsün en önünde oturuyordu ona aþýk oldum lütfen onun adýný resmini nerede oturduðunu gönderirseniz sevinirim
Caterina (Russia) - 07/09/2004 : Sono Caterina della Russia. Adoro l'Italia. Penso è splendida paese e vorrei visitare un giorno.
bidilou (congo) - 15/09/2004 : je veux bien apprendre la langue tout parceque j'adore ce pays
bidilou (congo) - 15/09/2004 : svp donnee des pages en français
Kelsey (United States) - 19/09/2004 : I think you should this website if it wanted to be awsome than you would want to have some inportant words in the language like hello and good-bye
marion (france) - 02/10/2004 : C'est trop bien mais j'aimerais savoir la largeur est-ouest de l'italie svp merci
Giulia (Italia) - 05/10/2004 : Sono di Roma
lauren Pikor (Itlay) - 26/10/2004 : Italy has one flag that has three green the other white and then red.
krystaaaaaaa (Itlay) - 26/10/2004 : some of the flags in italy are red white and blue and it has stars oh wait thats the usa sorry?!
Céline (France) - 26/10/2004 : J'aime beaucoup l'Italie,car c'est un pays magnifique. J'apprend l'italien depuis 2 ans,et c'est devenu une véritable passion!
Lee-chan (USA) - 28/10/2004 : Yeah! Italy is cool! In Venice..that's where the 25 minute screening for Final Fantasy VII Advent Children was. I can't wait for that movie...>.
Sophie (France) - 02/11/2004 : Mon pays d'origine !! Pays magnifiques où les hommes sont si beaux et les glaces si bonnes !! Viva Italia !
phil (South Africa) - 03/11/2004 : i really have heard a lot about Italy so how many languages are there ,i really like it ....
Michel (France) - 07/11/2004 : j'adore y a tte les info qu'on a besoin pr un exposer, lol
Marion (France) - 10/11/2004 : Bonjour à tous ! Je viens juste de découvrir ce site et j'en profite pour dire que l'Italie est mon pays préféré, j'ai une passion pour ce pays et surtout sa langue depuis que j'ai 3ans !! Enfin voilà j'aime l'Italie tout simplement...
Federico (Italia!!!!) - 29/11/2004 : Hi everyone!i am italian and very proud to be!visit it because it is very beautiful,in part Genua because is the EUROPEAN CAPITAL OF CULTURE!!but all italy..ciao a tutti!federico..
Florine (France) - 17/12/2004 : Moi, j'adore l'Italie ! C'est le plus beau pays du monde ! Je conseille a tous le monde de visiter au moin une fois ce magnifique pays ! On est si bien là-bas !
uye5i (uyytutye) - 29/12/2004 : j'aime beaucoup se pays parce qu'il représente l'amour la famille et tout ce qu'il ya de beau dans le monde
John (USA) - 10/01/2005 : Italy is good for one thing the food.
Michael (Italy) - 12/01/2005 : Eo capisco umpo litalliono. Eo Litallion. Le comista? Eo morta bena gratcia
The Raffiani Family (usa/ny/fl) - 12/01/2005 : Of what I heard My great grandfather came From France/Italy and I would really love to learn more about it and how my family used to live!
Ivana (USA) - 12/01/2005 : Italy looks so pretty!The food looks good to!I want to go there so bad
kemmy (usa) - 12/01/2005 : i love ur fooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
penguin (usa) - 12/01/2005 : i love italy and i would love to vist there and learn bout the culture there
natachatte (Mongolie) - 17/01/2005 : personnellement j'aime pas ce pays, il est peut-être beau mais les habitants n'ont pas une bonne mentalité
vanessa (USA) - 27/01/2005 : Italia e moltto bella, sono peruvianna, i would really like to visit your country some day,italians are gorgeous,io capisco un piu le italiano, ciao bellos !
Matt (USA) - 27/01/2005 : I'm looking for a map of Medieval Europe.. Please Help
Génesis Liberatoscioli (Venezuela) - 08/02/2005 : Cio. io sto studendo L'Italiano. mio padre e tutta la mia familia sono Italiani. Io sono stata ci quando ero piccolina. io voglio conocere un ragazzo per parlare e practicare quelo io ho inparato. qui il mio E-mail Da Venezuela Latinoamerica. ci' vediamo!
Gianette C.. (canada) - 26/02/2005 : I love your food and I want to go to Italy so badly!!!! Italians Rock!!!!!!!!!!Tiamo Italia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
clémence (france) - 28/02/2005 : j'aime ce pays parce que j'ai des origines italiennes même si je ne parle pas italien ,j'apprends, mais j'aime par dessous tout le soleil, la culture, ... C'est un pays a connaître!!
juate (lithuania) - 05/03/2005 : cio!io sono juate e ti amo italy for its style,people,food and for everything!
bea (calamonte) - 07/03/2005 : hello
DAVID (FRANCE) - 11/03/2005 : i like to visit this country from top to bottom cause it's lovely and the languange wonderfull even i can't speak it fluently.So i really want to connected with italian
Sarahi (mexico df) - 16/03/2005 : Hola bueno yo no he ido a Italia lo q pasa esq tenia q hacer un speech de Italia alprincipio la verdad se me hiso super aburrido porq como ven Italia tiene un buen de informacion historia etc. pero ya una ves q coneces bien pues es super padre por toda la historia q porcierto es muy interesante,la moda ,la comoda su idioma la arquitectura todo.Italia es un pais hermoso ojala y un dia lo puedan visitar
Kira (China) - 23/03/2005 : I like Italy.And I want to find a pen-friend from this beautiful country.
Maria (Russia) - 30/03/2005 : I am in love in Italy and I am going to visit this country in summer. Actually, I don't know the language, but I hope that it won't be so big problem:)I really hope that English has become the worldlanguage:)))))I will be really thankful for every useful information for example if you can advise me the best places to visit-just send me the message:)
Martyna (Poland) - 30/03/2005 : Ciao! I study Italian, and this is beautiful language.
Amy (Taiwan) - 09/04/2005 : i love Italy,and i 'm very love eat Italy food,like pizza,spaghetti.that's delicious
Clare (France) - 24/04/2005 : J'adore ca!! c'etait tres grande et magnificant!!
Nicole (USA) - 03/05/2005 : I woul dlike to learn more about Italy, but I jsy can't seem to find most of the information I need for a country report!! I am getting mad!!
nilay (TURKEY) - 03/05/2005 : we're doing a project and need to helps from ITALIAN students please contact us
tzatziki (Finland) - 09/05/2005 : Ciao! Mi piace Italia very very much ;) Non parlo l'italiano molto bene but lol I am trying to study all the time! Italy is just.... numero uno!
anthony (france) - 05/06/2005 : j'ai l' italie car c'est les origines de ma famille et c'est un pays qui ùme tien a coeur. j'adore ce pays et je souhaite apprendre la langue ciao a presto
merzouk (kabylie) - 06/06/2005 : : An fait, j'ai beacoup entendue parlé de l'italie, mais je veut bien avoir plus d'information sur ce beau pays, et j'aimerai bien le visiter un jour, alors si tu es italien ou italiennes et tu t'intersse aux echange des cultures, c'est avec un grand plaisir que je vai te repondre en m'écrivant.
marion (France) - 07/06/2005 : Mi piace molto l'italia!!!!! Venezia, Napoli, Roma=> 3 città che ho visitato e che sono molto bella!!
connie Buzo (mexico) - 08/08/2005 : Mi piace tanto il paese, la lingua, la gente italiana. Mi piacerebbe avere amici italini.
christopherbennin (Ghana) - 13/08/2005 : Hi I kike Italy very much so I will like to be there one day so I want you to tell me more about Italy
alexius (maryland ) - 12/09/2005 : i want to go to italy i live in md can n e 1 tell me hows italys like ?
jessie draper (australia) - 17/10/2005 : hey i just wantd to write here bcoz no 1 from australia has yet....i am in yr 12 and doin an assignment on the food in italy i am havin so much fun doin this country and will come over there afta i graduate luv yas
Elina (I rather not tell...) - 24/10/2005 : I was hoping for the 'Volare' song to win the eurovision song contest last saturday. It was so cute and I love it! I dont like ABBA at all.
kelly (england) - 03/11/2005 : i went to italy-sorrento last year it was bril n i didnt wanna com home! pompeii was great and so was hicking up da top of the volcano(vesuvius) write to me if you want x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
MAE (ESPAÑA) - 03/11/2005 : Hola.Saludos afectuosos a todos.Soy una apasionada de Italia y me gustaría saber de algún foro donde poder compartir esta pasión con otras personas que se sientan como yo.GRACIAS
amineo (morocco) - 03/11/2005 : oh!vous savez j'aime l'italie et surtous les joueur italiens HOLLA ITALIA! chaw!!!
Rosaria (Italy) - 26/11/2005 : I love my Country, it is a WONDERFUL country, even if its politicians are son of a bitch
Lucie (france) - 20/01/2006 : Bonjour à tous!J'ai un exposé a faire sur l'italie et je recherche la devise de l'Italie!!Est-ce possible que qelqu'un m'aide?!?merci d'avance!!!Salut
flavia (italy) - 24/02/2006 : i live in italy( sardinia) is beatiful. venite a trovarci
Rosie (U.S.A.) - 21/03/2006 : I LOVE Italy!!!! If you feel the same way and want to experience an Italian/Venezuelan/American friend please email me to:
Katelyn (Australia) - 28/03/2006 : Hey I'm in yr8 and am doing Italian as my language choice at school. Im also doin a project about Italy and its cities and individual populations... this site is WAY COOL Ciao xxxx
lysiane (italie ) - 04/04/2006 : ciao io sono frangese ma sono d'origine iltalianna da mia mamA et io vado tutui li anni in italia 3 mesi
ayesha foote (australia) - 11/04/2006 : my dad side of the family are all italians and i love italy we go there every 2nd year and if you want to you can talk to me by email
Sabrina (United States) - 15/04/2006 : Hi! I'm Sabrina. I love Italy. I want to know all about it! Can you teach me more? Oh, and only E-mail me once.
Linyi (Chine) - 24/04/2006 : Au moins 5 personnes m'ont dit qu'ils pensent l'Italie est le plus beau pays du monde... Je veux y aller!!!
Tiphaine (France) - 24/04/2006 : I really LOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVEEE this country, and especially ROme, it's a wonderful city !! ^^
jenness (canada) - 23/06/2006 : my name is jenness, my favorite country i would love togo to would be italy. i always wanted to learn to speak italian and learn the culture and everything i always wanted to learn and know.
Ia (Georgia) - 07/08/2006 : BONGIORNO, i so like Italy and Italian people that i think oneday i go there. I like Italian people humor, actors and cookery. My the greatest regards to Italian people:))
Your'e Northern Kin (Canada) - 25/08/2006 : Italy Is a splendid place, I like it very much. Though Pavarotti (a.k.a Chef Boyardee) shouldnt consume so many 'Spicy Meataballs' as he currently does.
Miguel (Luxembourg) - 04/09/2006 : Buongiorno! I find that Italy is a beautiful country an has its charm of a typical southern European country. The cookery is excellent. The climate is also good. Italian people are nice but I feel that they are a bit snob too.
manuel (Philippines) - 25/11/2006 : I like Italy, its just fantastic to travel through History yet personally feel, touch and see all of them at the present. I have just noticed the bias of Italy for Saints. They are mostly Italians for obvious reasons of course. Ciao Areviderci
francisca (australia) - 10/01/2007 : molto bela italia!!
sarah (U.S.A) - 10/01/2007 : francesco ti amo..I love italy...
karina (usa) - 26/01/2007 : I LOVE ITALY
karina (usa) - 26/01/2007 : one of my dreams is ti visit italy!!!
anna (italy) - 09/02/2007 : i love italy because it's a wonderful country!!i'm born in NAPLES...w a'pizz'!!I LOVE PIZZA!!bye bye to everybody and...come to visit itly!!
Sara (Italy) - 13/02/2007 : Hi at everbody!I'm italian and I very happy for this..but I love also madrid and go in italy..Welcome!
mubarick (ghana) - 04/03/2007 : hi, how are you all doing?i will like to mae friend from all over the world.i will also like to be with italians.
TIFFANY (ENGLAND) - 20/03/2007 : I HATE ITALY!!!!!!
irati (españa) - 27/04/2007 : Italia es lo mas bonito que ay,me encanta.besos a todos los italianos
sara (españa) - 04/05/2007 : ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡VIVA ITALIA!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡VIVA COLE Y DYLAN SPROUSE!!!!!!!!
sara (españa) - 07/05/2007 : italia es lo mas bello,pero sobretodo arezzo
Simone (Italy) - 07/05/2007 : Italy is beautifull i come from Avellino in the sout of italy and my contact is : if you are english or american contact me thanks.
sara (españa) - 10/05/2007 : I love ITALIA, I love AREZZO
Mostafa (Morocco) - 22/05/2007 : I would very much like to visit Italy because of Valerio
sara (espain) - 30/05/2007 : hello I love ITALIA I love AREZZO!!!!!!!!!!!!
Davide (Italia) - 11/07/2007 : Viva l'italia è il paese più bello del mondo e si mangia da dio !!!
Kouagou josias (benin) - 18/07/2007 : J'aime l'Italie parceque celà me plait de conprendre la langue Italiènne
MELANIA (italia) - 18/07/2007 : Ciao!!!! sono melania!! cerco corrispondenza!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oceane (france) - 22/07/2007 : je trouve que l'italie et l'un des plus beau pays du monde en plus il y a beaucoup de beau garcon et la nourriture est trés bonne, les gens trés acceuillant et trés gentille
Anna (Thailand) - 22/07/2007 : Hello! :D
Tony (france) - 18/08/2007 : je suis né en italie,je vis en france et je sais que bientot je retournerai definitivement dans mon pays d origine plus particulierement en toscane pour y peindre,y vivre et profiter pleinement de cette richesse culturelle,qui vien avec moi?
*nina* (italia) - 13/09/2007 : ebbasta con napoli..xD Visit Firenze, Siena, Riccione, Isola d'Elba !!
Mélissa (France) - 06/10/2007 : Pourquoi c'est pas en Français? bon tant pis. J'adore cette langue!! J'aimerais trop aller dans ce pays!!
Mélissa (France) - 06/10/2007 : J'aimerais trop avoir un(e) correspondant(e) en Italie!!Je fais de l'Italien au collège
Namouna (italie) - 07/10/2007 : eh bien moi apres avoir fait erasmus dans le sud en campanie, je fais l'assistante de français en toscane, région magnifique, une des plus belles si ce n'est lA plus crois être completement fascinée par la langue et la culture italienne, peut etre meme que j'y vivrai plus tard?!...
djezzy (cote d'ivoire) - 07/10/2007 : je suis à la recherche d'une corresponte Italienne
Natalia (Poland) - 08/10/2007 : Ciao! Non capisco in Italiano... :):) I love Italy! Last year I go for Italy and in this year (summer) i go for Italy too (Rossapineta) kiss for all :*** Ciao!
carla (italia) - 25/10/2007 : vengo dalla sicilia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
rusty (united states) - 13/11/2007 : yes i reeaalllyyy do
josie (usa) - 13/11/2007 : yes i rally rally rally rally rally rally rally rally do like it am cool ur not get over it.
wally (usa) - 13/11/2007 : am not cool but i like usa better then rome b@#%$
*nina* (italia) - 14/11/2007 : ..and i like americans lol
Chiara (italia) - 22/11/2007 : Roma e Venezia sono le città più belle in assoluto...e per parlare di personaggi italiani..qualcuno conosce Giovanni Allevi??? Bravissimooo!
elizabeth (usa) - 27/02/2008 : italy is wonderful i love, all of there places as well as art work it's beautiful
blufaayesz (new zealand) - 28/02/2008 : italy sounds like a relly really really cool place i would like to go there 1 day....
DaLeY (New Zealand) - 28/02/2008 : One day i would love to go Italy.. I would also LOVE to learn their language and taste their types of food... Ive seen that Italy is very beautiful by all the images.. Keep Italy alive.. aiite.. peace out..
tbd (italie) - 26/03/2008 : tro bien
Katerina (Belarus) - 30/03/2008 : Ciao tutti!;-)Italia e una bellissima paese,la sua natura:le montagne,le piace tutto!!!!:-)San Pellegrino Terme e una localita meravigliosa!!!Ciao a tutti italiani e a tutti sanpellegrinesi!!!!!Sono stata in Italia ,studio l'italiano e spero che arrivero ancora una volta!
ilknur (turkey) - 06/04/2008 : slm türkiye!len birasda bizim dilimizden konuþun:D
Alberto (Italy) - 09/04/2008 : If someone over 18 years old had the curiosity about Italy or Italians, or would like information about my country I will be happy to give him!
geget et sylav (france) - 10/04/2008 : nou on fai 1 diapo sur l'italie
siop (france) - 10/04/2008 : c top cool l'italie j'adoooooooooooresauf materrazizi
Francesco (Italy) - 20/04/2008 : Ciao a tutti!
prasad (India) - 26/04/2008 : Hi my Italy Brothers and Sisters!!!!Next month my girl friend is comming to your countrey:) plese take care of her. might be i will come late till that time dont give any trouble.i hope u all very good peoplethankyou every one
aleja2009 (Venezuela) - 17/09/2015 : Hola un saludo desde Venezuela, Italia es realmente hermosa quisiera regresar
Vittoria (Italy) - 26/05/2016 : L'ITALIA E' BELLISSIMA!!!!!ITALY IS WODERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!;);;););););)
Katerine (Allemagne ) - 31/05/2016 : J'aime trop ce pays...

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Italie : informations culturelles et touristiques
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